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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Me knows but me gonna put your mug up Its like my personal collection of victims or survivors,how ever you wish to look at it
  2. No worries Wayne,you will be there I really dont bother much with my site and send the stuff off to the due who handles it. I'd rather talk with fish and battle Big Evil than play the internet game Although I like schooling folks sometimes I will take care of it this winter,lots of pics to add and Quotes from the boat "Nothig personal,but I am about to ruin your lunch" "its blowing like a bus load of fairies" The definition of insanity: Doing something over and over expecting different results "I fish with allot of sick people" You like my new logo on the enter page Fits my character
  3. JPD,I knew you were gonna take this personally which there is no reason but allow me to teach you Hopefully you will learn from my teachings First I did not threaten you nor do I,But I do provoke allow me to correct you on my supposed frustration towards B1,..... I have none I simply got involved and made evident the public and QMNR deception and deceitfulness that the Newly formed and In-experienced event organizer ( he has been bass fishing circuits for less than 5 years and now he's a pro and an event organizer,his experience is events in street car events nothing more) utilized to get political leverage to have a pre season out of season practice period. Although the decision was upheld at the lower level,The Minister of resource never signed the Public Legal ordinance which basically made the pre season practice period illegal! Because of their actions regulation changes are to follow I noticed he was going down the same road again for 2010,I doubt his tactics will fly once again Rest assured I will insure that it does not occur Once again its nothing personal but his actions demonstrate what is wrong with society today,its all about oneself and instant gratification no matter what it takes Do I think he could make a good event sure I do,but he continuously makes mistakes to advance his agenda for the select few,but then again he will come of age As far as doing anything for the industry,I really cannot recall doing anything for the industry,I have always been a fisherman by trade and I am as good as my clients are. I don't sell,don't really promote,the product I use is the product I work with,I don't get paid to use it,I use it cause it holds up to my rigors and I suppose that in itself sells. In the niche of promoting there are far more of you's Beyond the great big fish,most of all I pride myself on the education I am able to share in fish handling methods ,behavioral tendencies and participating in research studies for various species and standing up for the resource which none others does. Yearly I posses 1 to 3 scientific permits for studies I participate in In this niche there is only me ,well maybe Chronzy too(someone who is somewhat public and will to stand up for the resource publicly) Like is said I really don't care what other think,simply because my cause is doing good in the interest of all not oneself That is a rule of Karma My involvement in various issues or studies or conservation practices benefits all in the interest of all ,especially future generations I did not judge your ethics or morals I simply said you should reconsider or check them out You put yourself out there ,so just like you can fish pre season bass I decided I will teach you were your thinking is wrong,simply because I can (Remember the thread was about special licenses and you posted a loop hole or doorway out that made it legal and ok) Above morals and ethics its a responsibility issue,especially given the message you wish to give to your audience I have nothing to prove but lots to teach When the imaginary line in which the province you reside in, does not allow one to fish during such a period to protect pre spawn females due to concrete scientific studies that indicate that angled pre spawn females YOY show a lesser growth rate ,yet a state which is considered to be lax in its conservationist and preservationist regulations makes it legal,IT does not mean its Scientifically or biologically right. The state of NY is known not to extend the same conservation and preservationist regulations for several species with its bordering provinces and states. Did you know the sate of Ohio is reconsidering this period after coming to the same scientific conclusions It becomes a responsibility issue above a ethical and morale issues In your case,it becomes a message you are sending to your captive audience. Whether you do a show or not on pre spawn bass fishing I do agree feb and march may not cause an issue but one can fish pre spawn bass up until April or May in both Erie and lake Ontario that in itself is the critical time frame that affect pre spawn female bass or nesting bass FL NDR was solicited by a famed bass angler to have pre spawn bass season They bent down to the plight within almost 2 decades they depleted and diminished the overall average size of once a genetically huge Florida strain bass That its fact I dont think the FL DNR would ever make such a decision again knowing what they know now Luckily Texas and California introduced the same genetically huge Florida strain within each state and protect them JPD within the last 20 or so years I have been around,I have seen em come and seen go from all walks in the fishing world, but rest assured as long as the big guy above us all,allows me. There will always be me to protect the best interest of the resource amidst what others think of me. Simply initially some dont get my message or my teaching but rest assured they all come around Just like those that were around 20 years and are still around,its simply because their conduct and beliefs are very similar to mine Just like them I realized that without a resource my prop wont be turning so I wont be earning without the resource you wont have a show It is your responsibility above all ethics and morals to act accordingly and consider the message you are sending as a public figure I encourage you to talk with Dr Bruce Tufts,he may just share my very same views I do agree its legal,it does not make biologically or scientifically right Hopefully you will learn from the scientific info shared and our discussion remember Karma do good in the interest of all and not oneself and good will be upon you be good and be well and good luck with the show marc
  4. So let me get this,you go to New York to fish nesting or pre spawn bass Did you know that females that are angled before spawning,their YOY or yearlings shown a 25% less growth rate than YOY/Yearlings that are hatched from non angled female bass I'd check my Fishing ethics and Morales out if I were you JPD,nothing personal but be very careful where you go with this,I do have very good Knowledge of fish behavior and scientific information that wont be in your best interest. I am one who's involvement makes corrections to overlooked abused regulations practices I dont consider myself a pro or a professional but I do consider myself a influential person when it comes to protecting the resource no matter what others think of me because the resources comes first. That itself is what I stand for you might want to read this(Roy please post the scientific info) I'd say with my relationships and dealings with OMNR and QMNR (MNRF) they take protecting the resource very seriously and most decision are taken with the resource and general angling public in mind. Most enjoyable and educational people to work with I must add Roy dont worry about Ben Woo and B1,he has a new Pal and its me and QMNR Looks like he might try it again in 2010 ,His first derby is June 20th and opener is the 19th No wonder he calls it Wannabe the 1
  6. yes Solopaddler,you can add anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 inches of girth, from girthing in the water to girthing on board. done it myself and it varies from one individual to another when I used to measure girths Its like the tail pinch,is it better to measure em in their natural state or tail pinch (just like you on your tip toes) The tail pinch is a management tool to protect strong year classes Also one thing to consider is fish caught in current many times have swim bladders loaded with air which may make a big girth but no weight and leads to over estimating the true weight and size of a fish also Red fins are common and natural in some bodies of water (especially clearer water),but they are generally pink or rosy red. In most cases it is an indication of building lactic acid but mostly blood rushing to the blood vessels of the fins from exertion. If you observe closely,you will see some vessels that burst either from exertion or rash from the net The best indication of a stress fish is the rosiness or flanks getting pink Best let the fish go as soon as possible and minimize any handling especially out of the water This out of water experience on fish that display this form body language is sometimes fatal immediately or could lead to post mortal release. Keep in mind most fish don't float back up unless air is trapped in their swim bladders Martin Williamson fish was a unique fish which happen to have food in its stomach ,not air It seemed to have a very good growth rate for its age of 17 years which is not all that un-common,which means it was a happy fish that spent most of its years un-stressed and feeding No observation on the gonads were ever done,so it is unknown whether the fish was a reproducing female or not speculation was that it absorbed its eggs,which is entirely false (no observation of the gonads) it is my understanding from readings that the only ones species is known to do so, dogs most species abort In the case of fish,if they do not drop developing eggs that mature or eggs that cease development,fish generally don't survive due to decaying eggs or blockage my best advice,measure your fish in the water,its better for the fish and its more natural no need to girth fish that don't show a good girth of 25 inches or so because it simply leads to over handling catching a great big fish should not change who you are before,during or after its capture Its the experience of a lifetime within the excitement of the moment
  7. Thats because they girth the fish in the boat laying them flat on their sides So many experts Girth em in the water You'll see the girth is not the same and the math works out pretty close Richy Clark bust's his rear out there and is rewarded by his work The Michigan fish is a giant pretty fish He caught a real one and its not questionable Its weighed Disappointingly for him it had Hook issues Any person who logs that many hours (he logged a stupid amount of hours)in his boat on his spots deserves credit congrats to the dude I want one like that!
  8. Nope,I always find funny how some know more about my business than I do,No I did not take it wrong Its just funny Re-read my post ,you will see I was using # 10 before Cow girls existed,made em myself with single #10 for specific use and purpose We used doubles also,ratio from doubles to singles was the same,same goes for #8 I was using them before they ever became popular like I said ,if it makes you happy use em Look on the bright side,you might end up having Swarthy ,Chiseled features like I do bwahahahahaha tell me how good they are 2 years from now Muskies ate Deer 30 years ago and will eat Deer 30 years from now with #8 blades I will tell you # 8 blades with a deer rear end will still be good 30 years from now Like I said,its whats used the most that catches the most,after some 20 years I have come the conclusion if it makes you happy use it and if it moves its food Now if ya want to start a discussion about vibration and noise and how fish get condition to it and learn avoidance,then you will understand where I am coming from You will most probably learn it in 2 years from now There will always be some that will still bite on them but you will see the avoidance begin to settle in so go buy all the # 10 you can and start Chucking hahahahahahha TonyB,I think you know where I am coming from
  9. the only reason a particular bait produces more fish is because more people use em Its the new bait craze Just like PT said it was a western bait craze Now the fish run for their lives when they hear the clanging of the 2 blades I used single # 10 for years,doubles just like Roy said wears anglers and gears down I think I even caught 1 when fishing with Roy on a single # 10 I made do they put up more flash and vibration,sure does it matter to the fish???? nope Does it make the angler happy and build self confidence ???? Yup I used single #8 blades all season this year,no # 10,I did not see a difference in my capture rate or size Caught just as many on # 8 as I did when we threw # 10 I will say this,a single # 10 does offer more lift when fishing thick weeds if it moves,its food
  10. Whats the matter Jamie wont reply ,you to Politically correct now that your a TV star I'd be scared also
  11. How many times has he been suspended from OFC ??????? Not counting other sites wow ,from internet troll to TV Star Hope they are gonna use your handle "Jamie Rhomo Pistilli" Very cool,now I can pick on you We need Hawgwobbler back on OFC congrats man
  12. GCD,People pay me to bark at them When there wives call and ask me to make sure they feel like they are at home ..... I do Was not sure if you were stewing Possum or RoadKill this morning I am convinced it was RoadKill Tks for the laugh Look like some lucky guy might fish with Bob after all this fun and laughs Tks for the laughs,you made my day yesterday The Moon was Shinning on friday Eh
  13. Really Shall we see if you Swarthy Chiseled features can hold up to abuse You my southern friend are in need of a good session me barking at you You"ll understand what leaving your smiles on shore is for hahahahahahaha Just like Ceasar Milan,calm submissive behavior with NO Affection You couldn't even drive strait if you had 40 gallons of Rum and Coke fueling the boat :lol: I might even show why green coach dogs my favorite flavor :lol: You might even end up speaking Canadian after your ordeal EH
  14. "Study? Look in a grade 11 physics textbook, or if you want to get fancy, a grade 12 biology textbook!" Dr Salvelinus,what Chriss is pointing to and what I replied is there is no study!!!! what Chris is pointing out is Rick O reply "here is the biology of it" There is no biology of it there is a general consensus amongst biologist from fresh to saltwater that vertical holds can cause damage to the spine and possible internal organs. Remember not all laws of physics hold true,in this case there is potential injury to miss-handled fish One more things,girthing summer fish ,out of water measurements and restraining fish is just as harmful Let me say this, education is by far the best route to be taken,even with that, I can say fish handling by anglers is not all that great,simply due to lack of handling numbers Like all things,this curve will only get better as education and hands on experience progresses Cookslave,dont worry,they will get over the emotional scaring :0 I did hahahahahahaha If you are interested in proper safe handling methods,may I suggest http://www.marcthorpeguiding.com/release.htm be good I have a date with Big Evil better to be feared than live in fear
  15. I prefer the throttle hold but at times an arm bar is a great submission hold "C'mon out in the boat someday with me and I'll put you onto a few. " you mean I get a hands on demo from the Legend
  16. Hey Rhomo you still on
  17. Glenn ,well someone has to supervise That's right,they pay me and work for me,what a great job In most case you get paid to work,in my case they pay me and work for me I think it's a professional wrestling hold!... The Archimedes Nut Crusher! That must hurt makes me think of the Slap Chop that Vince is now selling watch what I do with these nuts,you"ll love my nuts Chriss is correct ,there are no studies done,just a general consensus of biologist from multiple species including fresh water and salt water that have concluded that horizontal holds are in best interest of sevral fish species
  18. I'd have to catch one to tell how to hold it maybe someday Archimedes?????? is that a hold In ChrisS case he should never wear glasses when holding a fish From OMNR • Any fish that is removed from the water and held for a picture or for any other purpose should be held horizontally, not vertically, to reduce the risk of internal injury (Butler 2004).
  19. the connection in the front will transfer the power to your batteries that are parralel Its your plug from your motor you have to switch from 12 to 24
  20. I am kinda leaning on 2 probs here 1) either you have water in your gas tank( in which you will need a water separator filter) if an inboard tank? 2) depressurizing gas tank ( which someone asked if the bulb was full) in this event the motor will shut off at times if an inboard tank? if not either of these,then I think Craig Ritchie is onto something in which it would be a warranty issue
  21. What George J said its all in the way you maintain them sure there are what you could consider human error assembly weeks They all have em I had a 98 Dodge ram 1500, 2 wheel drive with over 450 000 km When I got rid of it in april It spent more time hitched up than free ride I changed a couple times the ball joints,once the water pump and fuel pump Other than that I enjoyed driving it So this april I went got a Ram Mega cab 1500 4x4 I am quite pleased,its a monster of a truck I enjoy driving it just maintain your vehicle and it should last One thing I will say about Dodge Dont Dodge that gas station her just for you from Tybo
  22. Harrisson,with all due respect You are quite wrong in your statement I was the one who opposed it and had round table discussions with the QMNR Money had nothing to do with,Political image ,implications and interest was the route of what was protected. At the dismay of the Good folks who manage the resource I agree the participants are not the issue,its the organizer,the Berckley Rep and the Depute of Marquette(lachine) who presided over the Parliamentary question period for the resource read my brief conclusion,its not speculation,I took part in the uprising,actually I was the instigator
  23. actually Glenn,because of the way the Organizer conducted himself The bass opener for 2011-2013 in theory should be pushed back by 1 week to harmonize with Ontario (ottawa river) zone 25 in quebec which open june 26th. Essentially if the organizer would not have asked for a bending of the law with political involvement,none of this may have occurred Lets just say they allowed for this to be proposed and I proposed it ,once again backed with studies. Currently there is no legal ordnance issued by QMNR so essentially the season is still closed what is appalling is a newly formed competitive organizer could not organizer his event in a legal fashion and manner thus for he asked for a bending of the law in his favor! No worries,this wont get swept under the rug Just like the event,Do you wish to be #1 Well looks like the parties involved received #1 attention in no way are the participants involved in this,the responsibility lies upon the organizer,the politician and the Berckley rep who proceeded to request how to go about having an OOS pre fish Not a very good example of what sport fishing or competitive fishing represents
  24. Mark and Karl,I was the one who formally opposed towards QMNR and presented scientific and biological data. I have posted a conclusion on a french web site,unfortunately its french. I should try and get a translation done Both Woodo marketing and the rep from berckley were involved and miss informed the QMNR With the aid of a politician from assemble national In reality the entire process for asking such a pre season opener for a newly formed event organizer was at best self serving and entirely non respectful of the resource Ironically the same depute that request the support of this bending of the law presided over the parliamentary question period for the Resource I can think that's a conflict of interest! Knowing he was gonna preside prior to sending a letter of support The denial of berckley involvement which I posses an email of request on behalf of the eastern sales rep Seems contradictory for a company that does not adhere to its on conversation ethics Ben woo public contradicted himself by issuing a statement of request for 2 days only pre-season practice period when the truth is he requested the 15 th of june Presently there is no legal public ordinances or press release emitted by QMNR so essentially the legal right of pre season has not been ordained by QMNR quite honestly its is a luck of faith I suppose I wish all participants a wonderful vent but mostly safety on the water
  25. Just as well as the organizer was dishonest with his public information and placed the QMNR in a very bad situation . I have placed a full report of what transpired in the request of a pre-opener for a practice period on a french message board. I entirely opposed the request and provided scientific reason for not allowing such a preemptive practice period. As a reminder the legal opener was the 19th of june ,the organizer miss-informed QMNR by requesting a practice period for june 15th which was accorded. basically due to water temps most smallmouth have just begun to spawn,once again after a 3 year period we will see a late spawn and nest protection period,essentially fishing on nesting bass Probably the best decision you guys took given the organizer duped the QMNR which will in turn lead to a later bass opener for 2011-2013 I wish I could post the information,but unfortunately my request of revision and opposition towards this practice period was drawn up in french. a very good event but unfortunately the organizer lack of experience and lack of respect for the resource has shown itself Roy has a copy of the entire file in which I lead the opposition to the request of a preemptive practice period commencing June 15th Unfortunately this sets a bad example of what sport fishing represents
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