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About GEO

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. fish at the end of the rock pier my son caught alot of nice ones the other day . Bradfields is a good launch over the bridge and to the left.35 feet depth seems to work good luck.
  2. Thats not Gore That's Lunch.... Nice picture
  3. think that's bad bought Gas in wawa when i went to visit my son. Used my credit card and found out later they held $150.00 Over what i spent for 3 buisness days. Glad i had another card cause they said mine was maxed out bit it was not.
  4. Flood Pics Slideshow from The Spec
  5. I pickup my 5 year old grandson from school in my Ranger front seat with a booster.The airbag shuts off by its self because of the weight.Asked the police about this they said it was ok.
  6. look here undefined
  7. IOW if this would be a great deal at $7,500 and a tad expensive on average at $9k, go for it if it's what you want. You've probably frittered away $1,500 on dumber things in the past. Reminds me of a mint '57 Chevy 2 door I passed on (late 60's) cuz the old lady who owned it wouldn't take a cent less than $750 for it been there done that the guy said he would take $8000 .This rig is loaded and mint original owner .Dont need anything .going to let him know tuesday .The boat says fazer on the side .I think that this is the Boat for us.It says Fazer on the side is that a certain model or what.Sure we will get many years of good fishing out of it.
  8. Hello I just found a 1993 17and a half smokercraft with a 90 yamaha motor .It is in mint condition and has everything on it.Was wondering how you pay taxes on it.got gps fishfinder cb radio and no scratches . Is the Yamaha a good motor he is the original owner and the inside is mint .Has 2 tops a traveling one and a sunshade one.He is firm with his price .$9000.00. think this is good very low hours on it .The trailer looks like brand new .never kept outside. has 4 pedastal seats in mint condition.I get evrything you need for the boat. Thank you
  9. yes that is what happened to me .bought a boat off my wifes uncle ran fine. When you got on the gas it quit. had to rebuild it low compression.At least they are taking care of it.
  10. Ask these guys they stock ponds Visit My Website Not my website but thats what came up.
  11. Yeah WAWA is nice was there this summer on my way to manitouwadge where my son lives .Its nice there also lots of lakes.
  12. Thats great now you got more money for the show
  13. Bought two of them fly swatters .Dont play with them when your drinking with your friends they hurt LOL.
  14. Heres mine and it worked great moving my son to Manitouwadge . I really like this truck.
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