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Marc Thorpe

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Posts posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Not surprised the least bit


    they did nothing with the 8 rod gang troll from St Clair

    Ya really think they are gonna do anything

    Ontario and Quebec have become poachers paradise and no one will do anything

    You can troll as many rods as you want and poach as many fish as you want

    Sad but true

    I see it everyday on the water during the soft water season

    No ones around

    Last fall I encountered some CO's(first time in many many years),70% of their time is spent taking care of dead birds,racoons and other nuissance animals and waiting for next month budget to kick in because they have attained the current months budget in expense instead of enforcing and educating angling and hunting regulations

    No they are not happy


    Just to be clear,I think the CO's have their hands tied,OMNR well I dont know what to think

    I understand the cut backs,but maybe field work instead of desk jobs would be constructtive work

    There are more employees behind a desk than in the field :dunno:


    the 1000$ fine will go into some ministers GAS expense instead of patrolling fuel

    If you think 1000$ is good,just remember the word REPEAT

    Most offenders are just that


    Here's a few good reads,just ask yourself how long these guys were at it to attain such an organizational structure

    Answer: Being left alone to do what ever they want









  2. Marc, the correct term is "electile dysfunction".



    I knew you would come up with the correct term :clapping:


    One good thing about this elections,it should bring down gas emission thus making Quebec Global warming friendly place to live

    The politician won't be emitting as much gas :w00t:

  3. Judging by the results,we are edging are way to the day where no one votes and finally tell the politicians its time to do it our way


    CTV says

    "The popular vote breaks down as follows:


    * Liberals - 33 per cent (1.3 million votes)

    * ADQ - 31 per cent (1.2 million votes)

    * Parti Quebecois - 28 per cent (1.1 million votes)

    * Others - 8 per cent


    When he called the election on Feb. 21, Charest's Liberals had 72 seats, the PQ had 45 and the ADQ had five. There was one Independent and two vacancies.


    The campaign lasted 33 days, with polls towards the end showing a tight race. Despite heavy rains in parts of Quebec on Monday, voter turnout was solid at 71 per cent. "


    In actual numbers we are 7 million in Quebec,at 3.6 million turn out ,it represents 50%


    Boisclair is like the little boy at school who wished he was but was'nt and will never be,

    Dumont has some good ideas but is surrounded by dumbells one would think he is in Ben weiders gym and Charest has to nice of looks to be trusted,he's a conservative at heart padding his friends


    One good things,seem folks finally voted in stance of opposing the wet dream of seperating this province,no more Ohagans in this province :whistling: or in Quebec translation Boisclairs :w00t:

    I guess they blew their load once and for all or maybe is Politician disfunction disease :w00t:

    I think Merk may have to come up with a remedy (Voteiagra)


    One thing that interesting is all political parties seem to be in minority,kinda show what all canadians think of our political and constructive structre,seems we are showing loss of faith in any accomplishements by our supposed leaders if any


    Thats all I have to say about it

    Politicians are like Asian carp,they take leaps of faith but are invasive to our peace and serenity


    Maybe we should propose regulations for competitive politician events :)


    Glad to be Canadian

  4. I'd like to know what folks think are the elements needed to produce a special individual?


    Why would you classify a particular body of water to potentially produce a unique individual?


    What Forage species do you muskies eat the most?

  5. Ohiofisherman,yup I agree all wonderfull great big fish resources

    The essentail elements needed for such an individual to attain such a size to surpass 60 pounds are lacking in most areas


    In reality a 30 pound muskie is what should be the common goal which is attainable and has always been since the dawn of time the goal (minus the exageration that existed/still exists today :) )


    I guess overtime looking at this and going beyond the species and looking in its blood line allowed further undertsanding of the realm of reality


    Truth be a 40 to 45 pound is the true trophy

    a 45 to 49 pounder is a unique capture which few will ever do without time

    50 pounders,well your part of the chosen few


    In end,where all equal whether we catch a world record or not


    The World Record Will Never Be Caught By a Walleye Fisherman out of Season ;)

  6. I agree with GBfisher,dont hold your breath on Obrien


    Williamson fish was 61 pounds,53 inches to the fork


    To correct the miss information on the Ottawa and St lawrence not getting heavy or bulky is false,not everything is known about all

    Keep in mind most fish caught in the Gbay are speculations of weight,many posted are exagerated.

    Although bar non Gbay has produced the only legitemate 60 pounder but by 1 pound

    Till they hang like a door knob,its speculation

    No one can speculate the weight of a fish accurately,you can guesstimate fish

    But I find it funny,when I started muskie fishing 50 inches was a goal,even catching one

    Today some think 55 inches makes you something

    The spatter of speculated 50 pounders is like a ParKay add

    Butter,Parkay,Butter Parkay

    If it aint butter then its parkay :)


    Till you weigh em you dont know,what you might think to be 50 pounder fer sure might be 45 to 49 pounds,not 50 pounds


    To understand the the myth of Freaks,you must understand cold blooded animals

    Its not a common occurence for freaks of nature to occur in cold blooded animals

    Most giganitsm occurs in warm blooded animals

    Why you ask,simple body temperature stability


    Cold blooded animals are regulated by heat,the sun and the warmth of their enviroments

    Warm blooded animals maintain their body temps which allows for continued and prolongued growth

    Most Gigantism is a form of disease generaly triggered by a tumor in the brain

    Many good bodies of water mentioned,I doubt if all hold any true world records

    Lac Seul,No


    Lake Ontario : No habitat

    St Lawrence/Ottawa :Needs Stable water conditrion and forage populations (which are declining)

    GBay: Very Possible

    Nippising: Great Big fish But it faces the same issues as the St Lawrence and Ottawa

    Niagara : No

    LOTW : NO

    Eagle Lake : Maybe,doubtfull


    The biggest reason we may never see a world record.........

    Fishing Pressure,It greatly affects their feeding behavior and growth


    To understand muskie growth,one must understand growth periods,where we live its short, which over prolongued periods a special individual could attain such weights , depending on the contributing elements and factors and if the yearly cylcle and life cycle would occur for this fish at its prime with all important enviromental factors colliding,so the odds are not good given the average life expectancy for most muskelunge is between 21-26 years of age


    So good luck :)

  7. I was gonna name one of my dogs TJ,But I just could'nt see myself with a dog in my yard wearing a TUTU :w00t:


    So I named one of Shadow and the other Cuddles

    So Sandy I guess if Dax steps out of line,Shadow wont be far and he wont get no Cuddles :w00t:


  8. Hi John, been reading this thread, some good replies by all, I’ll share my experience in this way of life


    Can you make a good living?

    John, you can earn a living but most that I know don't do it for this reason

    It’s a way of Life

    We choose this way of life for peace and tranquility

    If you’re getting into it for financial rewards, your getting into it for the wrong reasons

    Generally folks work some 300 days a year, to be financially stable you are going to work some 200 days in a row. I start May 12 or opener of walleyes and go till mid to end of November with clients then pick and choose my days through ice up unless I have promo shoots to do late in the season for fishing related companies. There are no days off unless cancellations occur


    The hardest part is building a family, most if not all will agree with me that the amount of time spent away from ones family working is very strenuous. This has been very difficult for me and my kids but they understand and enjoy the time we spend together whether fishing or other activities.

    Guiding Full Time as a means of income means you have a set number of days to earn enough to keep you going during off seasons. There are some guides I know which will vary species from season to season and continue on during the winter; generally they have fewer days in the off season than the soft water season. As Outdoorguy61 posted the best operations for near yearly operations are on the west coast. Although there are several guides that operate what I consider full time, even though it’s seasonal to soft water. Some are more visible than others nonetheless there are a few full guides that do exist that rely solely on this type of income from this way of life. Most guides that operate do so as a means of extra income and have a full time income elsewhere.

    Myself the soft water season I guide, the off season I do video editing and time coding and network and coordinated business agreements and book destinations for following year filming for TV show called Outdoor Passion/Passion Plein air

    I also network with many other professionals and lodges and outfitters

    I guess in a way I earn my living 2 ways, fishing and the fishing business


    For myself, it all started when I was younger 12-13 years olds, my dad worked for a TV station affiliate of ctv which aired Izumi's first series of shows. I told my dad, I want to do that later, his reply was work hard enough and you can do become what you want. My dad being a hard working man taught just that (even though I complained about it through my younger years) He gave me the tools to accomplish and overcome any of life obstacles in his teachings of hard work

    I wrote to everyone, Bob and In fisherman sent articles to me to read, these articles contained pieces on how to earn a living in the fishing business Guiding, Tourneys and Professional fishing promoter. What every article seemed to key in on is find a “Niche" that you can fill and this will allow for longevity of your career choice or means of earning a living at fishing .For a long time I rolled around to discover a niche, time wasted. How does one discover a niche is pretty simple in nature, you do and fish what naturally attracts you, and then your niche will develop into a reputable part of what sets you apart from others. Too many get into it trying to do what others are doing.

    Best you go about it developing your personal niche, because it will bring out the best in you and set you apart. I started doing some local guiding when I was 19, now 39.From 19 to 21 I did a season for an outfitter which was not what I liked so I continued to venture on my own.

    I'd say till I was around 23 -24, I was not to serious at it and did what ever came my way in species specific but always had my obsession for muskies and fished em since the age of 16. Around 24 things started coming around in my niche, muskies were getting more familiar to my knowledge and consistency in captures and large specimens soon developed sent in pics to magazines and not long after my phone started to ring with interest of what I was doing.

    In ways I have been very fortunate to have been surrounded by many great profiled anglers we know today during my years of learning at this way of life and I continue to learn as years go by. Throughout this lifestyle I have formed another niche in other areas of the business apart from guiding, it’s the networking business side of things, which I enjoy also. What allowed me to financially sustain myself until the time was right was I owned another business which I have sold some 4 years ago now. It provided well but was not where I found peace and tranquility but it allowed enough time for me to build the way of life I currently enjoy. From that business I learned the networking side of doing business in which I currently use in the fishing end of things now. So all in all from the day I wished to be in this way of life until today, every experience and lesson I learned has been useful in allowing me to accomplish my goals,


    In most work fields or careers

    Most folks can’t wait to go to bed after a good days work


    In this way of life you can’t wait to get up :)


    As far as legally doing it, its pretty simple business

    You can Incorporate, which is really not all that needed unless you have a larger operation running multiple boats

    Very costly but also allows personal protection when under large operation


    You can register which is economical and simple in nature


    You can work as an autonomous worker which is equivalent somewhat to being registered


    As far as insurance you need to be insured for your equipment and liability

    Generally 1 million to 2 million should suffice

    As far liability, Unless you are careless and place you guest in situations that could jeopardize their security not much responsibility should lie upon you .Its an outdoor activity which comes with its naturals perils of injury such as getting hooks in your hands ,cuts and scrapes. You may also waver off responsibilities but I suspect the safety responsibilities of your actions are always liable

    Getting started, I suggest you put together a good business plan

    Get a good marketing strategy which progressively becomes aggressive in relation to your income .Business networking also allows and offers good marketing strategies


    Be yourself, we all go through the Ego phase, then we mature and realize it’s a means of earning a living equal to all other means. As you become more publicly known somewhat of a political correctness or politeness should exist (Wish I learned that one but I am just me) be involved in positive and constructive conservation efforts. Be truthful to yourself and others this allows for prolonged credibility and respect amongst all


    Providing the service should come naturally as your knowledge and experience flourish Entertaining and providing good fun and laughs are what are essential simply because you spending 10 to 16 hours confined in tight quarters with people so humor is the remedy to dry spells and confinement


    Help others as you progress in your way of life and possibly theirs also



    Most of all be yourself and genuine

    It should come naturrally


    I have always said in this business

    There are some that wish to be

    Some that want to be

    Some that are naturally born to be


    To maximize on your niche

    You and the fish must become one


    Ps,take note on Outdoorguy61 reply,valuable info shared by him

    Oudoorguy very good reply and experience shared




  9. Yes Lew its true,not many know of this. I work closely with the ministry and they turn often to me for my observatiosn and compare to other observations and after 15 years,they realize not to use my results but to use the common anglers results,because my results are skewed because of my continuous presence.I think over the years with mistakes they have made,they keep the info provided on the QT and act upon it,unfortunatly they are 10 years too late

    Its not in good shape,there are talks about including the Otttawa


    Reasons of population decline are as you mentioned (Fishing pressure,commercial fishing from past,perch population decline because of resale by local anglers cutting a fat rat,disease,warming of the waters by 4 degrees)


    Pollution is somewhat much better than 20 years ago


    Lew not much to bring up in a seperate thread,simply lack of info and data leading to the reasons why

    Honestly ,I dont think folks would really like to hear my opinion on why fisheries decline

    It encompasses far too much in which some will be ruffled

    I see no reason for 50 perch limits,6 walleye limits,6 pike limites

    When is the last time you saw someone eating 6 walleyes or pike or 50 perch?

    I would suggest 3 as a limit for walleye and pike and 15 to 20 perch should be plenty IN POSSESSION " In Possession "

    In other words At home or in your boat or day of fishing combined

    That is problably the biggest violation we as anglers are negatively impacting all species

    Dont kid yourself 60-75% of un-informed anglers are breaking the law,why such a high number

    simply because these anglers comprise of most of the anglers who use fishing as an occasional hobby without regularety and when purchasing a license they are not informed of the basic laws by the establishement providing these licenses


    We've seen the debates of location info sharing on this site and Lew you know my position on it

    10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish,why you ask,simply because 10% of the anglers do not pay attention to where 90% of the anglers are fishing ;)


    I suspect its not one thing but many factors which have led to this

    Most puzzling is species like channel catfish and sturgeon are thriving but other species are declinning.I suspect this may have direct correalation with habitat and fishing pressure


    We as anglers are accountable for the decline of our resources,we must take notice and be conscience of our presence and negative impacts on our resources and act accordingly if we wish it to survive. There's something to be learned from Native tradittions and how some still survive off the land.Using these methods of living and enjoying the resources in harmony with it without abusing it will allow it to survive and flourish

    We as humans are by far the biggest netagive impact on our resources when our behaviors towards it are diss-resspectfull

    We are changing for the better somewhat,education must continue for futur generations


    Unfortunatly Catch and release will not cut it and is not enough to bring back the health of the St Lawrence


    The basic forlmula to recovering somewhat stable populations is acting upon the forage

    Stabilize Perch,Emerald shinners populations and then we will open the flood gates for other species to flourish ,but thats too simple

  10. Ya sure had fun

    Its the second Sturgeon I have caught,well this one was my son but we filmed one last week around 18 pounds or so like Mike metioned

    Actually the Sturgeon population is somewhat stable/and commercially harvested

    Wish I could say the same about alll species

    The ministry will be conducting an entire reasearch and data collection on the entire St Lawrence mainly because populations of all species have seriously declined and habitat destruction is at its all time highest. The crux on the matter is the entire St Lawrence from one end to the other is suffering severly.They even speculate it will never recover from past stable populations


    Good thing is this ice fishing Outfitter promotes the release of fish,expecially bigger walleyes and large game species


    Roy had all 4 wheels on,prob is that is flat ice under the snow


    Good thing is the kids had fun and the fish kept everyone busy


    Chris,Yes Marco is quickly catching up in height, I think I am getting older

  11. And Richard...with all them Accronyms you spouted.. GMC must stand for.... your Grand Mother's Chrylser...


    Now Thats Funny :w00t:


    First off I would never buy a Dodge, they are to trucks what Legend is to boats. ( CHEAP )





    Go ahead and bad mouth my truck all you want, I couldn't care less. But when you comment on my boat,being a Legend and calling it cheap, you've gone too far. I know there are better, I'm sure everyone has an opinion on it, but to a fisherman that's a low blow. If this was a truck message board I would understand, but it's not.

    I'm gonna go outside, push the snow off it, and give her a hug. canadian.gif




    Did you expect any different,looks like a membership drive to me

  12. Now Tybo,I like the new logo

    Maybe I"ll have mine all changed on my Dodge


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with your work trucks.

    Working with your vehical really gives you a better assesement of what you need in a truck.


    Great point about 1/2 and 3/4 tons


    I should be changing in next 2 years ,My mind is not made up





    When I was afield tech. My most impotent tool was my truck.

    All one ton heavies

    1981 ford F super duty, with a 460, ton and a half.360K

    1985 ford F super duty special edition. 4 cyl international, 21/2 ton.280K

    1987 GMC 3500hd.6.2desiel, 2 ton.490K

    1991 GMC 3500 hd,6.5 diesel 3ton560 K

    1993 dodge 3500 extra hd.360. 21/2 ton 36K.

    there a saying in my trade. Sooner or later your truck is not going to be big enough.


    Personal trucks.

    1975 F super duty,390.310 K

    1987 GMC 1500 wt,350. 480K

    1991 GMC 1500 z71,350,480 K

    2003 GMC 2500hd,6.6 diesel,130 K.


    So now I'll start.

    81 ford lots of power. very hard to start in winter.Hard to stop.

    85 ford, not bad for power.Very loud. wouldn't start in winter. Hard to stop.

    both fords where very hard to steer when over loaded.

    always love the heat that came out of a ford.

    87 GMC.low power. would carry a over load but not very well.

    91GMC.pretty good power.didn't start in winter.This truck did Evey thing I ask of it.

    93 dodge, what a piece of junk.gave it back. wouldn't carry air.


    As of 99 i wouldn't buy a 1/2 ton. I'm not in the car market.

    In the half ton market thier all not bad trucks.

    I would still buy GMC. Best In load, best in tow, best in fuel.

    This is what I think of dodge.




    Now thats a BURN Robin.

  13. Well Gerrit,I have a 1998 Dodge Ram 1500

    I would buy another,simply because with 335 000 km,I have had no issue with it

    My only issue is gas comsumption,dude ya dont even want to know how much gas I spend a year

    repairs:wear and tear on ball joints and break,changed 1 water pump,1 tanny oil pan,catalitic concerter

    Quite the lemon I got,Its squeezes the juice out me all the time,gas that is


    it all comes down to maintenance and how you drive your vehical


    I'd sell your truck if it is bringning down the property value :w00t:

  14. Ya Tybo,that one is up there too

    Here ya go






    I did some video editing from a show I work during the off season ,and during one of the shots Orca's came right along side the boat,the rush of water these animals move is incredible.The footage was unreal on HD cam also.

    It was filmed at Knight Inlet in B.C


    Check this one out Orca on Great white

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