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Marc Thorpe

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Posts posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Welcome Bob to OFC

    Homer Leblanc,now there's the teacher of all teachers ,might have very well been one of the few that did not tell tall tales of WR fish that is :)

    Still have his book,a disciple of the method

    If he were still around,I'd tell him "Keep your feet off the varnish"


    If you see Don,say Hi for me

    Tell him ,I am getting older but I still eats me pie

    Neat shot there




  2. Basic problem

    we have lost the basic fundamental values on how both countries were founded


    We have become a complacent society


    There is more violence today in the world,the streets than any other period

    Its just presented in a more subtle way

    Only thing that has changed,the violence that exist elswhere in the world is now in our street among our youths at a higher rate than any other generation


    That is the decay of society


    In Montreal 2007, 6 murders out of 7 are street gang related by teenagers and 20 year old's

    Great parenting I km

    Seems it was more peacefull when crime was organized


    What about Me ,none is accountable

    How true Roy

  3. As most mentioned,nets are what is safest for both angler and fish

    It also allows fish to remain in the water during hook removal process,where they can breath.Remember to allow some rest time after removing the hooks for both fish and angler before proceeding to capturing your memory


    Use a craddle during mesurement or a float stick in the water

    Keeping the fish as much as possible in the water during hook removal,measuring process

    It will lead to and possibly less stressed and more succcessfull release


    here's a bit of read you sift through for process and eleborate sequences of events during the landing and release process






  4. One thing about Shimano,is the stance behind their product

    They are rugged when it come to durability

    Might try looking at the New Curado,Larry Dalberg shot some footage fishing for Dorado,the fish broke rods,lures,and even dented a spoon like a 22 .The reel stood up!

    Its a higher end deal,it offers ajustement and compensation to style of casting and if wind is a factor but the Calcutas are what I use


    When you get used to Level winds,you will see yourself using less your spinning reel ,main use will be specific.

    As far as ajusting the reel with lures,its actually pretty simple.I"ll gladly send uou an email on how to do it


    Good luck in choice



  5. Maina must have photoshoped the pic,now I think he's gonna wear lipstick and I"ll be sure to plaster it on the cup!Looks like you needs more discipline :w00t:

    Actually prety cool,thanks dude,Fornara gave a call last week and said something coming in the mail


    Dont be took quick Wayne,You mighht be wearing lipstick too! :w00t:

    You can rest assured "Your Smiles will be left on shore " :lol:


    Pete acts up again,I throw the leatard pic back up ! :w00t:


    Congrats to Moosebunk,great piece man wonderful entree :worthy:


    Jack Penny piece about wild animals and your pets is a thinker


    Pretty cool,3 OFC writters in this edition :clapping:

    Great example of knowledge to be shared by all


    very ,very cool

  6. LOL@ lipstick girlyman and Marc :lol: If that lipstick cup is filled with a bunch of sparkly lipgloss, well I want to win it for sure!LOL :w00t:



    Might have a fight on your hands,Gbay has his mind set


    I think all pics should be submitted with a lipstick in it


    I can just see it now

    "Honey can I borrow your lipstick" :w00t:

    "What for?" :blink:

    "Oh its for this fishing contest I am in " :angel:

    Oh sure!!!!!! :whistling:

    "Would you like to borrow my stilettos with that" :rolleyes:

    Would you mind? :unsure:


    At the end of the year we throw all the sticks in and hand it over to the winning team


    Rick and John,thanks ,I needed something to go off on

    The lipstick cup as them linning up at the doors!



  7. Certainly, our welfare recipients and our incarcerated need to earn their keep. I think that I commented on that in an earlier post. We could learn something from our friends to the South about how to manage our inmates. Many states put them to work on a daily basis cleaning up after the slobs. As far as capital punishment, well you will need to start a new thread on that one... :)



    John I agree with you

    I do pick up,I have my limit.I aint collecting a pile of trash for the mass

    I cup here a cup there yes,but a pile of trash? Its should not be there in the first place

    So no,I aint picking it up


    As for the ice ,its pretty simple,The Outfitter should be held responsible and the area of acces charging to get on.

    They should do round and let folks know to pick up after every piece of trash,they could even provide the garbage bags every day!

    To hold every other angler accountable for everyone elses actions?I dont think its right

    Its a volunteer practice in which you are partaking in picking up after someone elses ill practice


    Keeping the enviroment cleans starts with the operators of access to the lake or outfitters


    If your gonna place responsibility of actions,its must be on those that litters and those that provide acces to metropolitain/urban fishing.

    These kinda things you dont see in northen resorts or outfitters,because they keep it clean


    Town and cities could have an inspector do a round at all the outfitters ,few weeks before they pulll off.It would take 1 winter if everyone and the ministry of enviroment made it mandatory when aquiring a license to operate.Including rental huts that the operator stores for locals.


    Its starts at the source,not the end user who does it right


    Thats my hole point in opposing the critizizing of those who wont pick up after others,they really dont have to

    Examples such as mine are very valid reason,sorry John,I have little faith in the overall goodness of people.We are living in a different era than when we where brought up.

    John,people dump on people and do things for no valid reason,how can you critize someone who does good and wishes no longer to partake in picking up after others?

    Their is no reason


    Its a gracious act to pick up litter,its not an obligation nor a reason to condescend someone who wish not to.Its a personal choice,does not make you less or more because you do it or not

    Makes you less of a person if you litter


    I understand what folks are saying but we have to look at who is trully obliged

  8. Perhaps we can't blame any given individual for not having the desire to help conserve our resource. After all, someone else will do it...right?


    Maybe it is just human nature?




    Hey Tony been there done it,it cost me 2000$ to bail good people out of bankruptcy

    I've tried and will continue trying but I look at reality right in the face(I am a responsible person),litterers will be litterers,Actually the one litterer I mention is a conservationist

    If your so generous,mind re-embursing me,because its public funds they wasted that got them there

    Maybe I"ll throw in the 2000$ for garbage collection and take care of society

    there an old saying no good deed goes un-punished


    I find it ironic how some critize others for their un-willingness without knowing what they have done which lead them to disbelieve in the good of man kind,It does not exist


    Tony there's a big difference between providing assistance to someone stranded and picking up someone elses garbage

    Compare apples to apples please

  9. I dont think Chris needs enviromental education

    Actually he was on along with me that were extremely involved in education and conservation,

    Ya really want to know where our efforts went,it went to a few self gratifying individuals who dumped all over us,just like those whom leave trash abound

    Actually I think someone else quit because of lack of responsible manegement,we paid to be members and got trashed on


    So to picking up after the world,Lets just say our bags are full

    I say let the welfare folks earn their keep by developping a program and how about inmates at a cost of 40 000$ a year per head (capital punishement is cheaper)

    I think its time the free earned their keeps


    I do think something must be done,but when you have taken responsibility for others lack of effort and your reward is less than nothing in respect,you kind see things as they are


    Picking up some litter,not a problem ,a shoreline clean up "I doubt it".I've seen some on the Ottawa dump their trash out of their trucks at the ramp ,(only 3 of us put in that day),

    So I am gonna pick up after them or anybody else?

    I am with whopper


    A social program should be developped,make the free living work a bit


    Naughty fish,your are comparing apples to oranges,doing what you say is called Tresspassing,if ya dont know what tresspassing involves,well lets just say you end up in more trash than you leave

  10. :lol: we are going to be rich.


    Not sure about being Rich,but I am sure all 6 foot plus of you will look so sweet :w00t:


    Fishergirl, sparkles might just make him look pretty swell :w00t:


    Only thing Gbay,we are not calling ourselves Team Lipstick for your cause :w00t::lol:



    This has been funny

  11. I'll bring some for you, when I come to Quebec Marc! What colour do you prefer.


    No thats quite alright Wayne,ya might wanna ask Gbay which colour he prefers and mail him some :clapping:

    Might wanna ask him if he prefers Fabergey or L'Oreal hahahahahahaha


    Boy I remember a day when a man carried a pen around,now they carry lipstick :rolleyes:


  12. Hey Muskieb,I use a couple of various rods,last few years mainly because of Maina,I've gone to 8 foot rods.Leveates alots of stress on the back and offers what I consider a good fight and control.May seem odd at first casting with long rods but you really begin to enjoy the control of your lure and fish once you setlle into it.The 2 Rods I've gone to are 8 foot compre's (1 pi3ce)and Pete Maina rod at BPS 8.6 foot (2 piece).Both are of high quality and affordable.Both back up their product very well

    Both offer a great balance between casting and trolling


    Rells,well I am a Calcutta man,but the maina reel has an extremely good dependability given the price.

    Many other products out there,sure you"ll find something to your liking



  13. "a williams spoon silver/blue with a 1 or 2 foot lead with a worm , always does the trick with 1-2lb specs"


    What Carl said,is about all you need for spec,make sure you have silver, and gold

    When I've fished em,incoming rivers,new emerging weeds,at times just off Rice beds or cat tail beds in May


    I pretty sure DanC could give good advise on general locations for specs which would apply most anywhere,DanC problably displays the best speck pics I've seen,me thinks he knows what he's doing

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