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Posts posted by douG

  1. It's tough to say who is more proud! I bet she felt like that fish was going to pull her in. That's a cutie you have there for sure.


    My daughters used to be cute, now they are big (I just figgered that they split 250 lbs between them) and smelly, with lots of attitude. I gotta stop cooking with cheese.

  2. XP Pro is good stuff, mature and stable, and gets the job done.


    Marketing programs for Vista included 'Sorry, Charlie', and 'Yes, We Have No Bananas'.


    Some Ma and Pa PC shops can sort you straight, I'm sure.


    Belleville is a little far from Etobicoke, for an honest P2P fileswap, but let me know if I can help.

  3. Next time, I will try the following: warmer water in the final mix, smaller loaves (three, not two from the batch), a longer rise in the loaf shape, and a cooler oven for the baking. I am shooting for a rustic style loaf, chewy texture, with big bubbles and a crisp crust.


    This recipe uses a lot of water, so the dough is very sticky. I kneaded it in a bowl with a wet hand, rather than on a floured surface. I just cooked it on a cookie sheet, lined with parchment and coated with corn meal.


    This is the recipe from the book I got from my sister for Christmas. She also gave me a kitchen scale which helps a lot with the measuring.


    Give it a try. It takes some planning since the making goes over two days, but the taste is worth it.

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