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Posts posted by douG

  1. Of course, it's The Garden Province, PEI. The red soil and cliffs at the shore is a dead giveaway. The Gallant tombstones is another.


    That cemetery is located at the family homestead that goes back to the early 1800s, at South Rustico.


    Any guesses on the feesh id?


    I'm currently at my sister's place, at Ketch Harbour, just outside Halifax.

  2. Rick, move this as you choose, but I got bit by this pesky little bugger that tells me every 3 minutes that my p c is so badly infected that Mother T wouldn't even go near it. Then it offers to fix my little problem for a very reasonable price, but with all these other benefits that I can't live without.


    Avast picked it up, so let's see.



    Anybody else see this piece of crap? Gotta a story to tell?

  3. Some shoe repair shops will do this, but rates are high, like $1 / inch. Give it a try yourself, and you will see that the price is a bargain. I can remember Ma, back when folks still made clothes, cursing the zipper install.


    Now, I always look for YKK zippers. They are good and they last.

  4. Thanks 'specially to the Melancons aka The Plummas. Their very generous donations were underscored by the distance they traveled to join us for our company, and by the fact that they were not promoting their businesses in the least.


    These guys are true gentlemen, even if they talk funny. Hats off to Joe and Art.


    Hope to see y'all again next year.

  5. Rich, it was great to see you again, fine lookin pups you brought along. They will always be welcome.


    Big thanks to Patsy for running Quality Control on the filleting before our Saturday fish fry. She knows her way around a fillet, that's for sure. Please let her know that I didn't find or see anyone find a single y bone in their dinner. Good job.

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