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Posts posted by douG

  1. Coming along nicely there, Drifter. I have a buddy on Ahmic Lake that lives there year round off the grid. It sounds like you know your stuff and have done your homework. I can have him give you a call if you like. Misery / company, and so on.

  2. That one got a laugh right there.


    I think the essence of humour is a sudden change in point of view.


    For example:


    A truck driver was sitting in a crowded roadside diner ready to eat his

    lunch. But it is not just any diner and any lunch. It’s his favorite diner on

    the road and his favorite lunch.

    Just as the waitress brought the truck driver’s meat loaf, green beans,

    mashed potatoes and gravy, the door to the diner bursts open and a

    motorcycle gang swaggers in. Most of them seat themselves at the table

    next to the truck driver but there’s not enough room at that table for all of

    them. The gang members left standing turn to the truck driver and bark,

    “Move! We want that table!”

    The truck driver calmly says, “I haven’t finished my meal.” One of the

    motorcycle toughs takes his dirty finger, swipes it through the mashed

    potatoes and gravy, sticks his finger in his mouth and says, “Hey, not bad

    grub.” Another gang member takes the trucker’s cup of coffee and slowly

    pours it over the remaining food on the plate and snarls, “You’re finished


    The trucker stands, takes his napkin, wipes his mouth, walks to the cash

    register, pays for his meal, and silently walks out the door. All the bikers

    are laughing now. One of them says, “Ain’t much of a man, is he?”

    The waitress says, “And he’s not much of a truck driver, either. He just

    backed his rig over your motorcycles.”

  3. Paul the yaker ?????

    Boy isn't that the pot calling the kettle black


    Great recount of the events, Wayne, and nice photos too. All youse got some determination to actually venture out at -30C, that is chilly. Paul and Joey is doing a right some fine tour, laughs and fish.

  4. Is it an option to make some sorta payment against your mortgage now? It sounds like getting rid of that life sucking force is very important to you. If it is, go for maximum joy - I bet that you can drop 10% of your initial principal amount every year without penalty. So, go make that annual overpayment to the max. That takes you towards your goal, and reduces your exposure with the rest of your working capital, no matter how you choose to invest the rest. You might also think about drawing down your savings by increasing your monthly or biweekly payments to the max because that also will take you towards your goal.


    I am in a similar boat, looking at getting out from under in about 3 years. We have about a quarter year's after tax income owing on the house, and similar on the line of credit, secured by the house. Line of credit is now 2.5% below my mortgage rate, so we are going to borrow to collapse the mortgage, and will shift our liability to the lower source of credit. That will actually save $4100 for us, and we will lose our 'mortgage' about 3 months earlier. Sounding good to me.


    Remember that your initial plan of investing cash to pay off your mortgage at some time in the future only makes sense if you are positive that your investments will make more money than what your mortgage costs you. If that is true, I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.


    Good Luck to us all.

  5. Scubetti. It's really the melted toasty cheese on top that really gets ya. Brian, start mixing it up, with some sharp cheddar, provolone or parmigian, a little at a time. That Resident Love Goddess will come around.


    Brian, I'm thinking it was the figa, not the cazzo that made em that way..

  6. Great to hear you are back home, Richard, the whole place went to hell right after you disappeared, the remaining mods were lost. Total confusion and disarray. I am betting that they will refuse to even acknowledge that traumatic DoS attack foisted on us by he who must not be named. It was pretty turvy, not to mention topsy as well, also.


    As you can see, they almost got things back on an even keel, but still, I feel a lot better knowing teh webmaster is back.

  7. You are being contacted because you are a previous employer.


    I always return calls from potential employers of my ex staff. The caller is usually some HR weinie, adept at hearing what you are not saying. This means you can talk in terms of 'missed collaboration opportunities', 'continually improving interpersonal skills', and 'challenges to leadership focus'. They will get the point PDQ.


    If the questions get more pointed, and go beyond your comfort level or documentation, just quit the conversation.


    On the other hand, if you say you are not able to comment on your previous employee's performance and your opinion of same, I am pretty sure the message will be sent and received. Absence of any comment might be the most damaging comment possible.


    Someone poke that dude, he's done. Time to open a vegetable stand.

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