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Everything posted by coreyL

  1. [post= ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y-k-cX7rTE&NR=1[/post]i thought this video was pretty funnyhttp
  2. im speechless on that one its like ice fishing in your living room
  3. what kind of business is this anyways
  4. in the end bud its all worth what kind of fih do u fish for anyway
  5. thats pretty crazy best part about that is your holes never freeze up
  6. should have bought an eskimo
  7. its not so much the taste its just there to get the fishes attention then you have ur minnow or bait there jigging......
  8. i have a ten year old 2hp jiffy and the same problem happens to me half way through or so i find if u just lift it up and down a couple times hard enough but not to hard to while cutting then resume cutting i find it solves the problem it works great you dont even have to take the auger out of the hole and i was fishing yesterday almost -40 at 530 in the morning
  9. someone told me that they crush up egg shells or use fish scales and dump them down there hole to attract fish im just wondering if anyone has tried this technique???
  10. nice lakers boys
  11. [img=http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt128/coreyl/nov2008064.jpg] nice
  12. did u guys catch anything
  13. thats pretty cool man i dont think i would mess with him
  14. when your hunting moose in the yukon the population is alot greater so ur chances of nailing on like that is a lot greater just being able to call out a moose any size is a great challenge
  15. it all depends where your fishing lakes/rivers etc the best way to figure it out is to play around with depths 14-30 feet and stay till at least till 5 o clock cause thats when they bite!!
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