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Everything posted by jordan

  1. I signed it glad to any time. jordan
  2. Welcome aboard, Nice crappie W2G. don't know about yur question????? jordan
  3. NIce Bow W2G. jordan
  4. welcome aboard!!!!!!!!! jordan
  5. Nice fish and nice backround i think i know where that spot is. hahahah lol jordan
  6. Niced big bow. Man the Niagara river looks hot form all the reportas iam seeing around jordan
  7. Nice brown. Man that is some heavy rain W2G guys jordan
  8. Nice small bow, And the backround is nice 2 W2G. jordan
  9. Wow that last one is a big fish nice day to W2G jordan
  10. Nice fish Guys W2G the weather waz good to. Nice pic of the dam jordan
  11. Nice fish guys W2G and the weather not a cloud in the sky. jordan
  12. Okuma Sheffield that is the one i wanted it looks kool sweet thanks good to know that it is a good reel. jordan
  13. thanks for all the infomation. not sure which one i want but this is a start. jordan
  14. Welcome a board there is a wealth of information on here. jordan
  15. those r nice fishing tempatures i will have to try to get out then. jordan
  16. W2G there's some nice fish u caught there. jordan
  17. not that much 1500 wow mabe 300 hundred to start me off jordan
  18. Iam thinking of getting a center pin for float fishing can anyone suggest any good makes and how they liked it and any dislikes about it i have a spinning reel right now but u just can get as good of a drift with them so any hope u can help me out. thanks jordan
  19. I want to target all of those fish but dont have any ideas mabe when iam older and have more time dam school. those are the fish i want to go after 1. Lake Trout mabe in a river if i get lucky 2. Salmon would like to go downrigging for them 3.Brookies 4.Brown trout mabe in a river 5.Sturgeon jordan
  20. 17 for 23 man that is a great day i thought 2 waz a good day man where have i been W2G jordan
  21. Nice fish man i bet u had the river to your self on a tuesday i wish i could get out as much as u. jordan
  22. Nice fish anr luv the back round W2G on the fish jordan
  23. nice fish looks like u got the river to your self nice jordan
  24. Saugeen Shores we did not go past Deeny's Dam jordan
  25. nice fish W2G jordan
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