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About archie_james_c

  • Birthday 12/06/1988

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    same as my username @hotmail.com
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  • Location
    Sault Ste. Marie, ON
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, firearms, guitar.

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  1. Agreed, but a ultralight with a fast action or extra fast would be ideal. As a perches throat (where the hooks usually end up) is very rough and tough. Usually when I haul them up the treble hook is barely caught in their. Their lips are soft though.
  2. I suppose I'll agree with you on that one Bill, Croix ice rods trump the fenwicks elite techs all day every day. I'll likely throw my Elite Tech in the closet and buy more Croix Premiers.
  3. Sounds like you werent getting light hits, just setting the hook too soon. Switch to an ultralight rod like folks above have mentioned, but change your fishing style. With perch you get the usual "tap tap tap tap tap tap"...let them hit it over and over until they pull the ultralight tip down a couple inches then set the hook. Usually perch will suck in half the shiner and chew on it for a few seconds (sometimes a looong time) before they suck it right into their mouth. Ditch the jig as well. Run a little williams wabbler with a 10" dropper down to a #14 or 12 treble hook, hook the shiner through the mid back and drop him down to them, dont hook them in the lips or tail, you'll lose more shiners than you can afford Its that easy. Im going tomorrow mornign maybe I'll try and make a video.
  4. I see you have some work to do The smiley blades...I could give or take. I haven't been in a situation yet were I said "man I wish I brought smilies with me today!" . They catch fish, its just that I don't think they work any worse or better in my home waters. I'm sure the Lake Erie guys will trumpet differently, but as said, for my riggin' they're no different.
  5. Breathables....never going back to neoprene again....

  6. 3, #4 or #6 Raven Octo-Beaks for worm/leech rigs 1 #4 Raven for Minnow rigs 14 pound Suffix Mono...walley dont care about flouro Barrel swivel on the end Northland holo-colorado's Solid colorados, indianas, willow leafs and hatchets Firetiger of the above as well Mine look like this, and leave much to be desired... Floating spinners do work too, in skeeny water, these get 1, #6 regardless of bait, as if I run these I'm essentially lindy rigging them.
  7. Shortcut keys, better split screens, dual memory card slots, and a bigger screen makes the 8 the clear winner. I own a 7 and my boss runs the 8 and I gun with him regularly and use his. I wish I bought the 8...
  8. Make a damn fine stained water walleye rig
  9. I'd have just shot it between its see'ers. Quartered it, butchered it and then resumed Deer hunting. Hard to pass a bear up.
  10. Ive seen your wall of spoons and crankbaits. To say you have a problem is an understatement
  11. Im well aware of what they were made for. I just know guys who run their gear hard, some of it works, some of it don't. I need to find the former I have Team Daiwas up to the Advantage-A and they are very tough...but not impervious. I know impervious exsists. I just need to source it out As said, I have reels/rods that will last a lifetime of normal use, and I use them normally. A Steelhead spinning reel, in these parts does not get used normally I may be stuck gasketing my Tierras myself, and seeing if they hold up.
  12. Looking for something on the upper end, 150-200$. I'm not talking a reel you got rained on for an hour and it kept working. I'm talking a reel that can be dropped on a sandy bank, submerged in chest-high crossings, hold up to being slammed on rocks and ice and take it all in stride. I hear the Stradic's have that in spades, my Tierras are nipping at its heals but the gear train is the big problem, its vented and very susceptible to silt and sand in that stupid gear box. The drag is quite water proof but after a dozen or so submerses in the wet stuff it starts to chatter, and thats no good when you're slumming 6 pound leaders in fast chutes...
  13. They look pretty in my tackle box, thats about it.
  14. Looking to pick up a hardcore, workhorse Steely spinning reel. Needs to be waterproof and have a 100% waterproof drag system. I run Daiwa Tierras which have fairly waterproof drags, but even then they begin slipping/chattering/etc after a few hours in the wet stuff. Also their gear trains are susceptable to the sandy rivers I fish, I've cooked 2 Tierras gear trains last season... Anyone have any ideas? 'Pinners need not preach.
  15. Ooooooh ya, the OPP are great and helpful folks The OPP lady called me back 4 days later and said she was coming out to "investigate", I said "dont worry the MNR already came out and did your job for you, and they did a pretty poor job at that." She didnt know what to say....
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