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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Thanks for reminding me. I believe I saw that mount at le barons years ago. But for that price it makes you wonder why it costs so much for a piece of wood and two pipes.



    Simple, it goes on a boat!!!! :blink:

    If it went on a lawn mower it would be 1/2 the price!!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

    You do realize that B.O.A.T stands for Break Out Another Thousand right? :whistling:

  2. Do not mount it upside down as it won't cool properly.

    If you want to mount it in tha location mount it on the back wall.

    Mounting upside down doesn't let the heat disipate from the heat sinks and allows the heat to build up to levels that will shorten the life of your charger.

  3. We had a blackie wandering around down town last week. :glare:

    Seems evry year we have critters roaming around here.

    Since I've been here we have had Black and Grizzly Bears, Cougars (the 4 legged cat not the 2 legged bar fly :lol: ) and I have seen a Wolverine at the bottom of my driveway. As well as foxes, coyotes and wolves. Had wolves grab a guys dog 2 blocks away from my place last year. :w00t:

  4. thank you SO much, now, do I need a permit to transport them ? i've read up alot on this (probably too much) so its all confusinig and seems like there are loop holes, hopefully the MNR gets back to me soon (but u know the government lol)


    I didn't need a permit but that was years ago.

    Check with the fish farm guys, they will know.

  5. years ago I was given Humminbird as part of a sponsorship


    I tried it out ,it marked fish I knew there were no fish..I was trying it in a swimming pool

    the depth was wrong

    took it out on the lake same thing, always marked fish, depth was off most of the time in 15 ft of water is wa showing 25ft even after hanging all the setting


    took it back and told the thanks but no thanks, I had heard they have gotten much better over the years


    I also had an HB back in the 80's and was not impressed at all.

    I know they have gotten better but I can't get passed my initial impression of them back in the day.

    Also my Lowrance doesn't interfere with my VHF. :tease:

  6. It depends where you get the fish from.

    There is no problem transporting live fish if you got thos fish from an acredited source (fish farm).

    When I was stocking my pond in Grand Valley I was told that as long as the fish came from a fish farm and not the wild all was good. Therefore if you go to a fish farm for your aquarium fish there should be no issue.

  7. That's pretty cool but I have seen an even better one.

    It was on a hunting show back in the 90's.

    The archer was 1/2 way up a fairly open slope with scattered pines and the guide was higher up the slope calling. The hunter was facing down slope hiding behind a tree when a big elk came along and rounded the tree. He came right up to the hunter and put his nose on the guys shoulder and took a big sniff!!!!! :w00t:

  8. I like riggers better but will run dipseys as well if I have enough people on board.

    Even in late September and early October I would run Lymans on my riggers with long leads and the riggers set at 3' and run in tight off the mouth of the Credit. (at least I used to).

  9. GoPro's sure are fun. I've got one myself. I also sell them. IAlthough you have almost more inventory on you than I do here in the store.....


    Great editing. I'm still trying to figure out what program to use to get to veiw it on my computer, real player isn't that great, and adobe isn't doing anything for me????


    Try VLC Player. ;)

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