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Everything posted by lookinforwalleye

  1. Looking forward to watching some Raptor playoff ball!!!
  2. I don`t think Dion`s wife likes him to fight....
  3. Can you not do the same thing with the Xbox or PS systems?
  4. This is definitely worth looking into has I absolutely hate the evil empire of Bell and Rogers and it kills me to right those criminals a cheque every month. I am not really sure how this internet TV thing works, I understand you need a good internet connection with a lot of bandwidth but outside of that I don`t know much. If I went with a internet system could I still get hockey i.e. all the Habs and Leaf games? And the other shows I like....Pawn Stars...Ice Pilots... Walking Dead etc? If anybody could shed some light on that please!!!
  5. I heard there was one that survived!!!
  6. LOL I should try that one time jogging up to the 18th floor...I hope there is is defibrillator up there!!!
  7. Very interseting...Rogers and their lousy equipment are driving me nuts.
  8. Now Bill you can spend some quality time with your dad and cheer on the Habs!!!
  9. Being complacent is certainly not the answer...the Liberals have done nothing but lie and mis lead us and now the evidence is mounting that the former Premier was involved in criminal activity to try and cover up the crimes. And now the present Premier wants us to believe she knows nothing...the Liberals need to be sent a strong message and Andrea Horwath can get the ball rolling by not supporting the upcoming budget!
  10. Leafs will be fine next year once they hire a new coach!!!
  11. Still going at it...I managed to put on a few pounds when I to Greneda for a week probably the mass quantities of beer I drank. I am sitting at 186 now so down about 36 pounds and feel great, blood pressure is at 122/65 and I had to go buy a couple pair of jeans( size 36) because the others were falling off. Just for laughs I tried to get into a pair of Dockers size 34 that I have not been able to get into for a very long time and I could get the button done up a little tight but none the less I got them on...I figure sometime in April they will fit fine!!!
  12. yes Lew that is sad and if that turns out to be what happens then us good folk north of the mullet line should hold a referendum to separate from the lunatics in the 416!!! Viva Le Mulet!!!
  13. Let me add this...the NDP have been propping up this corrupt Liberal regime for two years...Horwath should do the right thing and end the NDP`s support if she does not then that shows a clear lack of respect for the tax payers of this province, Do the right thing Andrea if you play this right you may just win a few extra seats to boot!!!
  14. I guess some are finally getting the message....about time!!!
  15. Did anybody notice dion and phil exchange words in the third...Phil did not look pleased and had some words for the Captain!!!
  16. job posting....computer technician must extensive experience in re formating hard drives and destoying incriminating data...please apply in confidence to Kathleen Wynn Liberal Party of Ontario.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Because she was part of his government. I think it would be naive to think she didn't know what was going on.

    3. Gregoire


      If McCgiunty did instruct people to commit a crime, he would be an idiot to announce to his cabinet that he was doing so, let alone his entire party.


    4. Gregoire


      In Canadian politics the Premiers of provinces have a huge amount of power, and can push through policies without consulting anyone...for further evidence examine Harper, Stephen.

  17. Ya pretty bad play in the D zone by both squads!!!!
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