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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. don't be silly.


    they know exactly who did it.


    there is no question of that.


    I am always amazed at any communities ability to take a tragedy without any facts and spin it this way or that to fit its fears, prejudices or low opinion of our fellow human beings.


    In this post there are a lot of assumptions, leaps of logic and nasty innuendos, but NO PROOF which is ideally what I would like to see, before I accuse anyone or group.

  2. I have seen it many a time..... Kid with the cartoon character rod handing us the humble pie. I especially love it when the kid catches a HUGE carp and lands it. While the "pros" with 500 bucks worth of rods and pods get skunked!!!!

  3. I can say from experience that practice will make it a lot more fun when you hit a river with it. I went out with mine when I first purchased it a couple times and couldn't cast for crap with it. I was in a river with everybody else catching fish because they were able to place the float where it needed to be. I was determined not to have to go back to the car which was only 50ft away and revert to using a spinning reel setup because I had spent good money on a float reel. So after 2 trips where I wasn't getting fish when I should have been I went out in the field beside my apartment and practiced. It was great I saw about 10 friends who I fish with drive by and wave honk their horns and have a good laugh at my expense. I also managed to figure out what I was doing wrong.


    Next trip out I was able to cast with a bit more precision and I caught fish, just as easily as I had with my spinning reel.

  4. What percentage of your income is tax?

    Why does the percentage keep increasing?

    Does the increase get me something I was not getting before?


    Ummm I ask the same about the percentage of increase from speculation on real estate and fuel, which in turn cause everything we buy to cost us more for less.


    As for the cash grab at the MTO, I know about 20,000 pot holes on my commute to work where they could spend some of the increase LOL

  5. This could be me if my parents had not raised with me a CONSCIENCE.... Here is a hypothetical explanation.


    I have to confess, due the high cost of "brokerage fees" cough rip-off. I have found it is very prudent to study my neighbors work schedule. Then I go get a AM EX preloaded credit card in my neighbors name so the name and addresses match. If anyone questions me I say OH it is a gift for some made up favor they did for me.


    I then order my stuff and have it shipped to my neighbors address. By being clever enough to add PLEASE SAFE DROP at the back door.... Then I merely have to wait until the Fed Ex truck has gone around the corner, then I go through our joint gate because we are such good neighbors... I scoop up my package and enjoy my products without having to trouble myself with those nastly brokerage fees from sites that won't ship USPS to Canada....


    The moral of the story is to NEVER EVER under any circumstances order anything from outside of Canada unless the brokerage is included or they delivery via USPS.

  6. Bag all the way...


    1 for perch

    1 for trout plus a vest, with all the lures, pretied leaders, flies needed the extra storage if I am walking a river the bag stays in the car.

    1 for bass (although I rarely use it anymore


    So much simplier than having to move stuff around. If I am going for chrome in the early morning in river then perch off a pier later I just switch the bag at the car and am good to go.

  7. I hear you.... Chrome fishing can fill a large room with equipment we NEED, want, or would kind of sorta like to have LOL. Seriously though one of the people who catches as many fish as anyone else I know, is a young woman of 75 who uses her 30yr old 6.6ft white fiberglass rod... So it ain't always the equipment sometimes it is the experience. Personally I would rather be lucky than good when fishing for steel.

  8. The ideal rod length is the one that fit in my car.. LOL. I fish 11.6's for everything but have 3 different rods that length and all of them have their niche. A few times on the bigger Huron Tribs I would have liked a 13ft but it never stopped me from doing just as well as anybody else around.


    I use 8lb Raven mainline and 6lb vanish fluorocarbon leaders, I can't remember the last time I had a fish "break" off. It has to be 4yrs ago, see below. If my dad was typing this, he would remind me of the time he had a knot pulled out on the first steelie he had hooked in years as I tie most of his gear for him too though. I will admit, the look on his face wounded me to the core when he reeled in and we could see the tell tale curly cue where the hook had been.


    If you are having break offs on 5.6 leaders do a snap test and you might just find your leader material is bull. The last time I experienced more than one break off was opening weekend 4yrs ago. I was using some new fangled polycore type leaders, and kept losing fish after fish. Long story short I couldn't pull and break the leaders but any time I would snap the line with about 2" slack it would just break right in the middle. Now I test all my leader material with both a snap and long straight pull before I tie up a bunch, never had a problem since...

  9. In my limited experience boundaries are where one C/O says there are on any given day... I would be very interested to see what 3 independently contacted MNR officials say about this situation. The reason is I have been fishing a WELL known river and been told 2 different starting areas for the a sanctuary by 2 C\O's in the same week LOL. The difference was only about 10yds but the second C\O was letting people fish where the first one claimed it would have been a fine?

  10. I watch a TON of documentaries on health care from lots of different countries and there is no system in the world that doesn't have LONG wait times in ER, I think the staffing issue is just a small part of the problem. The overwhelming cause of delays are the friggin idiots who come in who DO NOT need to be there. That being said some of those are there because they have no choice for care because they don't have GP. I was one of those people for about 6yrs and went to the ER ONCE, during that period, and vowed the next time would be if ONLY if I was taken in against my will So I find it utterly insane to go through the hassle of going to an ER unless you are so close to dying you no longer care what happens to you LOL.


    Another part of the problem with wait times that isn't often discussed publicly is how often staff can't face the day so they call in sick. Leaving areas scrambling to find enough staff to cover the duties required. I say this because I have a few family members in both the nursing and long term care fields who get 4 to 5 extra shifts a month EVERY MONTH many of them at overtime rates. When other employees call in with anal blindness (saying sorry I don't see my a$$ showing up today) It is ironic how so many studies show that in business if your employees are calling in sick a lot you have a sick working environment and you should fix it, yet this falls on deaf ears in health care.


    While I have nothing but the highest respect for all the front line people I have met in health care, I have seen a lot of areas where management is way too entitled. It is pretty sickening to cater many a lavish board meeting, where the clowns in suits are deciding over a very expensive lunch, whose hours to cut on front line services, or hear them talking about how to spend 1000.00's to attract 100.00's in donations....


    As for seeing some specialists, yes the wait times are too long but anybody who thinks having a private system in Canada will shorten them for any meaningful number of people is deluded. I say that because of simple math. There is no way a country with our population (lack of) density could support anything resembling what the rich Americans in large population centers enjoy with respect to speedy service. Also everyone on here seems to be forgetting the US has one of the most expensive health care systems in the world and they don't seem to be enjoying better outcomes because of it (link below).




    If you check into it down there, there are vast areas that are under serviced as well because it is simply not going to be as profitable for the same type of quick health care to be available in a town of a 8,000 as there is, where there are more people than that in a few blocks.


    So yeah maybe in certain areas a private system here could give a very select few faster better service. The reality is though, if those people have the 1900.00+ (typical cost in the US for FULL top of the line health care packages from some who SELLS them) to spend a MONTH, on extra health insurance for a family of four. Then we should let em buy a US policy or even a Mexican plan, (lets keep it Nafta which has been so good for us so far) and deduct it on their taxes as a health care expense, and charge them no fees for a passport as long as they have the health care policy in force. Then they can just take a vacation down south and get their care there. To me doing that shortens the waiting line here even more, because those people won't be in line here anymore, they will be on a medical holiday and getting away from winter while they are at it. WIN WIN for everybody concerned.

  11. Lol, some great comments on that link above though, fun to read at least.


    Same comments were written about the Rovello winter tires I put on my car. Real happy with them and have put ... about 18 000 km on them this winter, so far, heck if I swap them out at the end of 4 years, I'm still ahead.




    It is a good site to check out opinions on anything before buying. The hot deals section will usually help you find the best price in Canada on anything too, if it is on sale it will likely be listed in there.

  12. The truth is all the tires sold in North America have to pass the same DOT tests..... That being said you can go and find recalls from EVERY manufacturer who had bad runs. That includes all the top tier big name brands too.


    Tires are very important but making sure they are balanced, at the proper inflation and the right tire for the type of weather you drive in is critical too!!!

  13. Is it 60 metric meters or 60 US meters.... :dunno: Do they use a tape measure what if the CO is 4'8" tall does their stride count as a meter. So many questions.


    Also if you are sound asleep with the line wrapped around a glove like I am when I steelhead fish through the night most years at this time does that count as attended or zonked out waiting for dawn? LOL

  14. When you go shopping for a trout rod get a Michigan handle, anything else should be outlawed IMHO LOL. You will know the right rod when you hold it!!


    Since you are asking for tips, here are the 3 most important tips I have learned while fishing for chrome...


    1) I would rather be lucky than good especially while bottom fishing.


    2) When some older angler is leaving the pier offer to help them carry some stuff to their vehicle if they seem to be struggling ;o) Then when you go back the next time they might be inclined to share some knowledge. I have learned more in chatting for an hour with people like that than I could figure out in a year on my own.


    3) If you are doing the same thing as everyone else and they aren't catching fish, you better hope tip #1 applies to you. So fish harder change things up if it hasn't worked in 30 minutes change your leader length. Then the colour of your bait. Then your weight. Then try a live worm up off the bottom, Huron fish do like em.


    Bonus tip I might be getting old but I don't even want to CARRY 1oz sinkers anymore much less chuck them. 5/8 oz bullet sinkers are your friend. Having them move a bit is a good thing especially down a river into a deep spot where they don't roll out... I have seen more fish drop a bait with a 1oz sinker because they seem to feel it than not in our group, the guys who fish lots of weight don't have to worry about cleaning fish most days. The lighter a weight usually the better.

  15. Sorry about your luck but you are in the wrong, so going to fight it just wastes a CO's time who might be out catching a poacher or two, instead of cooling their heels in a court room. It sucks that they don't send out renewals but we all adults here aren't we?


    On a side note if you had not got checked for 6yrs you would have been money ahead. I only mention that because I had a boss who didn't notice his sticker on his van wasn't current for 2 FULL years. When the top cops in town finally pulled him over he made money on the deal because the fine was less than the cost of the 2 stickers. Now comes the unbelievable part, the van was used 4 days a week for bread delivery, minimum of 2hrs just in town, and no cop noticed. After that he got pulled over about once year, like clock work, and 3 TIMES his current insurance slip was sitting on his desk in the envelop unopened. All 3 times he called and told me to come back immediately and get the current slip for the van I was driving as it was on the same policy, I laughed and told him no need I dropped into his broker and got the current slip for my van long before the old one was expired.... (only because I knew I couldn't "afford" the fine on what he was paying me LOL)

  16. I have never used any crayfish imitation baits.


    Is that because you live in real province where you can still use REAL LIVE ones?


    I quit bass fishing when they banned transporting crayfish over land in Ontario. Honestly I miss catching the crayfish more than the bass. Catching the crayfish took skill the bass not at all, once you knew the trick for the quarry I used to fish LOL.

  17. A few years ago when I was fishin' the Ganny in Port Hope, there was 3 or 4 drunken foul-mouthed hillbillies casting over other people's lines, dragging spoons with large trebles on 'em. giving 'em a good jerk every few feet, and just generally being an ass, when I heard one of 'em yelling in obvious pain. THEN I saw what he was yelling about . . . . somehow his buddy had drove the treble on a 3/4 ounce Cleo well past the barb into the back of his neck when he cast it. . . . I could hardly keep the smile off my face. This was almost as funny as a guy I saw 'lipping' a 3 - 4 pound pike . . . . made a quite a mess of his fingers!


    Karma wins again for the first part!!!


    As for the last part I had a friend who begged me to show him how to Northern Pike fish. So we headed out to small spillway that was loaded with them. Before I realized he had went down the other side to the water as I was walking across the bridge. So by the time I have gotten down the water he has chucked his spoon and starts reeling. BAM a BIG pike hits it and he is fighting with it and after a while he gets it to the shore.


    The thing is about 30" long and he goes now what? I say get your spoon and let it go, He starts reaching with his bare hand. I start to yell when the pike finally opens its mouth and my buddy stops drops his rod and goes HOLY CRAP they have teeth. I was going to lip like a bass. I yelled I would pay to see that but why don't you use your pliers... So he stops shaking and lets it go using his pliers. The whole drive home he kept saying I really had no idea they had teeth, I just had no idea. Strangely it is the same guy who went on 41 trips with us before he caught his first chrome who got a monster pike for that crick on his first cast for one...

  18. The funniest thing I have seen while fishing happened when I was about 12. We were up North fishing for a week, and we have taken some frogs for bass bait. Unfortunately, my uncle left one of the frog boxes out of the damp moss we used to keep them healthy when we got finished fishing one day and the next day we fished on a different lake.


    So when we got to the boat launch with the frogs 2 mornings later one of the boxes of frogs were a little ripe. My uncle put them in the boat and said we would try to use them up first. No one noticed we had not put one of the boxes with healthy frogs in the boat. So we "blast" off down the lake about a 1 mile and a half with the 6hp motor, for the bass beds. And with three guys our gear and a 14ft boat we were travelling slightly slower than the speed of smell from the frogs.


    We finally arrived at the bass beds we wanted to fish and we rigging up with our usual setup for frogs. Which was a medium sized red and white bobber with enough line to the hook so the frogs could swim around and attrack the bass. The water was very clear so we had stopped back as about as far as we could cast.


    My dad was first to cast and about a millisecond after his line hits the water. We see a wake about 6"s wide tearing towards it. In about 5 seconds his bobber is under about 2 feet of water and streaming TOWARD us. He reels quickly and goes for a hook set by now the bobber is about 20 ft from side of the boat and he misses the fish.


    I cast and see my line hit the water a shadow streak toward it, bobber goes under I miss setting the hook and by now my bobber is about 15 ft from the boat.


    Laughing at us my uncle casts and says I will show you guys how it is done.... Nope same thing as us.


    So for the next 15 minutes we miss fish after fish, because every cast with the smelly frogs the bass would tow them about 15 ft from the weed bed, and we can't set the hook no matter what.


    Then my dad goes to my uncle well maybe we should try another box of frogs since the fish are obviously active for the first time that trip. Which just happened be in the middle of the hottest heat wave in decades for that area which has shut down the fish for some reason. My uncles goes ok, and that is when it dawns on us we didn't put another box in the boat. So after a bit of discussion we decide to give it a few more minutes with the ones we have, since we can only fish until about 11:30 and it would take too much time to go to launch get the frogs and get back to far end of the lake....


    Half an hour later still no fish have been hooked, but there is action EVERY cast because within seconds after casting toward the weed bed a bass would grab the frog and drag out to deeper water then let it go. My dad and uncle decide we just have to go back and get some other frogs. So we do


    We get back to the same spot my uncle baits up with a healthy frog casts out and his bobber just sits there.


    I haven't taken the old frog off my rod yet so I cast it out just to see what happens...


    It hits the water and BANG a bass grabs it and tows it out to deeper water while I miss another hook set.


    For the next hour and half any cast with a fresh frog results in nothing not even one hit. Yet with the stinking ones each time a fish would drag it away from the weed bed but we never did catch a bass. We still joke about it almost every time we talk about fishing.

  19. Dollarama sells the stainless pucks for taking odors off your hands. If you can't find one there don't pay 10 bucks for a Berkley one at a fishing store, just nick an old stainless spoon from the kitchen had throw it in your tackle will do the exact same thing. Although the missus might squawk about the spoon LOL.


    If you stream fishing in better weather just grab a hand full of wild clover and rub your hands with that then rinse in in the creek. Although I would be more worried about the smell from some rivers than a little minnow juice on my hands though.

  20. It took a lot of fighting with the liability "Nancies" to get the puddle jump back in Penetang for Winterama. I don't think it would have happened last year (and here forward) if not for my son being a Town Councillor who has been helping cut the "puddle" since he was 12 years old.


    LOL Ketch.. no thanks, that was cut 1000 feet from the sewer plant outlet!


    I can only imagine some insurance agent having a wet dream about going on vacation in the south for a month with the cheque for "insuring" that event if you did LOL Our Diswinterfest celebrations in town had to have someone hand out helmets to the people sledding down a 200ft hill with hardly any grade last year. Keep in mind it is where about a thousand kids do the same thing every other weekend without any insurance mandated protection.

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