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Everything posted by okumasheffield

  1. I used to tie my line directly to lures until someone I saw my X-rap flew across the sky ... As it turned out, my thin PowerPro somehow found its way in the split ring and worked its way to the end of it. I am bit concerned about the recommended type since it still has a piece sticking out which may get caught on. I will give it a shot and see! Thanks!
  2. I found the split ring on the nose of my newly purchased Scatter Rap Crank kept getting caught with the snap (pic below) from time to time over this past weekend. It has been my go-to snap for years and I have never had issues with any lures and I wonder if it is associated with this particular lure or did I just have a bad day. It got me re-think the following questions: - Should I use snaps or swivel snaps for lures such as Rapalas? - What is the most snag-free snaps? - What is the snap to guarantee the most true lure action? Thanks in advance
  3. I am so sorry to hear this. God bless you all.
  4. Not sure if knowing about my situation would make you feel any better but here I come. I am 38 and was told by my eye doc 6 months ago that he discovered signs of early retina detachment on my left eye. Went to see a great specialist in Toronto Western who told me it is not a big deal that couple quick laser patching would do it. Went back for follow-up last week and was told that the same sign was found on my right eye now ... Doc assured me that everything will be fine but you know ...
  5. I am sure Jen can tough it out as the good news keep coming!
  6. Is that double-color roe bag?
  7. Very cool~
  8. Stay positive. Those darn things will get removed one at the time until none is left!
  9. That makes two of us, Clift. All we can do is to take one day at a time and treat it as if it were our last day.
  10. Way to go, Mitch.
  11. Fishing is BAD. Comparing to normal working days, I actually sleep less the night before heading out ... and getting home later as well ...
  12. http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/canada-ranked-last-among-oecd-countries-in-health-care-wait-times-1.1647061 Your frustration would not be a surprise if you were to read such information beforehand. After going through the very same issue couple times, I have become so used to coordinate all these appointments with confirmations after confirmation so that it would not happen again. To me, OHIP is NOT free but is built on tax payers' dollars and it would have been better managed if a certain portion of it is privatized to provide competitiveness.
  13. Looking for tips to keep finger tips warm in the winter. Have no luck after trying all kinds of gloves/mittens on the market. Thanks in advance
  14. it looks damn cold!
  15. Was it photoshop'ed?
  16. "someone (medical) dropped the ball"? WTH is wrong with the health system we have here
  17. After all these years ... I just have been minnow fishing ... SAD
  18. Please keep those ridiculously large fish off my pinkworm so that my rod will not break! Or, or, or TIME TO GET A BEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFIER ROD!
  19. Ladies?! I gotta fish where you fish!
  20. There is another great advantage of Wallis cast, it allows you to stand RIGHT BESIDE YOUR BUDDIES to cast & drift. Or, to shoulder others out!
  21. Have tried it before but never worked for me. Wonder if a ball-bearing swivel is required to get the job done or not
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