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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016



    Make sure you look at the load rating on the PA tires before you buy.

    Most seem to be lightweight B rated tires.


    I did get my new 14" rims and tires from them however and they are fine.

    The ones I bought for the snowmobile trailer I didn't notice they only had a B rating and not a C or D and they did not do the job.

  2. Dave me brudder,will this do? Stiffle Spiel.LOL


    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti4G1AX0v-g?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti4G1AX0v-g?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti4G1AX0v-g?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>


    I won't even click on that one it'll just make me want to commit suicide!!! :whistling:

  3. How do you like your pilot?

    I have a '06 pilot.

    Towing about 2500lb in D3 I averaged about 17.5L/100km


    Mine's an '05.

    It's a great vehicle. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

    I can't say exactly what I get for mileage (I don't really check :blush: )

    I can say that on my trips to Alaska I get about 20-21 mpg on the hwy.

    Towing my boat (18' Fisher aluminum with a 90), I haven't checked but I only have towed a maximum of 30kms with it. I'm able to tow the boat in OD without the tranny hunting at all (weight is in the 1,800-2,000# range with trailer). I will drop to D3 in hilly areas if the tranny starts hunting though.

    I did tow my Rockwood Freedom 1980 camper to Alaska and it did use a bunch more fuel than when not towing but that was expected.

    It's now in storage in Alaska so I don't have to tow it back and forth. :D


    That's a goodie. :thumbsup_anim:


    One thing that never ceases to amaze me is when artists suddenly change their genre and start a new.

    Kid rock is one that sticks out as well as Alanis Morisette and Ministry.

    Kid rock went from hard rap to country while Alanis went from pop to alternative and Ministry went from pop to metal. I wonder what triggers an artist to do a complete 180 between one album and the next. :dunno:


    All Summer Long by Kid Rock is one of the very few country influenced songs I can listen all the way through with out wanting to stick a hot poker in my eye (no offence to any of y'all country bumpkins out there) :lol:



  5. Its funny how people will line up for 30 minutes to save $5.00 on their tank of gas and get all stressed out and yet they will line up at Tim Hortons to pay 1.40 for a medium coffee or 1.50 for a bottle of water and not even think twice....the Tim's line ups here are still crazy..doesnt matter what time of day..you can buy a small can of coffee for $6.00 at the store that will makes hundreds of cups...but dont touch the gas prices! lol

    sorry just a rant smile.gif



    YECH!!! I wouldn't drink Tims coffee let alone stand in line to buy it!!! wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

    The only coffee I drink comes from imported Italian espresso beans (@ $40/kg) that I carefully grind at home and then lovingly pressure brew at 14bar before mixing with perfectly microfoamed 1% milk. tease.giftease.giftease.gif

  6. This is when your glad to be a 5 km drive to work, and 2 km to the lake (Simcoe). I do feel for those that dont have this luxury,,,,,,,,Did I say luxury? Sure glad I made the move 20 some odd years ago.


    You got that right!!

    I'm now 3km to work and 4km or less to 6 lakes. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  7. Make sure you bring batteries in two weeks.


    Just talked to someone in Nakina, ice is mostly all gone. Couple more days and it'll be totally gone. :Gonefishing:


    Check, bring batteries, got it. :whistling:

    I hadn't planned on doing any fishing before the trip East and just grabbed the camera out of the case that was already set for Pikapalooza 2011. :lol:

  8. So it's finally becoming spring in the North and my buddy and I went to try out a couple of spots for some open water action. The first spot (The Yellowknife River) opened up nicely this week and we were going to see if we could get smoe whities, grayling or pike to cooperate, but they wouldn't. :glare:

    We saw a couple of fish swirl on the surface but no takers.


    We decided that since the river had popped nicely that another current area back in the bush aways on a different lake may have the eyes up and aboot. We drove to the trail head donned our waders and grabbed our gear and off into the woods we go. The trail is well marked and runs though stands of birch, pine and spruce as well as some lowland wetland areas plus there are a few large granite Canadian Shield hills to scale and decend before we arrive at our destination an hour later. The trail was mostly hard packed ice and snow with numerous bare patches and some deeper snow in areas to just above the knees in depth.


    Well we were too early the river mouth is still frozen!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

    It will be open by next weekend though so we should be able to get into bunches of eyes. :D


    OH, and no pictures either as I brought the camera but forgot the battery in the charger back home. :oops:

  9. Good on ya!!! Nice bunch of crappies you got there.


    I would make a report of the harrasment you recieved from these two yokels and have your buddy do the same. It is illegal and unless they have their hands slapped they will just continue their misguided ways.

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