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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Again with the double today....
  2. Perch is number one for me Walleye Rainbow Salmon First weekend smallies if the water is cool. Salt water if it isn't halibut who cares....
  3. Umm that is five not four but who is counting. I have 8 ft 9.5 ft 11.5 ft 11.5 ft 11.5 ft Now I will admit the last two were supposed to be 10.5 ft but when I got the first one did I stop oh no I ordered the second one knowing it would probably be another 11.5 ft and it was but I kept it. Then again I got them both for 180 Canadian when they normally go for over 300.00 U.S. each. The guy who got both of them even offered me 50 more than I paid for the last one but I am hanging on to it just in case anyhow LOL.
  4. I didn't know you knew "Blanche" my ex girlfriends mother....
  5. I believe that the number of fish I am catching is consistent with other years but the size is way, way down. However if this amount of rain keeps up it will be very benefical for the water table where I live which is good so I can put up with having to fish harder for decent fish... What worries me though is too many more "soakings" and some very badly needed crops around here will be ruined which will be a very real disaster, given the worldwide low stocks of wheat, corn and beans...
  6. Danbo I don't think that knife would fit in the trunk of my 67 ford LOL.
  7. Nope..... and it doesn't matter which courier either if it says fragile the box must have one or preferably two holes punched or kicked in it. Maybe fragile means ventilate in some language?
  8. OK but you obviously haven't heard about the kind of luck some of us have on here..... LOL
  9. You tell me where I can get a NEW circa 1980 7ft Shimano BullWhip spinning rod and I would do just that LOL. I have looked on Ebay for years no luck on finding one. However and this is a true story a friend of a friend who's sister's, uncle's, brother's, motherinlaws half cousion twice removed is reported to have one in a display case in their "sports room" that is not for sale because although they have never went "fishing" they sometime may find the time to see what all the fuss is about..... I thought it was a joke until the buddy who told me about seeing it clicked a picture with his camera phone just to drive me crazy.
  10. I like them to punch in by 7:00 AM first break at 10:30.... Lunch is two hours if they buy the the drinks.... Well you said work!!!
  11. OH man are you going to get some nasty email when someone's new boat has a chunk missing around the cleat LOL
  12. Truth be told I am more worried about it in transportation to the repair guy and back unless I drove it myself. Couriers and I have do not have a happy relationship..... to me fragile MEANS fragile. To them it seems to say drop kick the SNOT of it till it quits moving. LOL.
  13. Now that is exactly the situation I avoid by using only 6lb test mono when bassing LOL.... Or pike fishing (with a cheapie wire leader) Or steelheading for that matter.
  14. NO laughing here I got a little ticked because looking reminded that I need two different types of rods that I CAN"T find anywhwere without compromising part of what I am looking for.... So now I am thinking screw it I will get into making my own but realize that would be a whole other nightmare LOL. Lastly I just remembered that my holiest of holies is still sitting there with one eye where I punched out the ceramic. I need to get it fixed but it is my baby so bascially in all honesty anyone who fixes it is really putting their physical safety on the line because if anything bad happened to that particular rod I just could not be held responsible for how I would react. (which is why it is still sitting in the closet not fixed until I save up enough money for bail in case things go horribly wrong LOL)
  15. I refuse to answer on the grounds that I would have to go into my fishing room and count them..... Also your poll makes no provision for rods that are in the mail having just been ordered but are not yet technically in ones possession. Seriously I only have about 8 or so....
  16. I have never tried the minnows but in my bass spot I broke down and tried the leeches. I can say despite my serious misgivings that the leeches do work, not as well as live leeches and because the freaking container leaks are more of a pain in the butt to deal with than live leeches but I have caught over 50 bass on them in 3 trips. People using the minnows there 0 real bass but lots of rock bass... I do have agree if you want eyes as well as bass leeches would be my choice. WHATEVER you do as soon as pick either up and get them home put them in something else other than the pail they come with that is watertight/airtight and ENJOY.
  17. I was going to use another container but came up with a faster solution. I just put the whole berkley container into a freezer ziplock that I seal up.... Bit of a pain having to make sure it is sealed but until I can find a small air tight one that will fight into my new smaller cooler bag it works so far. One other tip when the first ziplock gets too messed up do your whole family a favour and throw in the trash bin outside don't just leave in one in the house. That scent they use can get pretty ripe after a couple of hours in the open air. I will have to write berkley a couple of customer complaint letters too!!!!
  18. Yeah but he can catch fish..... LOL
  19. The law is there for one reason and one reason only so that you don't leave a rod "UNATTENDED".... unfortunately like a lot of laws this one doesn't exactly work either as most of the guys I know who bottom fish pretty leave their rods for long periods of time to socialize, eat, drink, imbibe, inhale and party. However that is what the CO I asked about it said. Apparently he thought that he could actually charge some one from being far enough away from their rod with something but didn't really explain what it would be. (wasn't ice fishing although there was ice floating by at the time LOL) Why they don't want rods unattended is because some fish will pull the rod into the water and that creates a whole list of issues... Deep hooking is certainly one of them. A fish towing around a rod for days could be hard on them too...
  20. Last week at the fishing store in Stratford
  21. I have seen a two piece 6.6 ft Quantum HSX54 Tour Edition rods here in a store on sale for 49.99. That seems to be a great deal given that even though it is last years model the new ones go for around 108.00 it would be a quality choice to start with as it would be good enough to last and not so expensive you would regret keeping it for a spare if you wanted to upgrade from it as you got better at casting.
  22. Again got in for the double....
  23. Awesome looking fish, seeing anyone catch their first of any species is always rewarding.
  24. I don't know what is up either this year with all small fish.... I did excellent steelheading all year until a week before opener. Pike was huge numbers but small fish. Then, I spent the morning at my favourite smallie spot and I sure do miss the option of being able to crayfish. Leechs or gulp live leeches are okay I have caught about 80+ (small) smallies and maybe 25 (smaller) largies in about 8 trips this year so far. Tons of fun and it is a challenge to land any bass there which I get reminded of when I see 10 to 20 other anglers not catching anything but rock bass and sunfish. It is however getting really old when you see a 2 or 3 pounder swim right by any offering. I was catching a bass every other cast this morning but after seeing 5 different BIG fish just keep going I packed it in early to come home, before it got too hot. Maybe we need a week without rain to turn them on or something anything...... anyone got any ideas LOL
  25. The truth is if you get "charged" with a traffic violation you are innocent until you plead guilty or the court FINDS you guilty..... and the exact same goes for anyone caught poaching. To do anything less than to exhaust all the remedies available to you under the LAW is foolhardy and shortsighted in either case. Of course one of those remedies if you feel guilty is to plead that way. However if you don't feel you are you should rejoice in the fact that we live in a society that allows us all the right to have the onus on the system to prove us guilty of any charge. Besides it is quite an education to go in and find out how the system works, and a lot better to do it with a minor traffic ticket than something more major. I have done so and I am firmly convinced that the tv show "Lets Make a Deal" was conceived by someone who had went in charged with careless but talked it over and came out with a failure to yield conviction and no points.... Which showed me first hand only a fool will sign a guilty plea on any charge without looking in to it.
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