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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. So does this mean new snow tires for Christmas is a bad idea? :dunno:



    New snow tires are a great idea. It shows how much you care for her and the kids safety.

    Now a new vaccume cleaner............................................probably not so good. :lol:

  2. I have dealt with them online, in person and over the phone with no problems.

    My last deal was over the phone with the Edmonton store. I was in need of some parts for my Garmin depth finder and as they are a dealer I asked about the parts. They did not stock them but were more than happy to special order and did NOT overcharge me for the privilege.

    They get :thumbsup_anim: from me.

  3. Just drove home from Flambrough. 30- 40km the entire way and still felt the car slipping. This guy in a SUV passed me and about 2 miles down the road it was in a ditch. I got out and asked if he was alright and was flipped off.


    Some people.




    Too many butt heads like that there. People like that were my main inspiration for moving.

  4. Hey Raf


    I have not checked yet but am i missing it?


    Yep at 1800 minutes a month all the phone companys call me a platnume user.


    Hmm i'll have to try the 1 900 #... Whats your favorite?



    Ray..........................................................this is a family board. ;)

  5. Educated guess: one of the larger transistors for the cathode or PS is blown. They are about the size of a quarter and silver.

    A service guy could probably do it with their eyes closed. Call up an RCA guy with the model and he will know the general fix and how much it will cost.


    A new HD TV is nice but they are still $800 (no name) to $1200 (good). I was in best buy yesterday and did not see a single CRT.




    I don't think they're even manufactured any more.

  6. How about having a phone in an emergency during a power outage or internet service interruption? that's the main reason i will not go with any kind of VOIP as it is today. ...besides that, i have a cell, but that's not the point. Good old land lines have never been down anywhere i've lived in my lifetime that i know of


    When I lived in Grand Valley our MA BELL phone was down a number of times. It seems the lines in our area were old and had issues.

  7. Been on Vonage for 3 years now and it's just like a regular phone. The only issues I have had are problems with my first device after of using it for a year it would heat up and cut off the call. I called up Vonage nad they sent me a new one no charge. I have had on two occasions problem connecting because all the circuits were busy. I don't make a ton of calls so I have the $19.95 deal for 500 minutes anywhere in North America.

    It even works well in the NWT where we have skechy internet. <_<

  8. Congrats!!!!!


    If I may suggest one thing though.........................Hit the enter key after the code for each photo is entered so thet the photos are easier to look at.

    Scrolling sideways sucks.


    PS. nice sunny or rock bass, can't quite tell with out my eclectron scanning microscope!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

  9. My only concern with the wind farms in general is the low frequencies they emit. There have been numerous studies that have concluded that the low frequencies they emit, into the ground and surrounding area can be harmful to humans. That is why they have a standing requirement of no less than one kilometer away from any residence or human occupied building.

    As we all know, water is an excellent conductor of vibration, so, my thinking is that those wind farms may actually cause dead zones in the lake.

    Frankly, I don't care about those who claim that their view of the lake will be diminished, but I do have to wonder if we have tested these machines against their effect on the environment.

    (I do have some insight as one of the leading wind farm companies was a client of mine. I spoke many times with their engineers and this is the info they have passed along to me!)



    Somebody should say something to the folks that put in the large wind farm on HWY 89 then because there are plenty of farms within a mile of it.

  10. Glad to oblige Carole :) .

    And I can relate. Joanne left Friday morning for Collingwood with her girlfriends (spa weekend).

    It's my weekend to watch the kids and both are sick as a dog, noses running like taps and inconsolable 'cause mommy's away.


    I figured I'd make them a treat this morning so whipped up some homemade blueberry pancakes slathered with maple syrop.

    My 5 year old is just staring at her plate with an angry look.

    My 2 year old just whipped his entire plate onto my seisel rug.


    I need help! LOL!




    Too funny Mikey, sounds lke a Mr Mom Moment!!! :clapping:

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