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Posts posted by douG

  1. Beats, you are right along with me there. I couldn't add words to describe this trip.


    Since you asked, the weather was fabulous, no rain for six nights, and we swam on that sandy beach every day. There was a day trip to Langford, where that scrappy splake was fooled with a blown worm on a barrel weight in 15 fow.


    Most of those lakers were caught in 25-35 over 40-50 fow, but the bigfish was caught 55 feet down. Small bodybaits and spoons in natural patterns took almost all the lakers, trolled between 2.2 and 2.8 km/hr. Lil cleos, phoebes in silver/blue and blk/sil rapalas and other naturals worked best.

  2. I'm with Moosebunk on the Lumix Panasonic line. I have a similar camera to Bunk, and Rafal, too. It seems that we all believe that a larger lens will gather more light for a more detailed picture. This camera is not an SLR, but still has a 2 inch wide lens, and a 12 X zoom, and shake removal stuff. I also believe that beyond 10 MP, you are beyond your needs for resolution. Get a camera that you like to shoot, because that is the only way you will improve as a photographer.


    Panasonic has Leica lenses, Sony has Zeiss, both are superb.


    I've had this camera, the DMC FZ8, for almost 3 years, and I am still learning and improving as a photographer. When I stop learning is when I get a better one.


    The Lumix has a proprietary battery (no AAs), but I got two when I bought the camera, and always have a fully charged spare. Each pack lasts for over 500 shots even using the lcd screen already. Memory is a 2 GB chip thingy, only, but I have a couple. This combination lets me shoot over 500 7 MP shots without a reload, and then another 500 after that.


    The market for a pocket camera has been taken over by cell phones. Use your cell for a pocket loaded snapshot, but get something with a larger lens for better, more vivid pictures. Or just go deep and get a DSLR.

  3. I think your power pack is a good guess from what you said. Take the covers off and see if the little fans on the mother board are working, or clogged with dust and cat hair. If so, set the shop vac loose on her.


    Good luck getting back online.

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