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Everything posted by MSBruno

  1. My last finesse post went very well, so I'm looking to add a 3rd rod to my arsenal and would be my first baitcasting rod. 1st rod - Medium Action, Spinning Reel : Spinnerbait/In-Line Spinner/Buzzbait rod (basically a cast and constant retrieve setup) 2nd rod - Medium Action, Fast Tip, Spinning Reel: (Worm/Jig/Drop Shot rod) 3rd rod - looking for a baitcasting setup for X-Raps, Jig n Pig/Fog Slop rod I would like to go baitcasting to get past all the knots that I'm encounting in reeling slack and semi-slack line with my current spinning setup. I would like to stay below $250ish. Left handed reel. 1 piece preferred. I would use this pimarily for LMB, SMB and Pike. Recommndations? Again, thanks OFC for the advise!
  2. The reel is a Mitchell Spidercast SC30
  3. I live 5 min from BassPro, so I'll be purchasing there.
  4. Those Shimao's look great and I love the warranty. Which length, action, taper? The reel is a 8 yr old Michell Spidercast spinning reel (3 ball bearing). I'll try and get the model number.
  5. Looking at purchasing a new rod to pair up with a spinning reel I already have. This rod would be used for senko worms (weighted and non-weighted), bottom jigging and drop shotting for LMB and SMB. I have 10lb fireline crystal spooled on the reel. 1 piece preferred, but not exclusive to 1 piece. Not looking to spend a tonne of money either. Thanks in advance, Mark
  6. HI All, I just started fishing again this year after a many years of not fishing and I have been using x-raps with my spinning gear and braided line. For me to get the most action, it's a viscous jerk, jerk, jerk and then pause. When the pause is on, I'll reel in the slack line. This seems to capture my line loose on my reel, so I then tried to rell with each jerk, but then tha action died down and became more of a sweep, sweep, sweep. With Bas season upon us, I'm going to try and focus of plastics which is a lot of action and reeling in slack or semi-slack line. So I'm looking for help as I don't want to keep stripping line off. Would a baitcaster fix this? Thanks in advance, Mark
  7. 2 of us on the water from 4pm to 6pm and ended up with these 2 and 2 smaller ones (released) on Spaarow on Saturday afternoon.
  8. With this suspending bait, fluoro shouldn't work, so does everyone go with braid or mono? Or braidd with mono leader? With the deep diving series, fluoro would be ok?
  9. The place I am referring to is not Primrose. Primrose is 5km east of this place.
  10. I was driving along Hwy 89 this morning and drove past Mono 2nd line EHS and I remeber fishing this man's pond which he stocked with trout and he allowed the public to fish and he charged by the inch for every fish caught. Is this place still open?
  11. This is what I'm talkng about. Should anyone be casting (with the big casting motions) on the front end of a 14-16' aluminum?
  12. I've been seeing quite a few posts and researching people modding thier jon boats or aluminum boats (14ft - 16ft) with casting decks and full flat floors. Even that dream walleye boats with high pedestal seats. Is this safe? Is a flat bottom better than a v-bottom? Ideas or dicsussion?
  13. 36" won it last year
  14. I heard 37" was the leader with a couple 34" 's behind it. This was of 2PM yesterday afternoon
  15. I guess I'll stick to the conventional bottom rigs
  16. Anyone tried this rig for bottom pike or suspened pike? Quick strike possible setup?
  17. I know In-line's need swivels to stop spining gear from twisiting, but what about spinnerbaits? Thanks in advance!
  18. I started working those deeper spots too. I'm ging to focus on those spots entirely next time.
  19. Went to the Islands yesterday (1:30PM - 6:00PM) and only was able to hook into a small catfish. Swpet my usual areas with both lures which have worked for my last two times I went (5 pike the first times, 3 pike the second time). Pike gone for the summer? Also, I was surprised that the catfish took a chomp at my xrap.
  20. Looking to run 2 different worms on my drop shot, 12" apart, different colours and sizes. From what I read on the regs, 4 hooks max, right? ANyone else have luck on this? Ideas?
  21. Found this here: http://www.creditvalleycons.com/recandleisure/fishing.htm IMPORTANT: The City of Mississauga has placed limited RESTRICTIONS ON FISHING at Lakefront Promenade Park and J.J. Plaus Park. Offenders will be charged under a municipal by-law. Fishing is still allowed in the Port Credit Memorial Park area of the harbour, as well as J.C. Saddington Park. Please refer to the city's web site for more information. - City of Mississauga I went to the website and all I can find it this: Fishing Lakefront Promenade park offers anglers shore fishing opportuinies for pan fish, trout, salmon, bass and pike. The harbour is located 4 km from the mouth of the Credit River. The Credit River and Lake Ontario provide anglers with world class Salmon and Trout fishing opportunities from land and by boat. Anyone?
  22. But any pike?
  23. Any Pike there this time of the year? What else would be there other than carp and leftover salmon. OOS Smallies making their way up I would guess too. I'm looking for pike.
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