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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I hate to tell you this, but you ain't gonna do it cheap!!!!! :angry:

    You may be able to get there cheap and find accomodations and food at reasonable prices, but licensing will kill you in BC.

    You need 1/ fishing licens 2/ steelhead stamp 3/ classified waters license.

    The classified waters fees are $20/ day for class 2 rated waters and $40/day for class 1 waters.

    You have to purchase your classified waters license for the river you are going to fish on the day you want to fish it.

    If you purchase a class 1 license for the MORICE RIVER say for October 21 and it blows out, well you either fish mud or find another river to fish that isn't blown and pay for it.

    I'm eventually going to fish BC but it will most likely be when I retire and move there.

    Residents pay $10 for the whole year to fish classified waters.

    There are 52 classified steelhead rivers in BC (the best ones) so there are non-classified waters you can fish, but if I'm going to BC to fish chrome I want to fish the best rivers, don't you?

  2. I've been getting fancy with beads the last few years.....the girls at the local dollar store must think I'm a cross dresser with all pearls and nail polish I have bought there! .....Dave ever tried heat glue ? mix up a batch and color to taste......






    Paint, Nail Polish, Hot Melt Glue, Water based clear coat, you name it I've tried it.

    They even make a product called Softex that you can coat with after painting to protect your finish and make the bead feel softer to the fish. ;)

    I'll post more info on it when I get home, as it is impossible to find anything online.

    I brought home a jar of the stuff to try out.

  3. Not looking to move to find a job, jobs find me then I move to them. :) I hate RIM and wouldn't want to work for them and once you oust RIM as an employer 90 percent of the IT jobs in KW are out the window. I woul dlike to try and stay close to some decent fishing so London is kind a out as well.


    Me too, that's why I moved to Yellowknife!!!!!! :D

    I'm the IT Manager at the college here.

    My commute went from 2 hours+ each way to 6 minutes.

    The Rush Minute was brutal this morning, Total Grid Lock!!!! Took me nearly 8 minutes to get to work!!!! :clapping:

    Plus I have 1,000,000 lakes I can fish.

    The ice fishing season ROCKS!!!! :lol:

  4. The reason they are doing this is to try and equal out traffic.

    Traffic such as that of peer to peer file sharing (ie. Limewire) can use up a large chunk of bandwidth.

    If this happens it negatively impacts other traffic such as video and audio streaming, but more importantly VOIP.

    VOIP is very sensitve to bandwidth congestion.


    I ran an internet service in Fort Smith, NWT for a while and had 2 bandwidth sources. I used bandwidth shaping to send all the peer to peer traffic to one source while using the other source for all other traffic. It worked well and there were less complaints about sluggish internet performance.

  5. Really cool thread. I love fishing long sessions pretty far away from home…Can’t get enough of it. Unfortunately for me I usually don’t have access to a vehicle on a regular basis to do it as much as I would like. I drive either a Honda Civic or an Accord depending on which one is still in the garage when I need it.


    Some things I’ve done in the past beyond staying in a motel include (but aren’t limited to) – Ranked in order of comfort (at least to me):


    1. Sleeping on a bedchair beneath a giant umbrella (both designed for carp fishing)

    2. Camping in a tent + foam pad + sleeping bag on a campsite

    3. Hammock between 2 trees by the lake

    4. In a floating canoe – That was awesome (tied to shore of course)

    5. Reclined car passenger seat

    6. Park bench or picnic table like a hobo

    7. The floor of a concrete pier with a backpack as a pillow – The earwigs and potato bugs also liked that too

    8. Sleeping on a low hanging branch of a maple tree


    I’ve been rained on a few times while sleeping outside without a shelter but I usually have rain gear on anyway and crawl into the fetal position and cover my face (The weather girl was so wrong on those days :angry: ). I always get the best sleep when I’m outside for some reason – Even better than when I stay in motels. Cool links Splashhopper, Gotta get me a van ASAP :lol:


    You don't want to sleep outside in Alaska or any other area that is highly populated with bears or you will become dinner!!!!!! :w00t:

    I had a large grizz outside my tent on my latest trip. :w00t: It is really spooky knowing you are 2 feet away from something that could kill you faster than an LA Gang member!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

  6. Yep, they be dumb but pretty tasty.

    They are very similar to Ptarmigan in texture and taste.

    I don't mind the flavour at all. Stuff them with onions and garlic and bake. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    The chicken finger thing sounds good too. ;)

    They are quite a bit bigger than ruffies too. :D

  7. When I go to Alaska in the fall I sleep in the truck en route and tent it when I get there.


    I'm looking at buying a travel trailer now as it;s kind of cramped with the dog.

    Plus I'm getting tired of sleeping on the ground. ;)


    I don't know what you have for a vehicle, but if you have a pickup you can get a camper to go in the back of the trick and then you have your accomodations with you. :D

  8. Can't tell you about the fishing, but I did see a apecial on TV about the health of people living in Windsor last weekend.

    It dealt with the polution from all the chemical, auto and manufacturing plants in Windsor and Detroit.

    It specifically dealt with children and all the contaminants in their blood and bodies due to enviromental issues.

    It also dealt with the high rate of athsma, birth defects and cancer in the area.

    If you're old with no kids I wouldn't worry but if you are young and plan on living to a ripe old age, I would avoid the area like the plague.

    The documentary I watched was pretty scary.


    Just my .02

  9. Beads aren't anything new. I have one friend who was a fly fishing guide up in Alaska for a couple summers and he swears by them for the resident rainbows there. Guides often have whole tackle boxes dedicated to just storing beads in different colours. Most of the time he paints them with nail polish just to get them to look exactly like the eggs at different stages of their life cycle. According to my friend, often times having the wrong coloured beads can mean catching 10-20 rainbows per day for the clients you're guiding VS 60-70 rainbows for the clients the other guides are taking out on the same day and same stretch of river.



    Yep!!! :D


    You gots to have the right bead or you might be the one catchin' nothing. B)

    We get quite technical with our beads including hand painting, hand made clay beads etc.

    They work well for steelhead too!!!

    You're matching the hatch so to speak. About 95% of my trouting in Alaska is done with beads.

    I have a good selection. :D



  10. Document your complaints and proof and bring them not to staff, but to council (since staff has already washed their hands of it).

    Mention your plans to approach the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) with your concerns.

    Talk to the MNR, MOE and any other governing body with jurisdiction.

    I agree that you cannot prevent the progress, but it must be done within compliance and within sound resource usage.



    Definately the way to go.


    If this route falls through put up a deer stand on the edge of the property and when the developer comes to check on his devastation put a 270 round through his forehead!!!!!

    Problem Solved!!!!! :w00t:

  11. Thanks for the info, I will be working down near lakeshore in etobicoke, i believe the area is called mimico. The times i work are not 9-5. thanks again



    If you are going to work there look at South East Mississauga.

    Your commute will be short, there are some nice quiet, old neighbourhoods and it's close to the QEW, but most important is it's close to the launch ramps at Lake Front Promenade Park on Lake Ontario.

    I lived by Dixie Mall for 15 years and it was a nice area.

  12. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

    I commuted from the Orangeville area to TO, Mississauga and Markham areas for 10 years, what a PIA!!!

    Commute times were anywhere from 2 hours to 4 1/2 hours each way, every day!!!!

    You end up spending 20 hours plus in traffic each week!!!!!!!

    When I felt that I was going to go on a shooting spree on the highway, I moved to Yellowknife!!!! :D

    All is good now, Great Job, Awesome fishing seconds from home and an 8 minute commute!!!!!!

    Working in Toronto SUCKS, unless you live there, Commuting for hours when you should be with your family SUCKS!!!!!!

  13. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery Dave.


    It's a 12 step program you need to follow to ween you off the chromers.


    You start with the Kenai then fish the Notty, the 'Geen, the Bighead, the Sauble, the Beaver, the Maitland, the Ganny, then the Shwa. (all on a busy weekend)


    The last 3 will cure you.


    Walnut creek at the manchester hole on a Sat.

    Burt Dam (anytime).

    Then finish things off at Bronte just above Rebbecca. The stench of rotting carcasses and the three pronged attack of the local bank mutants will clinch the deal.


    You will never again want to catch chromers. :)



    HMMMMMM, maybe I'll just stick to GIANT GREYS then Mikey!!!!!! :D
















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