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Everything posted by TerryC

  1. Cutting up the R/T is a little like sending a Supermodel for a boob job! Really good to start but most likely fantastic in the end !!! Cant wait to see the finished project. Cheers, Clarence
  2. Sweet Brownie Miller, You hava had a good couple of months Clarence
  3. Wow, the pic on this post is way more impressive than when I saw it on your camera! That may be the biggest one I have seen posted this fall. Well Done Clarence
  4. That's really cool. You should try to find a way to get that into the hands of children! It's like fishing in a nut shell! Clarence
  5. That's awesome, Great Pics. I have never seen one in the wild. Thanks for posting them. Clarence
  6. Are you working there now? Clarence
  7. WTG, Haven't seen ya around your local haunts this fall, looks like you have upgraded locations a little bit. Is that the combo that I saw at Grimsby Tackle? Cheers, Clarence
  8. It's Coors Light! Just sayin. P.S Nice work. Clarence
  9. I agree with everything you said. It was one of the best games I have ever watched as well! And the Leafs won! Kinda makes up for the Ticats lack luster game last week. Clarence
  10. WOW, Nice work Clarence
  11. Nuff Said Congrats MAC..... What a great game. Clarence.
  12. 23-0 Mac at Halftime! Hopefully Laval doesn't wake up at halftime. Laval is to good to go down this easy, could be a classic second half....but I hope not! Either way, I'll still be chucking spoons in the morning.... Clarence
  13. Looks like a great day to me! Clarence
  14. LOOKING GOOD SO FAR! Clarence
  15. Anyone else tuning in to the Vanier cup tonight! I was going to channel surf between the Leafs and the Football game, but as I type this, Dallas scored! Gotta feeling that there will be more football than hockey tonight on my tv! Go Mac Go! Clarence
  16. You seem to have em dialed in! Great lookin Steel Clarence
  17. Are you sure that Atlantic's not a Brown........If you look closely at the Awww nevermind P.S Awesome steelies again Mike. Clarence
  18. It is all making sense now, Thanks again for the good feedback. Clarence
  19. Simply Awesome, Thanks for sharing. Clarence
  20. Of the 30 or so Chinoooks I saw this afternoon, all had a clipped adipose fin. Mystery solved, I think. Thanks to those who replied. Clarence
  21. Sounds like some great work you are involved with. Thanks for taking the time to explain. Do you know if Chinooks are released off of the Skyway Pier in Ham/Burl? As staffman said, I suspected that these fish would not have been natural reproduction Salmon. I am going to check for the clipped fins in the next little bit, I will post my findngs for anyone interested. Thanks again, Clarence
  22. Thanks for the reply John, There is alot of good information there. I will try to get a look at a few of these fish today and see if they are clipped or not. P.S: What does MEA stand for? Thanks, Clarence
  23. This probably won't help much, but there are all kinds of fish in there, Salmon, Bass, Pike, Gar, Trout, Panfish, Sheephead, Catfish, etc. I would honestly start with worms or throw some Rapala's around. There is always someone fishing there, make some small talk and figure out what there doing. Cheers, Clarence
  24. I Remember the runs in your creek thirty years ago, (I'm 37 now). My dad took me down under the Railway bridge close to town and the chinnys were in there by the hundreds, ,maybe thousands. It's a shame those days gone. Thanks for the info. Clarence
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