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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I have bought and sold a ton of gear on Ebay.

    I have purchased 4 sage fly rods, about a dozen reels as well as rod building supplies and lures all at prices 25% or more below retail.

    Plus I have made a bunch of $$$$ on gear I have purchased at farm auctions.

    Two items that come to mind are a couple of spinning reels I got at one auction (BNIB Mitchell 300 and a used Record reel) that were sold at a 500+% profit!!!!! :w00t:

    It was much easier to find the real deals in the beginning, but if you are patient there are still some good deals to be had.

  2. The problem with the suction cup is that it is not solid and moves around due to the water pressure on the transducer. The transducer is permanently mounted on my boat and I read bottom at full speed (35+ MPH).

    Reading fish at speeds over 5 or so MPH is difficult due to the size of the target and the speed at which you pass over that target. The faster you go the more compressed the image gets. At trolling speed you may pass over a large school of bait that presents as a big ball. That same ball of bait at speed will show as a vertical line. By speeding up the chart rate you can fix this compression issue, but it can only go so far.

  3. I was just stating that WD 40 is explosive.


    One that knows how to clean a gun would do it right.


    Someone might not ,and have a small pool in the chamber,"which could then" .Yes No



    Yep, stuff works good as an accelerant (sp?) in potato cannons too!!!! :D



    Back to 870's.

    My first gun was an 870 SPS CAMO 12 guage that still resides in my gun cabinet.

    Full synthetic camoed stock and camoed 28" barrel with matching sling. She's a beauty duck gun!!!! :)

  4. Yep, for years the Champ was a staple on the mighty Q in TO. :D

    Several years ago when driving through Northern Ontario what do I hear on a Rock Station in Thunder Bay?

    Yep, you guessed it, the Champ was alive and well and walleye fishing in Ontario's North Country!!!


    Well I LOSE IT!!! So I head fake him with a Salami, and he goes for it!!!! And then I finish him off with a flurry to the solarplexes!!! Ever since then I've been the champ!!!! :lol:

  5. Zero option added.

    Please explain your choices. All license fees do go to the MNR. Has been that way for a long time. The MNR used to be the biggest Ministry in the province. It is now a Junior Ministry.

    I think we have an obligation that goes with our right.

    The only other thing is that anglers are not the only people enjoying the natural resources but pay the lions share of protection. We need everyone pitching in.

    I like the salmon tag idea. Newfoundland does ( or did ) this. I remember as a kid having a newfoundland tag and sticking it on a chinny in the lower Niagara and releasing the fish. We thought it was funny...see someone catch a fish with a NFLD catch tag on it.


    And to DAWG..it is a put and take fishery, but it has the potential to be somewhat self sustaining as waterways improve. Not only that but we have to protect it to protect the integrity of the sport.


    Back when they implemented fishing licenses in Ontario them lying guberment types told us that all monies from the sale of licenses were going to the ministry (I was all for this) What they didn't say was that all current funding was going the way of the DODO and that the license $$$$ were much less than the previous funding. :(

    Typical politician double speak, you can't trust them dude's as far as you can throw them!!!!! As for increases, I would pay, heck I just forked out $145 US for my 2009 non-resident Alaskan fishing license!!!!

  6. I gather you are talking about one pf the connectors on the fuel hose, right?

    You can buy a replacement connector and a hose clamp tp hold it on.

    Cut off the old connector, insert the new one and tighten the hose clamp and yer done!!

    Take the broken connector into a Napa store or marina and they should have a replacement.

  7. Good god!


    Who wants to catch that many fish anyway?


    You'll get so bored with the unending repetition that having your hands covered in slime every 5 minutes will start getting really annoying. The boat will become extremely confining and if someone starts to develop gastric excesses, sea-sickness will surely follow. All you'll want to do is get back to camp so that you can drink beer or rye & coke, in sufficient quantities to numb the appalling regularity of fish after fish after fish after *yawn* fish. Eating fish again and again and again and again will give you pains, and the very sight of fish will start to become unappealing. Worse, it will become disturbing, gruesome, nauseating. Months later, you'll be in a supermarket and want to retch every time you go through the seafood section, especially if there are live trout swimming around in their greasy aquarium. Accidental glimpses of your goldfish will trigger flashbacks and, at night, they will bring nightmares of being buried alive beneath mounds of wriggling, slimy esox lucius, walleye and emerald shiners. Madness will begin to set in: sewage ditches, the don river and the sahara desert providing the only likely sanctuaries where fish scales might never be smelled. They'll find you in the trunk of your own car, covered in fishing line, whispering hoarsely "the horror! the horror! Grey Poupon!"


    Nope. Not for me!






    p.s. ask Mike about "Grey Poupon" :)



    Sounds like the jealous rantings of a non-fishing father of twins!!!! :lol:


    Here's more salt for your wounds Paul. I'm leaving on Saturday for 5 weeks of trout and salmon slaying in Alaska!!!! TEEHEEHEE!!!!! :D:D:D

  8. Seems like it is the pedal. One of the resistances is reading infinity, which means there is an open circuit somewhere. Me and my brother disected this trolling motor in every possible way last night. We hooked up a 12V power source directly to the red/black wires at the top of the motor shaft and the motor spun instantly, which rules out the bottom end being an issue. We also checked the circuit board directly behind the steering system and all wires received a voltage.


    Wallyboss: I also noticed wear on the tab, and I did put some electric tape on it to help it make contact better, but still no dice.


    DRIFTER016: That will be the next course of action, if it still don't work I can just return it.


    Im just confused because when the pedal is pressed you do hear a relay click in the circuit board behind the steering system (which tells me it is getting the signal :dunno:). Is this normal even if the pedal does not work properly? DRIFTER016: did yours do this when the pedal was faulty?



    Yep they still click, they just don't work.

    I ordered a new one up from LeBarons, plugged it in and all is good.

    Before the new pedal was installed the direction worked but no prop spinning.

    I went through all the same testing as you before giving in and buying the pedal.

    Pretty much a waste of my time as there have been lots of posts on various boards about pedal problems with this model of pedal.

    It's an easy fix though. :D

  9. :rolleyes: EEK A SPIDER!!!! WHAT A GIRLIE MAN!!!! :rolleyes:

    Try coming face to face with a 1000# Grizzly at 15 Feet like I did last September!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

    I just wish I had an extra hand to take a photo when she was close, but I had my floatrod in one hand and my other was on the Bear Spray just in case.

    I ended up with this lame :asshat: shot of her going away at 60 or 70 feet. :wallbash::wallbash:




  10. Kyle is a little brat and a sore loser!!!

    He reminds me of Jeff Goron when he was younger.

    When he doesn't win he goes and has a tantrum.


    Anouncer: "Kyle describe your run today."


    Kyle: "Well Dave it sucked ass, I came in second, I had a lousy day!!!"


    Race Fan: "Well BOO HOO dip stick, GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!"



    Send him in for an EGOECTOMY!!!!!


    On the bright side it was a good race and an exciting finish.

    I did feel bad for Marcus though.

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