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About Frankypro

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  1. MTP, Great report! nothin' like calling home base to announce the success of the day! Thanks for posting,
  2. Hey mikeymikey, Well, I am all over the map when it comes to right handed/left handed, but I guess in general I fish left handed. My spinner gear is hold with left and crank with right. My baitcaster is cast with right switch rod in hands to left and then crank with right. I golf, play golf and hockey right handed, but put the fork in my left hand (always). Now my buddy IS left handed but took a right handed reel and turned it upside down ( yes the whole pole eye-lets, reel and everything were up side down) and operated it "pole in left and crank with right"??? I think your gunna find there are as many ways of doing things as there are people. What ever works for you to catch fish is what matters mikeymikey!
  3. Welcome to the digital world.' Lots and lots of pics but hey you can just delete the bad ones. Enjoy the camera...and keep posting your shots!
  4. My mouth started watering just at the title of your thread! It was a great day for sure.
  5. Thanks pikehunter, great pics of the area. Shouldn't be long now.
  6. Thanks for the heads up Fisherman, I like that store.
  7. Hey Bucktail, My big trip year is also to Biscotain for the last week of July. I'm starting to pickup the odd Pike lure as I've heard the walleye usually are on right at dusk and I'll want to spend the rest of the day hunting for the 20 pounder. I guy can dream can't he?
  8. Hey Guys, Thanks very much, I've never been on the Niagara river before and think it would be best to leave it this weekend. I was pretty brave at work today at luch but am turning Chicken at the last hour. Spring run off and the ice above the falls is making me leary about heading out. Anyone else going out this weekend? PM me if you don't want to post, but would ever consider watching out for a newby. Thanks again for your responses!
  9. Does anyone know if the Queenston ramp is open and if fishing the river would be a go this weekend? Satalite pics show a lot of ice on the east side of L. Erie and I was wondering if it's worth putting the boat in for the first trip of the year?
  10. I tell ya, I won't have Nun-av-it!
  11. Welcome Glenn, Hey brickNblock ( oh dear Capt'in of Team LIVIN' 4 FISHIN) Can we have GlennK on our team- He knows MikeThePike and they're way out in the east ----- perhaps we can have some insider trading/some rackateering/ some corruption/ some no good fixing the number for team 4, wink, wink, know what I mean say no more,,, LOL
  12. Hey Gerritt, Good for you, looks like a nice machine. Last year I needed to replace my Craftsman riding lawnmower ~ it had seen a LOT of grass cutting in it's years of service. At the risk of sounding like I'm Spamming, Sears stands behind their stuff.
  13. I love it. It's tidy, out of the way and removable for when your not down-rigging. Great job. Can I setup my appointment to bring my boat in say mid April. LOL
  14. They put mine under what they called my "Umbrella Policy" and I'm covered for theft, fire and liability. I believe like any other insurance the latter is what costs the big bucks. They went by the size of boat and the size of the motor. I have a 14 ft aluminum w/ 25 HP motor and my agent said if I move either the premium climbs. I'd like a 16' with my motor as she runs sweet.
  15. Those are very funny! Thanks for sharing
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