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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. i've caught: rainbow brown chub sucker
  2. i seen a bunch the other day as well on a different body of water. i think they were spawning though. in groups of 4 to 5 and they wouldn't pay any attention to any lure. beautiful fish. i was able to get as close as 5 feet away and watch them for 5 minutes or so. one of them (female) must have been close to 40".
  3. there are special regulations on whiteman's so read up in your reg. book. or online. i've fished the creek as a kid for many years back in the early 90's. it's not nearly as good as it once was. over fishing and everyone keeping their limit (back then i think it was 8). i would suggest getting out as early as possible to increase your chances and don't keep any you catch out of respect for the locals. the great thing about it though is the scenery. take hwy 53 and just before you get into burford from brantford turn north on one of the sideroads. that's all i'll say for now. the rest you'll have to figure out yourself. good luck
  4. thanks. that clears things up well for me. laszlo (day dreaming of getting my personal best this year)
  5. thanks for the feed back guys but does anyone know the answer to my question.
  6. first off...16 MORE DAYS UNTIL BASS SEASON!!! now to the point. just wondering if anyone knows if large mouth and small mouth spawn at the same time. i'm personally not sure but do know that small mouth like cooler waters. if the small mouth do spawn earlier then should there be a different start date to the season??? thoughts please...
  7. i thought the fish in the lake were for the birds as well as us???
  8. this elitist mentality, we as humans have embraced so gracefully, is what blinds us so severely. anything we do to alter the natural state of the environment for the sake of our own 'CONVENIENCES' is so selfish and down right idiotic. when it comes to SURVIVAL…well now this is something different all together.
  9. how can i make my pics larger and add more? it shows combined they have to be less then 250k. HELP!
  10. i just posted a post called 'river fishing.' it's the first time i tried with pictures. they all had to be (combined) within 250k which is nothing. i see some of you posting huge, multiple pics in your post. HOW DO YOU DO IT???????????
  11. another good day on my favorite river back in the town i grew up in. love going back. brings back so many memories and i think the fishing has gotten better... first catch of the day my dog caught a half dead catfish myself...i got a few rock bass, 4 pickerel (all small ones) and one decent oos smallmouth all fish released to be caught another day. overall a beautiful day.
  12. In my last post we listed our Top 5 Lures. The scenario stays the same but this time the choice comes down to one lure only. My choice, if it was the only one I could have would be... 1) Mepps #4 Algia Silver Dressed What's yours???
  13. does anyone have any other info on the hay narrows...??? thanks
  14. It all makes sense now. I didn't know it was call the Big O. I've been calling it the White Cotton forever.
  15. Wow! A lot of variety in those selections. Seems like the most common would be: Plastics & Spinnerbaits. I must say that my #2 selection of the White Cotton Cordell Crankbait (with the 2 black dots on top of the head) is totally under the radar. I'm going to award that guy with 'Most under-estimated lure'
  16. i had a feeling i was overlooking that orange jointed rapala in my dads tackle box.
  17. so this is the scenario... your on a multi-species lake. let's say it's the end of june. what's your top 5 lures of choice if you could only have 5. mine would be: 1) Mepps #4 Aglia (silver) 2) White Cotton Cordell Crank Bait 3) Jig tipped with minnow 4) Spinner bait with Silver Blades and Yellow Skirt 5) Tube Jig Honourable Mentions would be: Texas Rig Worm and Jointed Rapala (black and white)
  18. not sure what the surface temp. is. i do know it's cold. the other night it went down to -2 in that area and apparently the walleye spawned 2 to 4 weeks later this year than others. i would guess at low to mid 50's.
  19. well put once again. the thing everyone seems to be over looking is that this is not so much about the present but more importantly about the FUTURE. many live thinking "as long as the fishing is good while i'm around then i don't care."
  20. i wish there were more of us out there bud. seems a lot of fisherman get very defencive when it comes to this subject and take GREAT PRIDE in keeping their limit. most feel that if the government says you can keep a certain amount of fish then they're going to keep that amount. me not so much. i hardly keep anything and if i did it would be to eat that day and no more.
  21. the unfortunate thing here is that many people are creatures of habit and still behave in a very neanderthal type manner and will process this information like this: pickerel...taste good...me want...me keep bass...taste bad...me don't want
  22. i bought a pair from canadian tire this year. they were $79 bucks and i am happy with them. can't remember the model. let me tell you...river fishing has never been better. i'm killing it with the pickerel and pike now being able to get to spots i never could before this time of year. in the summer i just wear the vest, shorts and a good pair of water shoes. it gets so hot being able to dunk yourself from time to time is nice.
  23. wow!
  24. anybody...give me the word!
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