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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. If you're not mechanically inclined arrange to take the boat into a marina/dealer etc. and have them do a complete inspection hull/systems/motor. You wnat to know stuff like 1/are there any soft spots in the floor or transom 2/does the motor have good compression etc.

    Also take it for a test drive.

    It's a big purchase just like a car and you wouldn't hand over $20K and hope for the best would you. :whistling:

  2. ya I was just there lol. I got the right ones I know I do. I wonder why this is why its hard to start sometimes, the guy has the wrong plug in it!



    I have a '91 and they are not the easiest staring engines around to begin with.

    I have found that the beast way to start mine when cold is to pump the fast idle lever a couple of times and leave it all the way up then push in the key (primer) and spin the starter, push in the key again while turing over. It will usually catch at this point, if not pump the fat idle lever a couple more times and push in the key and turn over again. Once the engine catches you will need to push in the key a couple more times (when the engine starts to stumble and the rpm starts to drop). Could be 2 or 3 times (depends on how fast the engine warms up). Once it runs on it's own drop the fast idle lever to a reasonable rpm to finish warming up.


    Can't wait to get a nice fuel injected 4 stroke for my boat. :whistling:

  3. Take off eh.


    Wish I had a job there and could live there Dave.



    Not here.

    I have to drive 3,000km to get there.

    I leave on the 3rd of September!!!! :good::good:


    I'm mostly after them giant resident rainbows though. ;)


    Like this 40"+ fish I posted earlier. :w00t:



  4. While I haven't fished there in years I would doubt that anything has changed.

    My favorite depths to run lines at this time of year are 27' and 35'. Don't know why it's just where I always started. Run out to about 70 FOW and troll out until you start finding fish (or head towards the pack). Make sure to run cheaters too (extra lures in the water and you cover more depths).

    Trolling speed is usually in the 1.9 to 2.2 MPH range for me.


    Good Luck and post how you do. ;)

  5. Hey guys I am changing the spark plugs on my 89 merc 90hp. I went to the marina and they gave me NGK BUHW-2, when I took the covers off it has BU8H plugs in it? Did the guy before me use the wrong plug? It runs fine now so should I replace the plugs with the same or should I be using the ones the marina says it calls for?





    Use the ones the marina sold you the BU8H's are incorrect for that engine.


    Check your serial# against this Chart


    This Chart shows the engines that the BU8H plugs are recomended for.

  6. The roads that are being closed were built with our tax dollars


    Better rethink that as most of the roads in question were built by the lumber companies so they can extract the lumber from the area. The gubberment just sold the access and timber rights to those companies.

  7. I did send you a message Dave...


    I had SERIOUSLY hoped to spend a few days in Yellowknife with our friends Dan and Sue who were off work for weeks at that time. They are awesome the pair of them. This would have given me time for a pint or two for sure. BUT, my Aeroplan points could only get Bren and I flights for the friday, and the connectors put us in there at 10:30pm night before GBL departure. Gave us only two hours to spend with anyone.


    There will be a next time... probably not for some time though. I do have it in mind to visit Dan at some point for a Great Slave and/or Nahanni tour. So who knows?


    You, as anyone should know, that Plummer's surely has something special going on for those getting the treat to visit.




    DanC... sent ya a PM.

    Carl... I'll let it slide this time. lol.



    I did get the message Drew. ;)

  8. MEH, it was ok. :D

    Too bad you didn't have time to drop in Drew.

    Maybe next time. wink2.gif


    There is definately something special about that area.

    Probably the reason I spent 15 years up there.

    Reading this report brought back some memories and I may have to take a trip up again soon. B)

  9. Well that seems like a complete cop out by the crown. :(

    If they weren't going to take it to court they should have let you know prior.

    I hope they are made to reimburse you for your time and expenses that you incurred because of their stupidity!!! :angry:

    May you hook into a freight train 'nook this afternoon Ron. :good::good:

  10. Yep, you got a stuck needle.

    Used to happen all the time with the 30hp Merc Sea Pros we had up at Great Bear in the mid 90's.

    The heavy bobbing in the waves causes the needle to pop out of the seat.

    Our fix was to pop off the cover and rap the float bowl with the handle of a screwdriver.

    It would fix the issue every time. The issue usually rearedit's ugly head when traveling into the waves due to the steepness of the front of the wave and the sharp drop when cresting the wave.

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