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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. shimano compre or BPS brand not too many options out there for 2 piece
  2. Anybody heading here for musky opener this weekend?
  3. Where ever you guys go, bring your rain gear
  4. What is your fav Kawartha Lake (Zone 17) for walleye opener? Are you heading out Sat morning? Or are you gonna be out there midnight Fri night? What are your preferred methods?
  5. where are you located?
  6. Also...the lake is so small, you can fish the whole thing
  7. i was there last weekend.....watch for tree stumps. i did more a lot casting then trolling there
  8. i also didnt know that link existed. Cant we have those recipes on this site? it would be way easier for everyone to find and contribute to. I also 2nd the idea of including other game recipes. Lets make it happen guys
  9. we need a recipes section of the forum
  10. Who sells these? I purchased some on sale a BPS a few years ago, but i havent seen any for sale since. I lost a very productive lure, and want to replace it.
  11. Id like to avoid purchasing online. I havent seen this anywhere (Le baron, BPS). Has anybody seen this for sale anywhere? GTA preferred http://www.muskyshop.com/modules/cart/products.php/page/33/id/85/name/ArbogastMuskyJitterbug
  12. Just wondering about Leisure Marine, if its a good reputable place. Has anybody dealt with them before?
  13. Thanks Rod Caster, and yes youre right. There were a few of us out there, we will be sharing these and eating them as well as using for bait.
  14. Just got in from a excellent night of smelting with Mr. Mike. We hit up one of our favourite honey holes on Simcoe. We didnt get out there until after midnight...The first couple hours was very slow, we only managed to get about 15-20 smelts. After 3am, the smelt run was ON!! It was amazing, we ran out of buckets, we had to use a milk crate with a net inside. We never expected this at all. Some big boys in there too Get them while they're hot
  15. i might go this weekend and try my luck. anybody been out lately?
  16. 14' Misty River....pretty easy to run wires on it. Other then the casting deck, mostly everything is exposed.
  17. Im posting for a friend of mine. He needs to have a bow mount trolling motor and fish finder installed on his boat. BPS quoted him $300...I thought this was high. Can anybody recommend someone who could do this in the GTA for a reasonable price? Thanks
  18. Hi Guys, Im looking to target some early season pike. Does anybody know the current conditions on Canal Lake? Thanks
  19. Im also interested....I also usually go to the Simcoe area
  20. I want to get my baitcasting reel serviced for the upcoming fishing season. I've searched some previous posts about this and came up with Aikmans in Mississauga. Just was wondering if anybody knew an approximate price range to get this done, and time frame. Will i have to drop off my reel and pick up another day? or is same day service available? (trying to save 2 trips down there) Or if somebody can recommend another spot to get this done im all ears. Live in Caledon, work in Richmond Hill My reel is a Quantum Energy E761PT
  21. Can anybody recommend a good (hopefully inexpensive) fishing charter in So Fla? We will be staying in Ft Lauderdale from Feb 21-Mar 2. We have a rental, so we can travel south to Miami/Florida Keys or anywhere else. Were looking for deep sea, however were also interested in some big bass fishing. Maybe Okochobee Thanks
  22. pics of the boston whaler?
  23. I'd like to purchase a cardboard tube for an upcoming roadtrip. I dont want my rods to be damaged. I'll need one for my 7ft 1-piece rod. Does anybody know where i can find one to purchase? Is it a bad idea to put more then 1 rod in a tube? Can anybody recommend a good rod case to buy for my other 2-piece rods? ( That will fit 3 rods) Thanks
  24. Such as?? Lets hear them...
  25. Does anybody own one a Shimano Voltaeus rod? I saw the display at BPS and checked out the light action 2-6lb 5'6" rod...i loved the feel of it more so then any other comparable rods. Is anybody using one of these? I know Dave mercer recommends them..
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