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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. I stand corrected. Both fish are sweet! OOHHH!!
  2. Looks like a chinny. Lake Superior??
  3. Roy, fait moi une faveur. Appelle moi pas par ce nom.
  4. Bill, you're such a Rube... it's a skamania, kamloops cross. 33.3% skamania, 76.7% kamloops...
  5. Tony, I'm still waiting... unless you post the results of that scale sampling.. you couldn't possibly be a 100% sure.. That fish could very likely be a juvenile chinook or coho.. If that's your only photo of a supposed salar, you're not exactly an authority on the matter are you?! Not trying to discredit you, just trying to prove a point.
  6. Happy birthday ya ol hozer!!
  7. SHWEEET.. That fish after the sea trout... Is that a lady fish?!
  8. Did you send in scale samples to a fisheries biologist?!!
  9. Oh Joey... darling.. what a tangled web we weeve.. Think Paul would mind if we went on a little steelie date?! Thanks sug!
  10. LMAO.. a little comic relief is gonna go a long way this morning!! GROUP HUG??!!
  11. And he called me Fido!! Something I havnt been called since what, grade 6?!
  12. Duude you're like the Yoda of funky camera angles!! Thanks dawg.
  14. LOL Too funny... Wish I could go with ya bud. Take your time when you cross the river though.. She's extremely fast.
  15. NOICE!! Well done lads. That's alot of chrome!
  16. Thanks brotha. I made him look bigger than he is.. teheh
  17. So we're supposed to assume that you kept the fish because you didn't state that it was released?? anywho, hope she tasted fishy.
  18. OOOHH! Had a little polar dunk did ya?! Wha happen?
  19. Aye merci!! J'essaye...
  20. If ya woulda shot me a pm, I woulda gabbed a little... Now I don't wanna!!
  21. Thanks bud. Nah, I was chucking and ducking... There was a couple guys swinging spey flies, but the water is still a tad cold for working bigger stuff IMO. I just wanted to get my fill!!
  22. And which one would that be?
  23. Oh there we go.. Brilliant!! And very tasteful budday. WTG. HD
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