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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. you should look into those ceramic pawls... shimano makes them to!
  2. SOOOOOOOO i have to go buy pp now........................................... to bad i stocked up on the fireline ..... sick of the mess it leaves so POWER PRO it is! thanx guys.
  3. ok ok i have a spelling probleme!!!!!!! thats beside the thread! stop beeing an HOLIO! now if you have something usefull to add please do. Bashing me right into pieces wont help the probleme. pm'ing me the errors will.
  4. worm gear?????????? were is that located on the reel? inside? i just ordered the new pawl. the ceramic sounds SWEEEEEEET!
  5. iv been using fire line for the past 2 years now.... and have a probleme. i find that fire line leave LOTS of line resedu. jamming critical part such as my line guide (pawl) im finding resecu all over my reels... does this happen with power pro? does long term use of power pro leave small fiber resedu on the reels? if not im switching ...... i have to clean my reels every 2 weeks. SOOOOOOOOOO durty.
  6. hi guys..... need help here. i need to find a local store or bait shop that holds abu garcia baitcasting reel parts... i dont need a tune up that i can do myself. the litle pin that guides my line onto the reel seems to be burned right to nothing . thats my main probleme. now insted of my line spooling up left to right. the guide jams on the right side. making a BIG mess on my spool. anybody ever had this probleme? i think i might be throwing out lures that are eather to heavy or to often! any info would be great. i want theswe baby fixed and ready for spring and summer. thanx guys!
  7. What a great report jaque i lovet he way you put this one together. seems like you are getting the hang of the lil foxxee! hein ehin! HEIN! no told me that there was MONSTER COREGONES! now we are on the hunt for the 6 + lbs DU BLANC! MAN talk about big perch those were the size of a one pound bass! Whats so funny about this is that you guy on simcoe lake are hitting these fish in 80 - 100FOW. We FANILAY located them in 15 - 25 FOW! im thinking they move deeper in late ice.! thanx for all the gr8 comments guys. verry apreciated. cong on the PB jaques.
  8. White fish HEAVEN! and the fish god jonned you! gr8 outting ! congrats on the DU BLANC
  9. NOT TO SAY I SNAG FISH BUT.... iv seen 12- 13 white fish getting landed in my life. 0 on 12 were in the mouth............... i usualy hook them on the chin........................................................ therfor hitting a MAIN VEIN.... causing a MASSIVE GUSH of blood.............BATH! keepers anywho. note: if you think im snagging fish illigaly.................... im must be skilled...........100 FOW!
  10. great report love the vids! congrats on the nice laker!
  11. awesome job on the football OF a perch DUDE! and great job on the fillet! you look like a perch fillet master!
  12. i found a OLD reel in my sisters basement........shimano1000 mint condition... add it on a 10 $ STIFF C-TIRE rod. #1 in thew world!
  14. awesome white fish! beautifull silver one! enjoi the fillet VERRY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
  15. this is SO amazing! just like iv been imagine it ! the fish comes looks at it and never takes it! this video is accutaly going to help me throughout the day while the bite is off.... there there... just swimming pass the lure! great job on the whitie. whats the title of that song?
  16. cant go wrong with the best craftmenship in Cnanada! i use these perfectly balanced tip-ups every week end. when something is on your tip..... dont worry youl see the tip-up move. the slightest tail swipe will make these baby tumble. works real good for finiky days . when the bite is light. i love how they are SOOO light! good job jaques . one day you will be the leading tip-up maker in the WORLD! selling these right up to russia! thanx again for the ones you gave me!
  17. WOW had a ball with oyu guys yesterday! steve thanx for the company. yeah my girl friend BASHED our with the two lakers! not only that she missed 2 @ the hole and what seemed to be a whitie half way up! i knew she was GOOD but out fishing us! IM glad to see our auger is back on track we were able to get some jiffy oil mix. from a good friend JOCO! thanx alot buddy! GREAT day AWESOME weather.... the bite tho..........
  18. when the bite is off i usualy BLAST my GHETTO BLASTER to the max to wake up them sleepy ones! Or depending on the specie you are fishing. DU BLANCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC LA GRISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DU DOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! screeming these words will actually get the mto bite!
  19. AWESOME NEWS STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait NOW!
  20. these techniques are hard to understand............. you place yout tip up half way down? when he picks up the bottom minnow the tip up goes up. and the top minnow it goes down......... HMmmMmMmm. anybody use fishfry for whitefish.? maybe our minnows were two big?
  21. verry nice fight the kid had! ps: two on one rod is never good! looked like a seriouse beast! i love his reaction! DROPED THE LINE AND BANG!!!!!!MOUAHAHAH!
  22. hey guys. iv recently fished for white fish and whith all the tips you guys gave me i was able to land a nice ONE! thanx again! BUT.............. i was wondering something. we didnt get a single bite on the tip-ups. how do you guys make out on the tip ups. we rigged them with small dead minnows but didnt get any bumbs nimble...NOTHING! i KNOW you guys have something up your sleeves! all you simcoe fisherman must have some type of technique we could use here on the QC side! any help would be much apreciated! we are heading back next saturday. lets see if we locate them this time! 24/7
  23. man those are some nice lakers. interresting thing the colour of the lakers on simco is totaly different from 31 miles lake. our lakers were verry dark coloured.... yours are verry pale! nice pictures beautifull day to be out on the ice. congrats guys!
  24. we are having the same probleme. i think our mix is no good tho. last year we were using the TRUE jiffy oil mix. now we are using old gas and oil from c tire. NO GOOD i need SOME TRUE OIL jiffy style. syntec stabil. cant beat it! last year. choke 1 2 3 run 1 drill 40 holes this year choke 1 2 3 4 5 1/4 choke 1 2 3 4 5 1/2 choke 1 2 3........................................................................... 3/4 1 2........... run. 1 2 3...............SMASH it on the ice and CRY!
  25. just finished eating that whitie! and the rumours are TRUE!!!!!!!!!! white fish = #1 MEAT in the WORLD!! thanx for de advice guys on how to catch and how to fix these types of fish! Now i have to go buy me some more BAD BOYZ! and some fishfry! landed all my fish with this lure! leechman did verry well with his swedish pimple! whitespinnerbait landed the last oos with his silver and red williams white fish spoon! still having a litle probleme tho! seems like nothing is hitting on the tip ups! any advice on how we should be rigging our tip ups? we tried a small dead minnow without any success! thanx again guys!
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