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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Wow, I gotta say this is one sweet unit, it covers all the bases, Flasher mode, chart mode or a colum type unit. This unit can be used as either type or a combination of the three, it's not just a flasher,it has all the bells and whistles anyone could ask for. A great unit for the high tech fishers who like to play with there electronics. The only things I don't like is the tranducer arm set-up, a floater is 100x better and easier, and I hate the interference that Marcum units give off, other then that it is one impressive machine.


    I don't notice any interference, but then again I have an LX-5 :)

    Maybe if I had one of those VEX things I would have a problem with it. :whistling:

    The issue is caused by the high power of the Marcum units. More power=better target separation. ;)

  2. I did....and there are several ...can't decide which ones I need...OR-14....OR-17...or even the super strong OR-30?

    And are those things very expensive or what???!? :worthy:


    Better see if I can find some used one....not sure if I want to spent $200 on releases....waoooo...



    Ice Fisherman


    For walleye get the lightest tension ones available.

    I have a bunch of the OR3's for eyes and some OR14's for salmon.

  3. I have NEVER had a problem with any of my RayBan glasses and or warranty. B&L now runs the Canada arm of RayBan (I think) so try there if you have issues.


    I still have a set of RayBan glasses I got for fishing but with the misshaps that can happen while fishing I'll stick to my sub $50 set's.


    I also have not had any issues with RayBan's warranty or service.

    It was also nice that they are located in Mississauga (at least it was nice when I lived there :lol: )


    My RayBan's are amber for most types of light. I also have some Haber's in rose for low light and some Smith Action Optics in grey for bright sunny days. The clearest glasses I have ever had were a pair of Ocean Waves but I lost them in a rafting incident and they're now over $300 to replace them. :(

  4. I was in Lutselke' on the East Arm of Great Slave Lake for work this past week and stayed at the local Lodge for my accomodations. :whistling:

    I had a lot of work to do in town over the week but got to wet a line on a couple of occasions. :thumbsup_anim: The first time I put on the waders and hiked a ways up from the lodge and fished from a point where the river dumps into the bay. I managed a couple of grayling in the 18" range and several trout to about 7 or 8 pounds. Not bad for an hour and a half. I did notice that the water felt pretty chilly (think I have a seam leak in the G3's :o ) I found out later that the temp there was still only 4.5C. :w00t:


    The following day (and my last full day in the area) I was able to finish all the work I had to do and get back to the lodge by lunch. The lodge is run by a husband and wife team (Wayne and Debbie) and they have a nice little operation going on there. The boats are 18' Alumarines with 40hp Merc EFI 4 Strokes. I talked to Wayne about taking a boat out for the afternoon and evening and after lunch got out and did a little fly trolling for troots!!!


    So I'll let the pics speak for themselves.














  5. Holy crap it's hot down there!!!!! I wouldn't want to be outside in TO (or any other southern Ontario location). Weather like this is for sittin' inside infront of a big :asshat: air conditioner with a cold drink. Thursday looks like a killer!!!! :w00t:

    Remeber to bring your pets inside!!!

  6. Actually Drifter, I lean toward Fish4eyes assement, the trusses are still there it appears the roof cladding has been torn off by the winds. Regardless OLD MAN youy have my sympathy. Insrance is gonna be a female dog on this one possibly.


    You're right it's the sheathing that went bye bye.

    I guess they didn't use ring shank nails. :rolleyes:

    My guess is the wind got under the porch and lifted the whole thing off including the roof sheathing.

  7. I would be blaming the installer of that roof for that one. You pay 30+k for a "lifetime roof" to have that happen. Herd of this same thing happening to friends of the family. Payed 30k for a lifetime roof, to be collecting it around the street to ensure it does not cause damage to other people's property (when we had those 100k winds earlier this spring). My roof was done properly, and I just continued on with my day ;)



    This has nothing to do with the construction just local building codes.

    In areas where hurricane force winds are common hurricane ties are required for securing the roof trusses to the walls. In Ontario there is no requirement for hurricane ties and when you get very high winds this is what can happen when the trusses are only toe nailed into the wall caps.

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