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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Man that final race of the 2011 NASCAR season was awesome!!!!

    What a great chase this year!!!!

    Congrats to Tony and Carl you gave us a great ride all the way to the last lap of the season.

    Tied in points at 2403 and Tony winning the championship by virtue of 5 chase victories. :clapping::clapping:

  2. Finally got out for a little ice time. biggrin.gif

    Should have been out last week or even earlier but was dealing with an infection that needed fixing so the ice had to wait a couple of weeks. Got out to my preferred early season troot lake around 11 AM and found around 10" of clear black ice with about an inch of snow on it. good.gif




    We need another good snowfall to make the snowmobling good but the trails were fair today.






    The fishing was decent but the landing sucked!! LOL

    I had several nice trout hammer my airplane jig scream off a bunch of line only to spit the hook.

    Dang you NWT and your barbless rule!! cursing.gif

    I had bites on tube jigs as well as said airplane jig but the tube bites were super light and I only managed to stick one or two fish on the tube (they both got away unfortunately). I think the change in weather put the fish down today. It has been overcast with a little snow the last few days and today it was pretty much cloudless. dunno.gif

    Temp when I hit the lake was -24C with a light North breeze making it feel like -30C or so.






    Notice the Sunflower heater mod for cooking and boiling water for a cup of tea or soup.








    All in all not a bad day. Hooked a bunch of fish (none landed), got out on the sled and got some excersize.

    Now to wait until next week. wink2.gif

  3. Thanks...that's what I was hoping to here!! I don't need a machine to do Mach 1....just get there and back, there is over 400 small back lakes within 150km in every direction!!! I can't wait :thumbsup_anim:


    Yep, a Bravo is a great machine especially when there is no groomed trail and tight woods to get through.


    I did the midlife crisis thing 6 years ago and moved to Yellowknife.

    Best thing I ever did!!!!

    Have fun in the North country. :good::good:

  4. Web based email all the way.You can change isp's and not lose a single message or address.I've had Hotmail since 1997 and have never had a problem even though MSN bought them out.I also have a gmail account that works perfectly.My isp has changed its name and my email addy 2 times in the last 5 years so my email addy was also changed.Since I dont use that account much it was no loss.




    Bell's email is hosted by Microsoft.

    It is just a Bell branded version of Hotmail.

  5. We are thinking of changing our phone over early in the new year just so we can get rid of one more Bell service.



    Been using Vonage for 6 years now.

    I don't do a lot of talking so am only paying for 500 min/month @ $20.

    All long distance/local, voicemail etc. I love how the voicemail gets sent to my email so I get the message where ever I am either by webmail or on my Blackberry. :thumbsup_anim:


    I think their latest deal is $19.95 first 3 months unlimited and then $29.95 after that.

  6. I log into my sympatico email and find out it is no longer valid. So I phone the teckies not once but twice and they both said I was out of luck . No explanation of why ,just a sorry and you are "outta luck." Lost all my folders and files and they dont care. And im paying $30 a month to be hacked by my internet provider. Mad as hell and im not gonna take it anymore End rant


    Same kind of thing happened to me in the 90's.

    They accidentally deleted my email account and said too bad so sad. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    I said let me talk to your supervisor please and I explained the situation to him and he said not to worry that he would get it all straightened out. Long story short, he got everything all put back the way it was.


    So, call in again and ask to talk with a supervisor and hopefully all will be rectified.


    Good luck.

  7. The fall has been pretty busy for me so I have not had any time to edit all my pics and create a detailed report so I thought I would just throw out this little teaser to hold y'all over until I get around to it. :D


    This was my biggest trout of the trip and the shot turned out very nice.

    As always a 5 rating and comments are welcomed and encouraged. :whistling:


    Kenai Bownanza!!!!!

  8. I wonder what happened to poor ole Matt?

    His sorry team lost another game tonight. cry2-male-cry-tears-smiley-emoticon.gif



    That would be a 5 game skid if'n you're counting. :whistling:



    Maybe your lads will get a win tomorrow against the Leafs. laughingdog.giflaughingdog.giflaughingdog.gif

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