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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Dave - um ..... no. Still vertically jig in open water, so sorry friend, they need to stay here in the sunny south.


    Well, not very sunny today but you get the point.


    Well that's just great!!!!

    You've doomed us all!!!!

    See you on the other side on Friday there Craig!!!

    Hope those jigs won't melt where we're all going. ;)

  2. Craig's got icefishing jigs? Has there been a glitch in the Matrix? :) :)


    There has been a rip in the space/time continuum and the only way to repair it is for Craig to mail those airplane jigs to me!!! :whistling:


    They must be in the mail before Friday or.....................................

  3. Both sides have valid points and issues but there is no way to discuss them without offending one side or the other !!!! There is too many unknown facts about this massive claim and I'm sure it will drag out forever anyways but like most big govt deals we need more info period not speculation!!!!


    Been going on up here since the 70's and it's still no where near being resolved.

    And yes the claim area has been out and published that long too!!!


    I'm sure the claim there in Ontario's North East will be settled about the time, time travel becomes possible. :rolleyes:

  4. Jigging Raps are a top producer up here. Catch everything under the ice!


    The Lindy Darter is another favourite of mine. I always start with it and if the fish are active/aggressive they will hit it. If they aren't I usually go to something I can tip with a minnow. I've caught everything on the darter though... walleye, pike, whitefish, burbot and my biggest bass and laker ever on the Lindy Darter. I always have a rod rigged up with a darter on it.


    Good luck this winter!


    I have caught a bunch of fish on the darter too.

    I have a couple of dozen of them. :D

    I also tip them with a chunk of cisco with good luck.


    My other go to lure are the Northland Airplane jigs (the big ones not those babies the OP has) :whistling:

    I also tip them with a slab of meat. :thumbsup_anim:

    This one is my favorite.



  5. I built one out of old battery powered drills. :D

    The tail stock is just the carrier bearing and chuck while the head stock has the motor in it.

    They are a pair og the original 7.2V Makita's that had the batteries built in. I cut up the drill housings to fit my needs and also found that I needed cooling as I am running it with either a 12V battery or power supply. I made cooling holes and added 2, 12 volt computer power supply fans.

    It was a little work but works great and does double duty as a cork lathe for making my rod handles.

    When I turn floats I have devised a great little arbor to hold the balsa blanks. It is a piece of 6-32 threaded rod and several aluminum threaded sleeves. The slevees hold the material tight and protect the rod when in the chuck. Here's a pic of the lathe and I'll try to remember to take one of the arbor tonight. ;)



  6. Maybe my experience with Bell is not the norm, :dunno: but i have 3 cells, home phone, Expressvu tv, Hi speed internet, at both home and my bussiness, 4 local lines, 2 800's and use thier Avantage program to run my bussiness. Never had 1 single issue with billing or rates.Always had good service when i needed info or help. Unless they dont provide service to your area, i would not go with anyone else...EVER.


    Yeah, you're not normal!!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:

    I hate Bell!!! For 15 years we had Inet with Bell and switched from dialup to Bell Turbo Hub about 7 years ago. Well over the past 2 years they have cancelled my email acct. 4 times!!!

    This year they cancelled it 3 times!!! And the last time they said they weren't going to reinstate it because we switched over to the turbo hub which is Bell Mobility and dialup was Bell Canada!!!!

    Really??!!??!!??! :blink:


    So they cancelled my email I said either reinstate it or I will cancel all of my Bell services.

    They said they coudn't do that. I said, please cancel my service. Then I went and canceled the rest of my services and when they asked me why I told them.


    You cancel my email which costs like $.01/year to host you lose $1200/year in my business!!!!!

  7. Those boxes are exactly what i'm looking for , I will check them out . That softex stuff looks really good as well for protecting the jig heads , I am

    going to try and find some and your right Drifter after a couple "snaggle tooth" lake trout the heads can get scratched up pretty good !

    Thanks :thumbsup_anim:


    You can either dip them or paint the stuff on with a model paintbrush.

    If yo dip them clean out the eyes before the stuff hardens (doesn't take long).


    Might want to do it in the garage, with the door open. The stuff is pretty stinky and you get light headed if you use it in an enclosed space. :lol:

  8. I coat all of my jigs with Softex.

    I was having issues with all of my Meegs being depainted, but no more. :thumbsup_anim:

    It provides a clear ruberized coating that protects them nicely.

    It is tough to ship so you might try to find it through your local fly shop as it is used to make tough heads on flies that are to be used on toothy critters.




    Available @ Bass Pro Shops

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