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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Looks delicious! Unfortunately I can no longer have coffee, it aggravates my IBS. One way I used to enjoy it was to make a French blend, which has a strong flavour to start with, make it a little extra strong, and sweeten it with a generous amount of maple syrup. I called it a French-Canadian coffee, my own little contribution to national unity! Sadly, no more... :(


    I used to have IBS and Acid Reflux but found a way to completely get rid of it.

    I moved to the NWT and have been fine since and no longer need meds. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

    Oh yeah the lifestyle is way better too. ;)

  2. I also use 4" white PVC pipe with test caps on either end.

    1 1/2" open cell foam in the caps and the bottom cap is attached with 3 rivets.

    Used a leather handle attached with rivets and use the handymans secret weapon (duct tape) to secure the removable end cap. I had no issues on my recent trip from Yellowknife to Eddies camp on the Attawapiskat. 2 jets, 2 cars, 1 truck and 1 float plane (one way) no problems. My stuff made it in both directions without being lost along the way too. I had 5 one piece rods, 1 two piece and 2 three piece fly rods in the tube, along with several hundred 3" twister tails to help keep the rods from shifting around in the tube. :lol:

  3. I used my LMS-350 in an improvised portable setup for years when guiding on Great Bear.

    The transducer and speed&temp guage were attached to a piece of 3/4" oak flooring and the gps antenna to a portable clamp mount while the lcd and battery were housed in a portable box of my own making. I used it like this for 15 years. I used a bungee cord between the head unit and battery compartment wrapped around the bench seat to keep it from moving around.


    FYI Suction cups SUCK!!!!! Use a slab of wood and a C clamp.





  4. My boat is a 16ft mirrocraft...Currently using a MG36lb 12v off 1 interstate battery...Only last 4-5hr max and have to have it full speed to move me around when boat is loaded....I wanna hook my Brute MG 56lb TM...it has 12v/24v mode...My question is it better to run 2 batteries in parrell for 12 v mode OR wire 2 batts in a series for 24v mode? Will I get same draw/power and run time either way? I would be using to 27class interstates bats? Need to know the set up that would give me best bang for my buck! Finally would I put a breaker on all hot +ve terminals???I found these attached diagrams for reference(not sure if they are accurate)...Which way would you go???thanks


    Run it in 24V mode you will double your run time due to the fact that at 24 volts you decrease the amperage needed to get the same propulsion by 50%.

    It's the same reason high draw appliances like electric stoves, dryers and hot water heaters run on 220volts and not 110 like the rest of your house hold items.


    Breaker goes on the hot line leading to the TM. No need for a breaker on the hot lead between batteries.

  5. That looks like Jackfish lake, right off the road? I have caught tons of pike in that lake, and seen some big ones. I broke a rod beaching a 10 lber there.



    Yep, it is.

    I had no idea it grew pike that big in there. :dunno: :dunno:

    I haven't fished it because I thought the pike would all be small due to the lakes size. I guess I was wrong. :unsure:

  6. wow big head and fat

    for a short fish


    Looks like it could swallow a basketball!!!


    The lake is ony 1.2 kms X .75 kms at it's widest points!!

    I knew the lake holds pike and whitefish but had no idea it produced piggies!!!

    It was caught from shore right by the highway.

    May have to drop the zodiac in and fish it hard. :whistling:

  7. That lace system has been out for several years now.

    My buddy and his wife in Alaska have a pair of those boots and love them.

    They fish a ton and have not had any issues with the lacing system.

  8. I've been taking my 28 year old developmentally disabled son up to the French River for years. First at Casa Blanca, and the last five years at Crane's Lochaven Lodge. We are so high on the Crane's hospitality and the French ambience to go there at least once a year as long as I can forsee. However, I'm getting a bit up in age and was thinking of a fly in trip for some really great fishing for him to experience this August. Obviously a fly in, but good consistent fishing in the farther north. Thinking northern Ontario, Manitba, NWT, Quebec, or Saskwtchawan (sp?). Looking for some ideas. Thanks in advance.



    Would help if we knew what your budget and choice of fish species was. ;)

  9. Got home about 3 hours ago and am wiped out!!!

    Been up since 2AM my time. :sleeping_02::sleeping_02:

    Glad to get away from TO before the steamy weather hits.

    15C with sun and no humidity here, perfect. Was 19C with 94% humidity in TO this morning and it was way too uncomfortable.

    Most of the lakes are ice free here now except for Slave and several of the bigger lakes.

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