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Everything posted by stasbrute

  1. nice fish there, I have hit the lower a few with the boat, cant seem to hook into a bow dunno what im doin wrong I get lakers and the odd brown no bows for me ......yet
  2. ah yes dark rich coffee, mmmmm, I like your groove cisco, is nice
  3. congrats on the "dead"ication looks like you were having "a high time, living the good life"
  4. thanks guys you may be right bbr maybe I will just leave them stinky and add some yumm scent when i use them and gcd you are right i do think you r crazy nuttin to do with the garlic though hehe hehe
  5. Hello fellow OFC,rs.....my ice fsihing lures stink, reminants of minnow was left on some jigs now it seems all the lues in the box smell, any good tips on cleaning up the stink? Do you think baking soda and water might work ?
  6. everyone remember "embelishment is the key to good story telling" whatever
  7. The last time I was out I got a 8lb walleye, came in like a log I did get a pike about the samr size and it put up quite a fuss from stars to finish come to think of it I got an 11.5 walleye from Erie this summer that was a dissapointing oppenent as well both wallies come from deep water, probably a factor
  8. Real nice report .....wish I was there
  9. I like crappie!!!!
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