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Posts posted by captpierre

  1. Got a bunch of grandkids coming up to the lake in the next month or 2.  Need a bunch of dew worms. Thought after all the rain there would be tons to pick at 10 pm. Hardly any. Tried again at 11. Better but not great. 

    Anybody have any tips? I hear putting diluted lemon scented dish soap on the lawn and watering in helps. 


  2. Hey Gents.   Been 10 years since I’ve had the boat on   Lake O for salmon.  She’s been confined to Pigeon Lake since we bought the cottage.  It will be a big effort to pull her out and take her down  to Bluffers or Whitby.  Trying to figure out timing for best odds for success. As I recall first half of July was best. Not a derby guy. Just need to feel the weight of a 25 lb King.  Have been watching North Shore Spoonpullers. They are catching but seems not many. Any ideas?                 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    I have about 10 pairs of split ring pliers and your chubby fingers shouldn't  be involved.

    Good split ring pliers should open split ring and also grip the ring.

    So cubby fingers holding both hook and plier moving ring.

    Don't think I paid $40 for Shimano pliers maybe $18.

    Thanks. You know what they say about guys with big hands and chubby fingers 😎

  4. 25 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    Shimano makes very good split ring pliers. They are offset so you can see little better.

    Now the process! You open the split ring and slide old hook into gap move it a little then slide new hook in beside old hook.

    Run the old/new hook around split ring , old hook is off new hook on.

    Thanks for that. But the ring is tiny. Tried and tried. Maybe should get a bigger ring. 

  5. 3 hours ago, captpierre said:

    Hardly anybody fishing north east Pigeon. Went into Bobcaygeon by car to pick up Chinese food for Mother’s Day lunch and saw Bobcaygeon public launch open with dock in. Hardly any cars/trailers parked.   I didn’t go out last night  too windy,  tonight I will  🤞


    Fished 2 hours tonight.  Nada. Temps 51-53. I usually bomb in May. June much better. 

  6. Hardly anybody fishing north east Pigeon. Went into Bobcaygeon by car to pick up Chinese food for Mother’s Day lunch and saw Bobcaygeon public launch open with dock in. Hardly any cars/trailers parked.   I didn’t go out last night  too windy,  tonight I will  🤞


  7. 7 hours ago, DanD said:

    I'm on my 50" LG smart TV as I type this. Been one of the better TV's I owned and is on it's 10th year? The thing is on all the time; I use it as my computer screen, TV cable monitor; along with all the movie streaming I do.

    Did I get lucky with this one?

    With all the circuitry that's inside these things; it only take one soldered connection on one of the hundreds of boards to go open and shut the thing down. The labour involved in finding this possible open connection out ways the cost of replacing the unit. The only thing that I think is different between brands is the quality control at the factories that supply the companies that do the final assembly and slap their name on it. Just like the automotive industry. GM, Ford or Chrysler do not build the components that go into their vehicles. All that is subbed out to other companies to build whatever part to spec. The vehicle manufacturer then assembles those bought parts to build their vehicle. I should ask my son to post some of the horror stories he has to deal with working as an engineer at GM and is in charge of North American rear wheel drive mounting (engine, transmission & body) components. Sometimes what he has approved in a manufacturer's sample part; isn't exactly what shows up at the assembly plant. Talk about the "Ship High In Transit" (S.H.I.T.) hitting the fan. LOL


    Trivia. Ship High In Transit comes from when river barges use to transport manure in their holds. They didn't want the manure to get wet; so they labeled the bails with the words Ship High In Transit. That's where the acronym S.H.I.T. comes from. LOL  


    So Dan. You are saying the word sh_t came from the manure barges?  This is a profound revelation.   Sorta like when I found out where the word schmuck came from. After I’d called a hundred guys that 😎

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