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Posts posted by douG

  1. Sounds pretty thorough to me, bicephalic.


    Which head I be talkin to right now? This is way worse that trying to talk to someone whose eyes don't track, so you don't know which eye to look at. Should I be checking something out over my shoulder? Two heads is worser, by far.


    I wasn't referring to you, Roy.

  2. It that's an electrical treatment, what you have done is to remove dissolved metal salts like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. And cadmium, lead and mercury too, but that's another story.


    How does the purified water taste? PM me with the name of your company, I'd like to learn more.

  3. Brian, that issue you are talking about arrived the day I got back from slaying steelhead with solopaddler and ccmt. I read the steel article and thought, 'True, true, and true again, but there is still a little more to it,'. I think that solopaddler should be writing those articles. Better pictures for sure. The stories he tells aren't true, but they are entertaining.

  4. Wow. Tobacco is the worst. Let me tell you.


    Bernie, that is the best life affirming act you could ever do, my hat is off to you, and my ears are getting cold. Every smoker who quits, and even those who are quitting again, are heroes. They are heroes in the eyes of their family and friends, and in my eyes, too.


    I guess there is a time for each of us. I really hope I quit before I die, that would honk the bobo.

  5. Mike is the generousest pro I would ever hope to meet. Just offer gas and gweeches, and be ready to go at the drop of a hat, and you will learn stuff, and catch many many feesh.


    No ham but salami and pastrami are well received.

  6. Lots of silly on this thread. I remember the same complaints about the metric system, seatbelts, and helmets for motorcycle riders when they were introduced. Some folks have to be dragged kicking and screaming to what is best for them. Hell, I even remember making ashtrays out of asbestos putty when I was young. Just imagine the lawsuits that would be filed if you passed out a class 1 carcinogen to a bunch of day campers for arts and crafts.


    In August, listening to the radio in Nova Scotia, I heard, " Call Star Traffic on your hands free phone to tell us how the traffic is where you are". It will be the same here. Hands free is OK.


    Chillax already.

  7. Maybe a statement from your Dad's doctor would make a convincing case? If he is a greater danger to himself or his buddies, you are definitely doing a good thing here.


    You might sweeten the deal by getting him a digital camera with a good zoom, so he can still shoot, just not hunt.

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