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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Personally I don't care for any of the fishing shows on TV right now. Blatant advertising for lodges and tackle, not enough info or tips, etc. Pretty lame stuff.

    While almost all shows are blatent advertising including The Chronz Meister that is what they are there for, to promote and sell fishing related items and services. The hope is that there is some good fishing thrown into the 20 minutes of airtime to make it worth while watching.

    There are a couple of shows that aren't 20 minute long infomercials that are broken up with 10 minutes of more commercials but not many. :angry:

  2. Hey bud I did call Nauticus, shockingly they guaranteed me they'd work.


    The thing is as mentioned I'm going roughly 5mph at the slowest speed. If the boat is only slowed 35% that won't be enough..

    Also I'm personally not sure about them. Unlike a trolling plate which is mounted right in front of the prop these are mounted on the corners of the boat.

    I can't possibly see how they'd slow the boat down as much as a trolling plate.



    They stand behind their guarantee Mike.

    If it doesn't slow you down enough the will either figure out how to make it work better (different sized tabs & shock combo) or refund your $$.

    Everthing I have heard about them is that they will bend over backwards to make them work for your application.

    As I said check out iboats for lots of first hand info.

  3. cletus.gif

    I don't see what the problem is. :dunno::dunno:

    The trailor is puttin' enough weight over them rear weels fer good enuf trakshun.

    Plus that thar 4X4 is not just pine it's sothern yella pine which is much stronger than that weak stuff y'll gots up north. :lol:

  4. Mike

    I told you to give Nauticus a call and let them know what your boat and motor combo are and what you need to do.

    I'm sure they have sold them to owners with similar rigs as yours.

    You can also post your question on iboats.com as there are a lot of people running Nauticus trim tabs on that site.


    The difference between these and a regular trolling plate is two fold 1/ they do not block the prop so steering is more precise when trolling and 2/ when not trolling they are trim tabs with all the benefits of trim tabs (get on plane faster, at a slower speed, better gas milage, plus you will gain 1 or 2 miles an hour on top end speed)


    Nice railway too!!!

    Your dad's life just got easier.

    But I gues you will continue to carry your stuff to stay in shape, right? :whistling:

  5. Don't assume this covers you for liability when boating using OFAH Members Benefits.

    This quote was taken from your provided link. Click "for more information" link re: insurance.


    Quote:"This policy provides no coverage for automobiles, boats, motors, ATV's or snowmobiles. That form of liability insurance is typically provided through a home and/or auto insurance policy."



    I stand corrected, I guess it still covers me if I shoot someone at the range or in the field or hook them in the wazzoo while fishing though. :w00t::thumbsup_anim::clapping:

  6. Coincidentally there's a small section in the surveys chapter of the course I'm currently teaching in Hamilton and the students are asking me what the actual practical applications of GIS might be today. I can give them a hypothetical kind of answer but since you've outed yerselves, what are the most common applications of your work? Thanks for the help.





    Community planning and mapping is probably the most common application.


    Have a look at the GNWT's GIS community mapping site.


    GIS Mapping


    Yellowknife GIS Interactive Map

  7. Yep, the all mighty buck speaks volumes. :angry:

    They are putting all that garbage at the bottom of the mine which is a heck of a lot safer than doing anything else with it.

    The area affected is only the tinyest portion of the lake though, unlike the Great Lakes with their over developemnt and pollution.

    The grayling have even started coming back to Backer Creek since the mine shut down and the cleanup started.

    There have also been lakers caught in Yellowknife Bay in the last couple of years, so the cleanup is having a positive effect.

  8. Nice!!!

    It can be made into a decent fishing boat by simply making a removable box/pedestal seat system for the front, removing the cushions when fishing and removing the seat box when not. Plus add a bowmount trolling motor and yer good to go. If the cushions are fairly solid they could just be left in place. Putting in the removable seat base and seat would take 30 seconds. Heck if you wanted to get fancy you could even make a door on the stern end of the box that would open revealing a stack of plano boxes. B)

    Have a look at the artists rendering and imagine a pedestal seat and trolling motor. :D



  9. Whatever you do make sure you talk to a lawyer first. If as you say there are already people making this product, rest assured they have people whose job it is to look out for competition on the horizon, and when they see you (as they surely will once you contact a big box) they will do everything in their power to crush you.



    It sounds to me like the manufacturing of the product is in place and on the market (probably south of the border).

    He is looking to become the Canadian distributer of said product and not compete in already established markets.


    That's my take on it anyway, I could be completely wrong.

    It happened once before, in the spring of 1974 if I remember correctly. :lol:

  10. Some people sure do live in paradise. :lol:;) Excellent recount of the adventure. I can't believe how many huskies I see with two different eyes.


    Some huge lakers... makes trips like that worth it. Ya pull spoons, flatfish or jig'em up.


    Yellowknife surely was an interesting place when I went through. My friends tried convincing us to come to work there for the hospital....... now I'm thinking I may have to look into some contract work. ;) A buddy of mine makes trips like the one you did. Has a boat there. Works for FirstAir at the hangar and his fiance for the hospital. I like that town but man... that's some real short softwater season.


    Bren and I are saving the Aeroplan points. We will have enough for next year... and she wants another pampering with Plummers, but this time on Slave. If we can manage it with our new jobs we'll try for an extended stay in the city.


    Thanks for the report.


    Hey Bunk

    They were all caught pulling metal, mostly with belly strip trailers.

    The softwater season is short indeed, but the ice fishing and snowmobiling is pretty decent. ;)

    There are some of those snot rocket things you like too. :D

    The biggest I have heard of so far is a 53" monster out of the North Arm.

    How'd you like to pull that up through 5' of clear black ice? :lol:

    Let me know if you are going to make it up.

  11. wow this is a blast from the past. Roadshows at highschool dances, Ontario Place held them for a summer or two as well I think. Unfortunate news. Not sure if there is anything comparable today to what CFNY did through the 80's...not to mention they would play my beloved RAMONES



    And the Pistols, Talking Heads, NewYork Dolls, Teenage Head, B52's, Iggy................................................

  12. Well after talking to Jay (Troutologist) he says there's a cabin out there we can use. Plus he's got all his gps waypoints from guiding there...

    Sounds like a no brainer to me buddy fuel barge or not. (Plus if Jay comes I get to fish with two guides :) )


    You guy's pay for the gas and I'm in!!!!! :D

    It will take close to 2 full barrels to do the trip with my thirsty 2 stroke!!!! :w00t:

    Plus we will have to make a deal with Plummers for refueling as we can't carry that much fuel with us.

    That won't be a problem though. ;)

    It might be tough getting the three of us + the dog and all our gear in one boat though. :huh:

    It will be a 7 or 8 hour boat ride to boot. Prepare for a sore :asshat: by the time we get there. :lol:

  13. Beauty trip Drifter. What an amazing place. Next time head down a little (well, alot) further to Wildbread Bay. I've never seen fishing like that in my life.


    Did you guys mostly troll or cast? Catching them on the reefs all summer is the bee's knees. Can't wait to get back there.


    Because we had such a short amount of time Francois was the best option. When I get Solo up here we will head down a lot closer to the narrows and the awesome fishing there. I can't think of anything more fun than tossing big streamers on a 7wt for shallow trout. :D

    It's my favorite way to catch them. B)

    Still too early to waste time casting for them as they have not set up in their summer pattern yet and are very scattered. :(


    Wildbread is a ways for sure!! With a fuel resupply at Plummers it's about 300 KM from YK. :w00t:

    Maybe when I put a 4 stroke on the boat I'll make the trip. I don't think I want to pull a fuel barge that far for refueling. :lol:

    How is Wildbread for camping spots?



    I'm thinking the next trip will be to the Narrow Island area, tons of fishy looking structure there and closer to boot. ;)

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