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Everything posted by Bluegill

  1. You can use a slip float in any depth, there is no limit. Here is my setup, I fish with it for lakers, brookies and splakes in summer and in winter. In the setup shown the line runs inside the float! You only have to calibrate your depth with the small red stopper line shown. The rubber rings on the float are still there but are not used in this setup!!
  2. Nice lakers and nice brookie! Tnx! I can see a fish finder, what brand is it? Do you happy with it?
  3. Tnx to justwannafish and the spirit of fishing My wife is a passionate sea kayaker. Whenever I tried her kayak I felt uncomfortable because I found it very tippy. Then I tried the 10 foot Perception Prodigy and was very surprised how stable it felt and how easy to paddle. After this test paddle I ordered the similar "Perception Impulse". I also know that this thing is a beginner kayak. I will rig it up to my needs and just can't wait for delivery. Btw: Here in our area we have very nice Splake too, I know what you mean "spirit of fishing"
  4. Also tnx to you and for your long answer jediangler! Shure I will read now at the kayak forum too. Hope to catch such brookie (4 lbs) from kayak next year
  5. I can see on your pictures that you use a rod holder in front of you. Do you also use the rod holder in the back that comes with the kayak? Happy with it? The kayak I ordered is not a "fishing kayak", I have to add rod holders and other toys...
  6. ChrisK, thanks a lot, you are very fast How long and wide is your kayak? I can see a large cockpit, do you use fishfinder? Btw: I ordered this kayak for the next season: Perception Impulse 10.0
  7. Is there anybody here who fishes from a kayak? I plan to fish from a kayak for brooks and lakers the next year. Would like to read about your experience.
  8. What do you think about Ice Fishing Safety Spikes Product #78-8299-8 from Canadian Tire? Would you recommend it?
  9. I heard that it is now fact that in FMZ10 ice fishing for lake trout is closed between 1 jan and 15 febr 2010 see page 7 at http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/267914.pdf Also the limit is changed to 2 lake trout? Is it fact or still a plan? Or is it a rumor?
  10. Hello Last year I bought a new Finbore III Ice Auger, 8-in, at CT Now, using it the secound year, the blades are dull, there was no way today drilling an ice hole. So I'm thinking about buying an Jiffy Ice Drill. There are 2 offers at CT: Jiffy Ice Drill 30, 8-in, 472 $ Jiffy 8-in. Legend Lightning XT Auger, 420 $ Are theses drills ok, or what do you think? Anything I need to be aware off? Thanks in advance for all answers.
  11. here you can see the trouts food http://www.troutnut.com/download/type-vide...tman-Rowing.wmv
  12. Thanks a lot Sinker. Hope I can try it tomorrow!
  13. No, I don't think so. There were about 20 beetles in the trouts stomag. Corixa punctata
  14. It looks like Corixa, please look here: http://images.google.de/images?hl=de&q...sa=N&tab=wi
  15. Yes, I'm visitor from Germany. Thank you and all the other angler friends who answered me. I think you all gave me very helpful answers!
  16. Hello Today I caught a nice Brookie, 14 inches trough the ice on Northern Ontario near Elliot Lake. I was surprised to catch this trout in shallow water, 7 feet, on the sunny northshore of the lake. Last time I tried to catch Brookies on the south end of the same lake in deeper water, 15 feet, but with no success. Is that a general rule at this time that Brookies qre in shallow water under the ice near the shore? The Brookies I caught last time were full of black water bugs. Does anybody know where do theses bugs live now? Under the ice or at the bottom? Tnx for all kind answers in advance.
  17. Heya limeyangler Thank you so much for your great information and all the nice pics! You are a very successful angler. After these great informations from all of you, now I know how to catch a Lake Whitefish Sunday, in two weeks I'm back in Canada - first Frankfurt, then Toronto, Sudbury, then to Elliot Lake to my friends... Best greetings to all of you from Germany Bluegill
  18. Ok, now I understand Tnx a lot for all answers!
  19. Tnx for the pic of Bad Boyz! ... a small tube? what kind of tube do you think about?
  20. Heya to all! In two weeks I'm back in Canada This winter season I wish try to catch Lake Whitefish. On many fishing maps I can see that this fish is registered in some lakes, but I've never seen anglers fishing for this fish. All anglers in this area are fishing for lakers, rainbow, pike, bass... Maybe you can give me some helpful instructions how to catch Lake Whitefish? Thanks in advance for your answer Bluegill
  21. I'm living in the northern of Germany. It's not far from the Northern Sea with saltwater and tide - you can fish mackerel, cod, eel, flounder, shrimp... In the near brackish water area, 500m from the Northern Sea, there are pike, carp, perch, tench, pickerel, eel... and a lot of white fish with million of fish bones. The last years I fished in the river "Ruhr", 300 km far away to the south. My favorite fish there was rainbow(stocked), brown trout (not stocked) and the northern grayling (in German: Aesche, not stocked) with the fly. The last years the salm is coming back in many rivers. In southern Germany you also can find fish like lakers or brookies, these monster catfish and more
  22. Hello I'm new to this board, coming from Germany. The last 3 years I often visit Elliot Lake in Northern Ontario, a nice area for fishing and hiking in the wilderness. Here you can see some of my tourist images, more than words, from this year about ice fishing, trout fishing, lake views, catching snapping turtle with a fly , black bears... http://www.nordontario.shubunkin.de/index.asp?lang=eng Click to the flags to read in English or German! Best greetings to all of you Bluegill
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