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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. thanks alot for the feedback so far guys. Im taking notes!


    Do you think it would be possible to run a charger for some things, coming from the cigarette outlet in a van? or would that burn out the engine? I was hoping to charge my laptop over it.


    Also thinking about showering... are there places to do that on the road? Im not thinking of spending alot of $$$$ either...


    Thanks for the tips guys!

    Keep em coming if you can!



    No problem I run a small 110volt inverter off my cig lighter socket to run my shaver and recharge batteries for the cell phone, laptop, camera and camcorder. I run one of these only a little smaller in size. Inverter The 175 watt one should do you fine. As long as you don't use the thing for hours with the engine off you will be fine.

    I even bring a small power bar so I can plug in all my adapters and charge everything while I'm running down the road. Make sure you get one that is big enough if you do this. They have an alarm built in to let you know if you are overloading them or not.


    Showers are available at camp sites, truck stops and even some laundramats. When I'm in Alaska I use laundramats in Soldotna and Cooper Landing to shower. I put my clothes in the washer and hop in the shower, by the time I'm done in the shower the clothes are just about washed. Kill two birds with one stone. ;)

  2. When you get to Saskatchewan leave the Trans Canada and take the Yellowhead Trail the scenery is pretty sweet.


    Forget Vancouver and head North young man!!! :lol:

    Drive the Cassiar Hwy in BC.

    Northern BC, the Yukon and NWT are spectacular!!!!! :D

    Drive the Alaska Highway in Northern BC............................Unbelievable!!!!

    Just don't do it at night. :w00t:


    I have done the trip form Ontario to the NWT a bunch of times and my favorite part of the drive has always been from the soo to North Bay on the Trans Canada.


    I have also driven to Alaska a bunch of times (37 more days until this years trip :D ) and the Alaska Hwy is one of the nicest drives around.

  3. Mostly smallies - typically you'll hit bass and trout there especially in teh smaller pools near Petro Canada Park.


    If you feel like wandering upstream you might find a few better pools.


    If you're fishing near the bridge its hit and miss really some days i see people there for hours not even getting a bite.




    Worms work well in the deeper stream there otherwise i just use top baits around the reeds and such.




    I was thinking of heading up to Milton to hit up Kelso if you are interested in tagging along give me a shout


    Don't forget the awesome CHUB population. :D

  4. I hope you're making a crap load of money because you will be paying 10 to 15 dollars for a gallon of milk or 2 liter of pop in Baker Lake!!!!! :w00t:

    A friend of mine lived there for a while and clued me in on the living expenses there.

    Bring lots of Pixie spoons as the Char and Laker fishing is pretty decent in the area. ;)

    It should be a blast though, have fun and post pics!!!!

  5. I have a Garmin 120 I use on my portable pontoon and it works great. It marks fish perfectly and I haven't had any issues with it at all.

    Great entry level or second unit.

    On my boat I have Lowrance. I have always loved Lowrance and will continue to buy their equipment.

    Next on the list is an HDS 10 with side imaging add on. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :lol:

  6. Cliff, Drifter hit the nail on the head. Great product and they did wonders for my 17 footer a few years back. Really helped with hole shot and eliminated all back wash when coming down off plane even suddenly. May even slow down your trolling a bit.





    The Pro Trollers are Smart Tabs but they also have the ability to flip down and act as a brake to slow trolling speed. The tabs will get you on plane faster and keep you there at a slower speed.

    When you are running the boat and don't need to go super slow they are no different than the smart tabs, but when you want to slow down your trolling speed just flip a lever on the top mount of each tab and they flip down an act as a trolling brake. Nauticus guarantees a 30% decrease in speed.

  7. I have only fished it once but we rented a boat from a lodge in Orient Bay for the day and trolled around aimlessly (no depth finder) and did ok.

    We only ended up hooking 2 fish, both lakers. One was an eater about 4# and the other we had on for an hour and never saw it. I would guess it was in the 40# range judging by the fight. We couldn't find any brookies though. :(

    The hot bait was a 2" fire tiger little cleo. :blink:

  8. OK, I have a 60 hp Mercury


    The numbers on the prop are 73136A40?13 the ? could be a B or a P (or something else but it is painted in)


    The boat doesn't seem to get up on plane as fast as I think it should and at WOT my RPMs are really pushing the limit. Top end speed isn't as much of a concern to me as lower end. I would like to acheive less speed for trolling (currently about 2.3 mph) and quicker jump up on plane. Is this the right prop for what I want to do?


    The boat is rated for a 75 but the dealer "ASSURED ME" that the 60 was plenty of power for this package!



    Changing the prop won't help your trolling speed unless you really change the pitch a ton. Which will trash your holeshot and top end speed.

    What are your current WOT RPM's at? Your WOT rpm should be between 5500 and 6000 rpm. If you are at or above 6000 rpm you can go up on your pitch. Your prop is a 10 3/8" diameter 13" pitch. For every 1" of pitch you go up you will lose about 200 rpm off your top end.

    Lets say you are at 6200 WOT rpm, if you go to a 15" pitch prop you should be at 5800 WOT. As this prop will grab more water your holeshot should improve, but you will lose about 1-2 mph on the top end. If you go down on pitch the opposite is true. More top end rpm and weaker holeshot.

    If you are in that 5500-6000 rpm range think about putting a set of Nauticus smart tabs or pro-trollers on your boat.


    Nauticus Smart Tabs

  9. I believe some "lots" of the HDS 7 units left the factory with bad seals and rain water was getting inside the units and completely disabling them. This has now been addressed by Lowrance


    I see that the new side scan will be available in Nov '09 at the cost of another $599.00 on top of what your HDS unit already set you back.......a man can never have enough toys, can he ...... :)


    Great!!! Now I need almost $4000 for my new fishfinder. :rolleyes:

  10. I have been drooling over the HDS units since they were annouced last year.

    I decided to wait a year (always a smart move with new technology) to make sure there were no serious issues.

    So far the one serious issue has been water leaking into the screen on the smaller units. :oops:

    I'm glad I waited because of this and the fact when I do buy I can now spend more money on really cool toys!!! :lol:

    I saw some video of the side scanning feature posted by Lowrance on youtube a month or two ago and was pretty impressed then, and they didn't even show the down scanning feature. While the side scanning feature is really cool that down scanning feature is awesome!!!!! It's like having a camera mounted to the bottom of your boat pointing at the bottom of the lake. :D I need one just so I can run all over the lakes looking for lost boats, cars and snowmobiles!!!!! :lol:


  11. Looks like he was trolling with a net....I'm guess he was either working for a company? or hes native and they don't have laws.....



    Easy now!!!!

    There is no commercial fishery on GBL.

    He was subsistance fishing for his family.

    If I wanted to I could get a subsistance netting permit and I'm not native.

    Things work a lot differently up here than they do in Southern Ontario.

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