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Posts posted by cisco

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SKqgtjx9K8

    Here's an out of shape fellow setting it up. Hope it helps. I find that when pulling the straps on my different make one that both when setting up and taking down I need allow the rod hubs to rotate a bit the way they want to settle down. Never force anything since doing so can magically twist rods around forcing you to remove rods and replace correctly. I broke a rod and now have a spare just in case which is what I also suggest.

  2. AKP So after all your negativity you seem to agree that Ivermectin is worth testing/trialing? Sad that you didn't understand that this was all that I and the 'u-tube medical experts' have been seeking. 

    Here FYI is a very neutral perspective methinks of several covid treatment possibilities. 

    But understand that the 'new' proposed trials will take 5 months to do. This is totally unacceptable. The vaccine took how long to 'approve'? So trials end in 5 months then the approval system kicks in until?? This means the vaccine will be well established and administered with no competition by a possible cheap and effective 'actual treatment/cure until past May 2021. Other countries are acting now and seem pleased with results. Me, I want review and if positive I want Emergency Use declared to allow physicians to try and increase survival rates.


    If and I say IF other countries are using Ivermectin successfully to save lives it should be EASY to have our own medical experts speak to the pros over there to gather information quickly to determine it's merits.

    Re your number crunching it is all meaningless since the assumptions you made about what I said are wrong. Canada is a wee entity in the whole central banking system. But the approx 15,000 deaths here is a GROWING number as is the 320,000 deaths in the US which is a GROWING number. After a while the numbers will have GROWN as would the accompanying savings re pensions, Medicare and so forth. I can't see how you are missing that gov't and pension firms save money the less they have to pay out. I am not saying this is why the pandemic happened but it doesn't seem that the pandemic is hurting gov't and the central bankers in this regard. From a business standpoint when profits and revenues go down you may try and reduce expenditures. When POTUS (Trump) and his wife supposedly got covid their recovery was vaguely given as....POTUS got a 'cocktail of medical sorts' and his wife said she took a more 'herbal' approach. Isn't it strange that no proper listing of their successful medications is available? Big secret? IMO he was previously proclaiming that HCQ and zinc was good but he got shouted down by the media.  He LOL also advised bleach drinking too. But IMO they both got something not allowed by the present approval's system. That is apparent or else why not disclose their exact treatments? 

    No idea at all why you're mixing up airline and ? industries into your perspective. Of course they are all losing money. But their plight and methods to make money isn't the same as Big Pharma which has its own agenda and the people with approval authority for drugs are very quiet about other-than-Big Pharma products. Why hasn't Fauci even mentioned Ivermectin and/or encouraged trialing? Not a peep. Maybe theorize about that.

    If you or an aged loved one is facing ICU with covid I hope any and all useful treatment options are available regardless of whether it may cause a (oh the horrors!) skin rash. LOL!

    Re the economy perhaps you are unaware but in the months before the pandemic the US Federal Reserve began buying bank securities in order to pump billions$ cash per day into the system. Economic crash seemed imminent. Then the pandemic hit. OK huge coincidence. One-in-a million but OK fine. Now the WHO says lock downs are bad idea. OK why are we all doing it except for big monopoly growing stores?   

    Here the seniors homes are privately run yet gov't has not mandated better pay and sick days so staff keep going to work because they need the money.  No wonder outbreaks and death happens. Why no legislation to ,say, mandate gov't overview of profit margins and mandate no profit while covid is present? Why not put all profits into PPEs and staffing resources temporarily? 




  3. On 12/24/2020 at 9:57 AM, mikeh said:

    Ivermectin is another treatment that I read is being used in the US, hopefully Canada is checking into it. Seems like it is readily available .

    Sad to say it isn't allowed since no formal testing/trialing can be done on it for covid unless Big Pharma sees profit in it. The company that makes it provides it free (maybe at cost) to any country for use as a parasitic disease treatment and it won the Nobel medicine award in 2015 and is listed by the WHO on its list of essential medications. BUT no mention of it on MSM or by our Ontario government. I am reading reports of India starting to use it due to the impossibility of social distancing and closures (which they found more deadly than the virus re starvation and such). India is calling it a good treatment and also for prevention.

    Here is what is going on in the US which IMHO is same as here in Canada/Ontario where political knee bends to Big Pharma.

    Here is a renowned  Dr. who represents a group of medical experts with over 2,000 published works. His group is being ignored both by MSM, Big Pharma, and politicians and the gov't agencies who are supposed to be screening medications for the benefit of their employers... the people. Sad IMHO and what is being held back is all for the dollar and possibly for genocide. Sociopaths. 

    Oh and I am a social scientist with education and this is what I now must conclude. If anyone here or a loved one catches covid and can't get Ivermectin of HCQ with zinc you should realize that these medications are being denied you and your loved ones.

    Watch the vid and hear what he says about who is dying the most around him in ICU. Also realize that $billions$ are being 'saved' by the death of pensioners on Medicare, social security and so forth. I see a few hidden agendas going on and these at the expense of our elderly, sickly and retired.

    I have 'politely' asked various levels of gov't to please find a way to get Ivermectin trialed to hopefully get this possible 'cure' allowed but NO response.


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  4. 8 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

    You mean obtain accreditation from a post secondary institution and then obtain a doctorate that allows for you to formally document your paper. Conduct a significant study and then publish it for peer review by other scientists. Upon approval you can then publish your findings...or do you mean just watch a bunch of YouTube?

    the thought of non medical professionals conducting their own research to become enlightened and “woke” on how to treat disease  is dangerous.

    go, talk to your doctor, and then go and seek a second, third even fourth opinion in person and then you can make an informed decision.

    You talk to a doctor/bio/pal of sorts to get info too. I'm fine with that but don't toss stones while sitting in a glass fish hut. LOL!

    I'd rather watch Utube vids of actual specialists and doctors with credential who have thoughts and opinions than MSM. MSM is very misleading and full of propaganda. So is Utube and facebook and so forth. That's why I look to the references/author to review credentials and affiliations. I know Fauci is plugged in with Big Pharma. Oh and doctors follow orders even though they know or as I recently discovered haven't been informed of alternatives. When his/her licencing administrative body tells a doctor what he/she is allowed to do and what protocol to exactly follow the doctor is confined there. IMHO if a patient is dying and their doctor wants to try something 'unapproved' with their blessing then why not??? This should be between patient and physician and the physician should be allowed access to whatever medicine deemed helpful at that time. Doctors now have their hands tied and ears plugged unlike Banting and best. 

    Under democracy we can discuss matters and present information for others to consider. Exactly what we do here. I was aware of that Knightfisher vid a while ago and it sure is an eye opener from someone who worked alongside Fauci and who was basically tortured to have her inventions stolen. Brave lady and it should be seen by everyone to get insight to the workings of big Pharma and its underlings.

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  5. 7 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

    You mean obtain accreditation from a post secondary institution and then obtain a doctorate that allows for you to formally document your paper. Conduct a significant study and then publish it for peer review by other scientists. Upon approval you can then publish your findings...or do you mean just watch a bunch of YouTube?

    the thought of non medical professionals conducting their own research to become enlightened and “woke” on how to treat disease  is dangerous.

    go, talk to your doctor, and then go and seek a second, third even fourth opinion in person and then you can make an informed decision.

    I am fortunate to deal with hospital doctors daily. The 'Residents' do as they are allowed and told. Many haven't heard about treatments even those mentioned here. Funny but sad that when Banting and Best invented Insulin at the U of T many years ago they simply tested it on mice then some folks desperately wanted to try it since they were dying and it saved them. Viola... insulin went forward and got into production since to save the lives of millions world wide. Now this process cannot occur with many regulations and approvals needed. I'm fine with that since public safety and genetic modification is at risk. But it's completely backwards now since trial permission and funding approvals lie in the hands of regulators in bed with Big Pharma which is completely profit based.  It is no surprise that MSM and gov't has turned a blind eye to other treatments developed elsewhere or via cheap existing medicines. IMO it wouldn't matter if Russia or some other country developed a better treatment since investors and Big Pharma has decided on what will be allowed via their approval and trialing funding/allowances concerning Canada and the USA. 

    MSM also fails to mention a big 'secret' which is that as old, impoverished and sickly people pass from covid so does their gov't funding. Medicare, OHIP, pension, social security and such payments are reducing as result. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, dave524 said:

    Can't delete Dave as a quote. Nothing below has to do with Dave.

    Here is a Dr who many are following as he provides covid updates and has great expertise. A bit long but he also details his take and the known data re Ivermectin.

    He supports vaccines especially the Columbia one from his homeland but seems neutral on his take on Ivermectin.

    Oh and sad to say but MSM news and info on much of anything these days is quite slanted in favor of paid advertisers/owners so Utube channels where experts are providing qualifications and data and opinions is fine by me. Just like Fox news showing the Dr Cory Congress presentation. I don't mind as long as no video tampering was done. LOL! to discredit him just because Fox News taped and showed his presentation is completely insane. It was a great laughable story to pass around at work.  

  7. 8 hours ago, dave524 said:

    Isn't this  ( Invermectin )very similar to the stuff we administer to our dogs monthly throughout the summer for the control of heartworm and other parasites ?

    edit: my dogs also get a shot for Lyme that used to be approved for humans but was withdrawn for side effects

    Just guessing but if Lyme ever hit pandemic proportions it would be reapproved for human use 😂

    Go over the vids again man. The Dr. is quite clear that if supplies of Ivermectin for people runs short a less refined yet effective version can be obtained from veterinary sources.


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  8. 16 hours ago, knightfisher said:

    A vaccine that is 95% effective for a virus that is almost 99% recoverable. How do we know the vaccine is working with figures like these.


    40,000 folks were used with 50% getting the vaccine. Folks who developed symptoms then were tested and those found to have covid from each of the two groups were compared. This is where they get the percentages. Basically, way more people who didn't get the vaccine developed symptoms/caught covid compared to the folks who got the vaccine.

    BUT from a research survey standpoint (which I have education and experience) I don't like hearing that scientists who requested the demographics of the trial group have so far been denied this info.. I want to know how many high risk and elderly were in the study and how many showed up with symptoms. 

    ALSO think about this ..... if the vaccine just suppresses symptoms then just as many in the medicated group may have caught the virus but not showed symptoms to call in about it. So the percentages deemed to show 'success' preventing covid is an incorrect conclusion which the media and Big Pharma are pushing. More asymptomatic participants may be unknowingly spreading it now rather than someone with demonstrated symptoms who would isolatate/be more careful being around others. 



  9. 5 hours ago, MJIG said:

    If none of the vaccines work out as hoped, aren’t we stuck with the significant public health measures for the foreseeable future, with double-digit senior deaths daily? 

    An effective vaccine or an effective treatment that favours survival even if you catch covid-19 seem to be the only hope out of this predicament we’re all in.  

    I think that scary thought is maybe what prompts some people in the world to deny that the virus even exists, or say “damn the torpedos” and place others at great risk by setting aside public health guidelines.

    I agree that the changing tune since March hasn’t helped any.






    Maybe watch that Dr Cory vid properly since if what he and his task force are finding is correct then Ivermectin is safely being used in many parts of the world with great success both in a preventative role and as a treatment.

    I don't mind taking a pill knowing many have been taking it for years with scant side effects for preventative small doses. 

    I recall him stating his group set up a not-for-profit charity website with information for folks around the world so that info can be obtained re protocol for people safely taking proper amounts for prevention and for hospitals to administer safely to covid patients. 

    I haven't reviewed that website but no point yet since acc to my pharmacist the drug isn't even being allowed in pharmacies here even for parasitic disease treatment like lice which is pretty common for homeless folks. Now there is a possible conspiracy theory.... Nobel prize for medicine and used for years around the world except not allowed here? What's up with dat?

  10. 5 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

    and look bad risking their possibility of re-election? Ha! Theres always a scapegoat isnt there.

    This is how I feel about a lot of this type of stuff...ive always been confused why people need to go to great lengths to create conspiracies when the truth is just as shocking and interesting lol. 

    Thats the thing, scandalous type stuff always ends up making its way out because its almost impossible to keep secrets, especially in 2020. Even more so when multiple people need to be involved. The truth can make for some really interesting reading! lol

    I agree but don't recall reading any 'conspiracy theories' any of us have gone to great lengths to create here. IMHO you are creating a 'conspiracy theory' about us having conspiracy theories.  

  11. Just serached for 'Ivermectin harmful side effects' and got a few re some bad stuff but little re really bad stuff but 2nd thing listed was....

    Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training."

    Oh and Misfish I doubt we will have a choice since short supply means demand induced by those who can't get it ahead of others. This creates a 'I'm lucky' feeling for those who can. Healthcare workers will be 'assumed' to take it or else not be allowed to work. But if it only treats symptoms and it isn't known how long it lasts or whether it prevents transmission then ???? Personally I don't think it should even be called a 'vaccine'. It is a 'treatment' IMHO. I got all this from Fauci and hopefully he has discovered better aspects to it and can make more positive opinions.  

    Oh and re the vaccine I have read where scientists has requested the demographics of the clinical trial participants but have been denied. Concern is ,say, if no old and infirm people were tested and only healthy young people then what are the effects on the people who most need help... old, sickly folks. 

    I have seen far less examples of cold/flu in the employment places I deal with. It is obvious that less contact means less transmission of all illnesses.

  12. 11 hours ago, ckewley said:

    I've spent a good part of my life in the Pharmaceutical manufacturing world and although I'm no chemist/microbiologist I work with them daily & see their commitment to making the world a better place. It fries my ass to see the amount of backwards misinformation being floated out there   

    OK but don't forget the Sackler family business Purdu Pharma.Remember them? 

    They are the owners of Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical company that produces the opioid painkiller OxyContin. As a result, the family has been accused of fuelling a deadly opioid crisis in the US that has killed more than 200,000 people in two decades.

    So should we trust Big Pharma? We can't even trust gov't agencies to watch over and regulate them properly. I have read many accounts of US prescription prices being way higher than same in Canada. Profit motivated companies should be trusted blindly for products that keep us and loved ones alive? I suggest not.

  13. AKPris I wasn't asking re the vaccine but rather was asking for proper sources re your claim of the drug Ivermectin's unacceptable/dangerous side effects. I reread my post and can't see why you misinterpreted my request to then twist things into there being a conspiracy against the vaccine. 

    To be clear are you are saying that no FDA type review of Ivermectin should be done and that it should be ignored as a possible cure for covid as the Dr and his group of specialists are claiming based on newly found evidence???

    Same with Ole IM. Ivermectin should be ignored rather than properly investigated as a possible treatment??

  14. Old IM you are a bit too negative and misinformed. Watch the vid again and take notes. The 'guy' has more brains than you thought existed. LOL! He did say his group feel that the drug needs investigation as it may be a cure complimentary to the vaccine. If 800 medical staff were trialed with 50% getting the drug and the other 50% getting placebos and 230 of the placeboed caught covid while ZERO of the treated staff did then IMHO this warrants further investigation since, duh, it may indeed be a worthwhile cheap and effective medicine.   

  15. 7 hours ago, AKRISONER said:


    america is a scary place...it’s legal to pay a doctor to recommend your drug. 

    the main problem with ivermectin is the associated side effects experienced by those that take a high enough dose to defeat covid 19. 

    Side effects such as nausea and dizzyness are experienced in 50% of people that take it...yes you read that right, 50%

    yes of course preventing covid is important, but these drugs can be used effectively to treat covid, but the argument is that a vaccine will prevent covid with minimal to no side effects.


    you may see a bunch of people talking about Bell’s palsy in 2 of the European people in the clinical trial...the funny thing about that was that the incidence of Bell’s palsy associated with that trial was actually lower than the normal incidence of Bell’s palsy in regular people in every day life. I.e. less people got Bell’s palsy than they normally would have covid vaccine or not.

    Please give proper references as to people having serious side effects. The source you quote has NO AUTHOR and is a site where anyone can post their opinions sans references.

    The site you gleaned from isn't a medical source and even has 'journalistic flair' is it's mantra as stated in its heading.  LOL! That drug has been out for many years and won a Nobel award in 2015 so it seems a beneficial thing. I thought the Dr said no side effects for required treatment doses but will search a bit also to gather some intel. Me, I'd rather take pills to keep covid away and to kill covid if i get it rather than get a vaccine to treat symptoms when I get it and pass it on to others while not knowing when it wears off so need constant vaccines controlled by gov't. 

  16. Here is the Dr at Congress. He kinda covers that. His group searched existing drugs we have been using for 100 years rather than trying to invent something new via Big Pharma. Everyone should see this vid and ask their Drs/MPPs/MPs about this drug called Ivermectin whose inventer apparently won a Nobel award for and which many African/South American countries use for parasite-based illnesses common there ( probably why covid isn't nearly as bad there).   


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  17. 7 hours ago, woodenboater said:

    I really thought China would be first out of the gate with a vaccine, well, because they can do whatever they want, and they have the willpower. But now wondering if their problem with developing vaccine and trials is trying to find enough people who may get infected. Their draconian early clampdowns may actually harm them as the virus is probably not circulating as much, as in, oh I dunno, the US and UK. 

    Also I'm of the understanding, so far, that while it may very well be effective in preventing deaths/ serious health problems, it doesn't necessarily mean that one can't infect people. So masking and distancing will still be important for those who get jabbed.

    The second article I just added to my last post discusses the aspect of China going to other countries where enough people are virus exposed to determine results.

  18. I agree MJIG. But I'll also advise we push to understand the other vaccine candidates that have/are being developed by other jurisdictions to find one that actually kills/stops the virus rather than treat its symptoms. I read a bit on the Russian vaccine and nothing on the Chinese one, but our MSM sure seem geared towards just promoting pushing the German/USA one and the USA one. The Russian one was given to front-line medical staff and the military so it would be good to follow along. Same with China.  

    A California-based vaccine developer is currently being investigated since it was claiming some kind of great success so shares went up like 3000% and its CEO then sold his shares. Profit-driven vaccine is just fine if it works as we wish rather than as a CEO/BOD wishes.  

    Oh I just Googled to find Russia claims its vaccine is 92% effective and it seems to develop antibodies that kill the virus. 

    An older article re Russian vaccine from the BBC...


    Here;s a BBC one on the Chinese vaccine where they have so few cases they are testing in other countries such as Brazil...or Argentina (don't recall), Turkey, etc.. China seems to have done extremely well re lockdown measures.


    Sorry about not including the china article last night. Somehow didn't get attached.


  19. The 'vaccine' is a little less than the media is pushing forth according to Dr Fauci. Google "Fauci vaccine treats symptoms" to read his own words. VERY important perspective nobody has heard or been led to understand correctly....

    Here is one article quoting him...


    So from what I'm reading the proposed 'vaccines' are just able to treat symptoms rather than kill the virus. This is great since it will lessen the numbers of people dying from severe symptoms BUT the virus will still be spreading perhaps even more since people think they are vaccinated and then go visit Grandparents. WRONG decision!!!! The proposed 'vaccines' will increase the number of asymptomatic carriers who will unknowingly spread the virus more than before. 

    Google it and several other Fauci interviews are available where he explains how symptoms will be treated by the first round of vaccines only. IMHO shouldn't be called a 'vaccine' but rather a 'symptom reducing medication'.


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