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Posts posted by douG

  1. Great news, misfish. I have a feeling that you might get a chance to learn some more, unfortunately. I still recommend AVG and all the other free stuff that the experts have linked to.


    Raf is right, Microsoft won't delete a program that is running at the moment, so that's why you start your puter in safe mode. That's the only time that the removal tools can work.

  2. I think you have a 'crapware' type of virus. All it does is piss you off and try to get you to send money for a product to make it go away.


    I re installed windows to make it go away, and then installed AVG (free). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, maybe someone else can tell you otherwise. I certainly hope so.

  3. Christian Waters is another species on the downturn. Gandhi said that he was ok with Christ, it was the Christians he had trouble with, because 'Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Waters is a good example. Bummer first name in that line of work.

  4. Barrack is 50% white, true. That must mean that You are very proud, good job.


    For nine minutes I watched a man being tortured and I laughed. Does this make me bad?


    That was beautiful, I got a little verklempt.


    I think what we see there is the last of the Mohicans, the extinction of the dinosaurs; the climate changed so that they could no longer survive. Maybe it's more like the last case of smallpox or polio. Biodiversity and freedom of expression are important, but at least make the vaccinations freely available.

  5. Our nation hasn't been hit since September 11, 2001. Keeping that streak going will be a huge undertaking. Keep us safe. I can handle the rest of my problems.


    It might be that your 'nation hasn't been hit', in spite of W, rather than because. There has been more fear, more war, more people across the world that are not quite so happy about the finger that keeps poking them in the eye. Y'all gotta stop that, or you will get a bruise. Sort of instant feedback on how am I doing?


    I think that Obama gets this better than most.


    Keep us safe must mean keep everyone safe. That is the only way that we can proceed. Any objection to this leads to the death of your son, your niece, or someone's uncle or Gramma. We don't forget that event, and neither should any other mother or father. A loss of a son is the same for you as it is for Ahmal, or Duc, or Avi, or Snehal, or Slavomir, or Chiddi. My kid can not be loved more than yours is loved, I think.


    I eliminate my enemies every day, and I do that by proving that we have the same goal, and then achieving that goal. I don't do it by destroying them. Figger out that part right some quick dere b'y. Put everyone on your side and make sure that everyone, all people, win. If you do that, you will win too. Isn't that what your Gramma taught you?


    When you think about it, your problems are the least of your problems.

  6. Those that don't see this as a monumental event for our American neighbours, have no knowledge of history, or appreciation of our shared heritage. They also do not understand how the US, the most powerful nation in history, affects the world.


    Some can argue that Barack has achieved nothing, yet. The American people have already achieved something important.

  7. KickingFrog, this sorta sounds like the story from Grampa about the axe that has been in the family for 5 generations. Only maintenance was replacing the shaft twice and the head once. They don't make 'em like they used to.


    I still wear the same leather/rubber Sorels I got when I was 15, and that is coming up 40 years. Seriously. I did replace the liners about 10 years ago, getting rid of the old navy blue felt in favour of the stiff oversized liners with some sorta foil thread woven in. They are even warmer than before, and still don't leak. The foots still stay stupid warm, as long as I have a good hat or two.



  8. I once took 12 1/2 in of back bones out of the gut of a 27 in lake trout, no head and no tail, just spine bones. That means that the 2 ft laker ate a fish about 16 in long. All at once too also. Nom nom nom. The cutest lil top predators under the hardwater, they is.


    And solopaddler, when it comes to The Mandarin, just say no, never again, no good reason, I know I'll feel like crap afterward, done it before, no need for a repeat. Stop the madness already, as it were.



    Hope this hleps.

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