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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. High vis line usually feels like rope, I hate the stuff. 12lb Raven is cheap and good, 10lb XT will also work just fine. I run braid on both my setups until it gets below freezing, after that it's 8lb Drennan Super Specialist Mono.


    High viz sucks!!!!

    You end up having to run a shotline between your main line and leader.

    More places for things to go wrong.


    I run 12# Raven green main line.

  2. What does 'portable' mean when applied to fish finders? The FF posted above seems to require a 12V battery. I though 'portable' meant it would run on dry cells such as AA's.


    If you're talking about the Mark 5 DSI portable it runs on 8 D cells.

    Happy? :lol:

    I remove the battery holders and use a 7 AH 12 volt gel cell.

    Better battery life and the ability to recharge. ;)

  3. I'd say the tank, or line from the regular tank is plugged or something. You may have even had water in the regular with ethanol, and none in the premium tank. There's no way your getting that much improvement just by using premium fuel.




    Yeah, if that were the case my boat would do 75 MPH on premium!!!! :lol:

  4. Yup, on rigger rods I absolutely see the benefit.


    Same goes for any rod with a larger reel.

    Not nearly as noticible with low profile bass reels.

    Helps a lot on short ice fishing rods too. :whistling:

    Especially when yer goin' after the big ones!!! :lol:





  5. As a charter guy , I get alot of how do you say "Inexperienced" people . The first year I started (long long long ago) I had large spinning reels ,Ya guys reeling in against the drag , can you say megga line twist .. So we changed to bait caster type reels, line lieing on the blank ,lots of brake offs due to this and people getting their thumbs into the line , line burn hurts I have seen the results .. When the Fenwick rep came and showed the spriral wrap , problam solved.Now if i can only teach guys to back off on the hook sets , too many rods broken on the bridge when a huge hook set slams the rod into the flying bridge .. lmao .. but where did these people get this from .. T.V.shows ahhhhhhhhh ....



    Yep ,I sitll have a bunch of Fenwick rigger sticks. :thumbsup_anim:

    The hooksets come from watching too many bass fishing programs. :rolleyes:

  6. I think we all realize we need the dirt for infrastructure, housing, etc


    however, I am not sure the highest point in southern ontario, where several headwaters start, on top of some of the best farming land in the region and then digging beneath the aquafir to boot is the best idea/place for it.



    Yep, best to go East and dig up the Oak Ridges Moraine. ;)

  7. Makes a lot of sense on longer rods such as bait cast float setups or trolling sticks, but I'm not sure you are going to see a huge benefit on a lighter/shorter rod such as a dropshot setup.


    I've always figured that the bumper guide probably places some undue stress on the blank as well. Realistically, the torsion on a bait cast setup is hardly noticeable.


    That said, I'm a fan of building anything once - so give it a rip and let us know how it performs.


    You will enjoy those guides, I put Batson components on all my rods.


    It is quite noticible with larger reels under pressure (ie when fighting a fish).

    A conventional rod will try to fall over towards the reel handle side due to the torque and top heavy weight of the reel. This issue disapears with a spiral wrap.


    All of my rigger rods have been spiral wrapped since the earl 90's. It makes a big difference. ;)

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