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About bushman

  • Birthday 09/27/1965

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    Rutherglen Ont

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. IS there any land surveyors on here looking to part out some land .Or any one know what it my cost to do this ?
  2. I was always told if you pick it up by the tail it can't spray if his feet are not on the ground .Then drop him and run fast .
  3. Yes there is a dam just out side of mattawa fish on the out side od dam with jigs bring many jigs with you .As you will lose some in the rocks good luck .
  4. bushman


    yes it was first day been on hollidays for 3 weeks lost track to the time
  5. bushman


    i this bass last week it was 22 inches long but only around 6 lbs
  6. same here i'll never buy a chrysler ever again i had a intrepid 2.7 and timing chain went in it at 118.000 look at a web and it is a big problem with them and timing chains.cost me $3400 to get it redone never again stick to chev.
  7. I lost my signal yesterday afternoon for 15 min and we did'n even get a storm up here .and i have over 90% signal here .
  8. I bought my house last year and it was $1000 to put in a new tank and 3000 for a new oil furnace.this for from a guy in northbay .
  9. it was the first day for the new recrute. i bet she is out looking for a new job .she sard she put it in park but it rolled back .i think they should use a smaller bait you think .
  10. that was in northbay a couple of weeks ago something now there trying out easyand fast way to take out of the water lol funny
  11. here are more pics
  12. this was our opening day for bass we were out at 5 am in the fog using jitterbugs . the action was great got one about 8lbs and a smaller one about 2lbs one was 22 in long put it back in to swim another day all in all was a great morning .We keep 3 for a snack.
  13. i used J-B weld it stop the leak in my tinny
  14. they are calling for rain mon and tue then cooling off wed so far
  15. if the motor is a 2.7 then it is juck timeing chains are a big problem in the chrysler i have a 99 and timimg chain went in it at 80,000 km cost me 3400 to rebuild the motor they are juck good luck
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