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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. that was for an Apex ltx gt


    I'm on an 06 rage right now..same motor as your Venture..good thing you got nothing to hit up there so you don't need collision :rolleyes:


    Only large chunks of granite and they don't move too quickly, so it's pretty easy to get out of the way of them. :lol:


    why wouldn't it

    I was told it has a lighter footprint then a skidoo?



    It wouldn't fit down our trails


    Yep, wouldn't fit down ours either.

    There is no such thing as a groomed trail where I live.

    Some are so narrow it's barely wide enough to fit the ski width.

  2. I haven't been able to get out yet this winter (too much OT at work :( )

    Right now I'm at the parents house in Belwood :angry: when I should be home making swiss cheese of all the lakes.

    The forcast for the 2 weeks I'm here is beautiful back in Yellowknife, then it turns to crap as soon as I get home!!! angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

    Two weeks ago we had highs of -49C and just as it warms up into the high teens to -25 I have to hop on a plane and leave. cry2-male-cry-tears-smiley-emoticon.gif


    The one bright spot will be the few days of winter steelheading I get to do. That and filling up on stuff I can't get back home like the odd lure or two. :D

  3. I got a quote for a new sled I'm considering and it was $882.00 for full coverage..Right now fire theft for the year and liability for the season is $450. 994 cc


    Terry, that rig wouldn't be much good to you up here for fishing



    My 1000cc 2008 Yamaha RS Venture GT is right around $300 with no collision and $800 with.

  4. When I lived in Mississauga we had a racoon that used to sleep in one of our composters.

    We figured the warmth from the composting process was to his liking. When we would go to pus something in the composter we would look before tossing it in. If the composter was occupied we would put it in the other one. The racoon never gave us any grief, he just liked sleeping in the composter. :dunno:

  5. 60-70 hours??? I did my Gambler in 19 and that was time consuming enough.Darryl I can get the carpet and help you if you decide to change it.



    It really depends on the carpet type and glue used by the manufacturer as to how easy replacement will be.

    Mine left a lot of backing behind when it was stripped off and required lots of scraping to remove it.

    I also had to pretty much disassemble the whole boat in order to do some of the flooring pieces. With the most difficult being the main floor area.

    The rod locker and console had to be removed to replace the carpet there.

  6. For those of us old enough to remember.


    Remember "metrification". the government promised that things would be simplified, and any change in volumes would be reflected in new pricing. We went from buying a quart, to a litre, which is .i4 less, but paid the same.

    Next lie. Wage and price controls in the 70's. During that recession, and runaway inflation, the government was going to apply the brakes evenly to stop the economy from stalling. The only controls were on wages. Prices kept on rising regardless of the consumers complaints.


    Face it folks. Politicians were bought and paid for decades back, and don't care for the general public's best interest. Their interest is the best interest of those that bought them.



    Don't forget about speeding ticket fines that increased nicely with metrification!!!!!!

  7. Ironically my better half is out right now getting her hair done then shopping.

    My 2 little ones are currently running amok and inconsolable.

    I'm thinking I need the number for nanny 911.


    During steelhead season I arrange to have 2 days free and clear each week (sometimes one).

    They tend to keep me sane and fortunately my wife agrees. :)




    Haven't you figured out that to get them little buggers in line at this time of year you just have to tell them to smarten up or you'll tell santa that they've been bad. No toys for you, just coal!!!!!

    Works every time. If it doesn't make sure you hide all the gifts and wrap a couple of chunks of coal up for them on the big day. After they have spent 30 minutes or so freaking out you can tell them that if they promise to be really good that santa may forgive them and bring their gifts!!!! :D

  8. Ya better bring your arctic woolies my friend. Long range forecast looks cold.

    Not N.W.T. cold, but still.

    (And no worries there's plenty of fish left to be caught. :) )


    Well todays temps here are mind numbingly cold!!!

    Coldest day of the winter so far with a balmy daytime high of -35C.

    Luckily it's not windy though so the windchill is only -46C!!!!!! :w00t:


    -10 is tee shirt weather!!!!!! :lol:

  9. Does anybody actually know how gasoline is going to be taxed?


    There is already a provincial tax on gas in Ontario. 14.7 cents or something.

    Does this include PST at 8% or is it just a gas tax and there is no pST on gas now.

    I can't see there being no PST on gas right now. Them crooks would never let that go.

    I don't get a natural gas bill so I can't look at that for PST.

    Does anybodies natural gas bill have PST shown as a charge now?


    edit...looking at petrocanadas chart, quebec has a seperate PST indicated where ontario doesn't...guess we are being screwed for a NEW tax on gas



    You betcha, BEND OVER Mr Mcquinty want's to say hello!!!!

  10. Ontario and BC are changing the sales tax system to just 1 tax Harmonized Tax combining GST & PST. The maritimes I believe have already done this years ago and most other countries have done it as well. However, all of your general services here such as contractors, painters, carpet installers, lawncare, snow removal, etc. will be forced to charge PST in addition to the GST starting July 1st. Currently PST is only charged when selling products and now will be tacked on to all services.



    That's what I thought, just another way to add a little more tax money by ripping off the little guy!!!!

    I'm soooooooooo glad I left there!!!! I am dumbfounded that McSquinty was re-elected after his first lie filled term.

    It boggles the mind!!!!! :dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:

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