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Everything posted by scuro2

  1. Join this forum. http://www.worldseafishing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=55
  2. In collecting the tax the government has rounded up from 5 and 65/100 cents to 6 cents. By rounding up the government collects an extra 35/100 of a cent on your plastic bag. Mathematically speaking this makes total logical sense, you don't round down after you broach 50/100. This is what the government has always done and you must know this if you filed your income tax. Yet you feel that by rounding up that extra 35/100 of a cent the government has done a major injustice to you. Seriously...
  3. Gee BB when I think of the biggest catastrophes in recent memory I think of Tea Party principles (small government). Think of the global meltdown in 2008 that nearly brought down the world economy. Your country is still suffering because of it...and it was the idiotic belief that government has no role in regulation that brought us there. Ditto for the Oil Rig disaster on the Gulf Coast. Oh what about that Coal mining disaster in West Virgina last spring? You know the Tea Party is on the right track when George Bush said yesterday that he loves them too. Go for it people!!! Protest the $.0035 tax hike on a plastic bag!!!!
  4. The complaint is about paying an extra .35 of a cent tax on a 5 cent bag!!!!! Tea Partyers of the world UNITE and stop this OPPRESSION!!!
  5. I still think it's nuts to try to get the perfect grizzly bear cub photo...but the photos are absolutely awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Fabulous...keep em coming!!!
  7. I've only ever been skunked on the two fall trips I did so that looks pretty good from my vantage point.
  8. Nice smallie.
  9. A few pics from the two last outings...this will probably be it for the year.
  10. The funny thing is that there are natives posting on this board and many more of us have native relatives as I do. You folks are making this out to be a them/ us situation. It's not, they are as Canadian as we are. You can scapegoat them but that only creates bad blood. Natives could very well be a big part of the decline of this fishery but they are not the beginning and end of this problem. They have rights here and unless you're advocating a targeted communistic reclaiming of their rights then they obviously need to be part of the solution. Sports fishing is a lucrative business and I assume they make little off of that fishery. They may well be realizing that the fishery is not an unlimited resource and this is why they are doing studies. Perhaps there is a better way to net productively and restore the health of the fishery. We can be part of that solution. We had a thread on this exact same topic before and it seems like every several months there is a thread on natives. This endless rehashing of grudges..what does it do? I'd like to hear the native position. I'd like to hear communication towards a solution.
  11. Are you suggesting eliminating property rights and other rights to make us ALL equal? Gee that sounds a lot like communism.
  12. If you are a capitalist and believe in the free market then you have to believe in property rights and any other personal rights enshrined in our constitution. If you can have your rights stripped from you or your property stripped from you then you have communism. Are you suggesting a sort of communism only for the natives where we take away the rights that they bargained for in good faith, not even fully understanding what they were bargaining for? If the natives are doing studies then they may very well be looking to see what is sustainable. Instead of being "rebels" I'd suggest working with the all the people who have rights on the lake for a common solution. That might take some work.
  13. The rhetoric was getting a bit frothy and needed a bit of deflating. I am all ears, how about some solutions instead of bashing? Or does "common sense" not do solutions?
  14. What are you suggesting? Ignoring fishing regulations? Overthrowing the government? You could be an American Tea Party agitator who could start the revolution very much like Che did!!
  15. That second period of the Leafs...wow. I'm predicting they make the playoffs this year. Can't say the same of the habs.
  16. A hab fan told me they booed Price when they lost in overtime and threw stuff on the ice? That ain't so? 48 shots on net...they should have given him a medal!! Both teams are playing tonight. I'm watching with a hab fan...you gotta root for the leafs if you are stuck in that situation. Just like I will be rooting for Texas. The Canadiens and Yankees are the two teams on the top of my dislike list.
  17. Carey Price makes 48 saves and gets booed off the ice in a 4-3 overtime loss. Why not boo the swiss cheese Hab defense? Don Cherry had said previously that Price is a good goalie but will never make it in Montreal because he will be compared to Halik. Trade him now so you get some value for him. Chill out Price will have no value further into the season when he is an emotional wreck. You know how this story is going to end. What is awesome is that big yaks of Habs fans will finally be shut as they finish below the lowly Leafs this year for the first time in eons. The Canadiens...the new Leafs. Get ready to wear it Habs fans. Bwahahahaa!!! We will enjoy payback!!
  18. I think nearly everyone of us has respect for those who serve the general public. Sometimes even... such people like a police officer or a nurse will get crapped on when they actually did the right thing. That is inexcusable. But it is Bull to circle the wagons when the wrong thing was done. Some of those firemen were crying afterwards. They instinctively knew it is wrong. It is not the firemen's fault that the house burnt down. Fault would rest with the fire chief or county. I'm not even sure if anyone is legally at fault but morally an inexcusable wrong was done. I can't see how you can defend the fire chief standing by why all the possessions of the owner, his wife, and his children were destroyed. Only the owner is to blame for not paying the fee. You say no lesson was taught here but those kids have certainly learned a lesson and it goes against everything that we are taught in church. I can't see how you can defend the fire chief standing by when pets are dying in front of the family. How are the animals at fault here? Best just to say the firemen did as they were ordered and the wife said exactly that. She did not blame the firemen. There is no shame here for the firemen.
  19. Very eye pleasing!
  20. Perhaps the case made for helping people when your job description is all about helping people was best made by a fellow Tennessee fire chiefs: "We don't particularly care who's paid his dues. It's in your blood," he said. "You love it. It's about helping people." said Steve Wheeler, chief of the Vonore, Tenn., Fire Department. "If somebody needs help, we help and worry about everything else later. Truly, a firefighter cannot stand by and watch something burn," said Doug McClanahan, chief of the Blount County Fire Department. "He can't stand by and not try to react to a fire or rescue. They are trained to take care of people."
  21. Fire-fighting personnel across East Tennessee seem almost universally outraged by the actions of a small-town fire company on the other end of the state that responded to a house afire but was ordered to let the structure burn because the owner had not paid a $75 subscription fee. "We don't particularly care who's paid his dues," said Steve Wheeler, chief of the Vonore, Tenn., Fire Department. "If somebody needs help, we help and worry about everything else later. Truly, a firefighter cannot stand by and watch something burn," said Doug McClanahan, chief of the Blount County Fire Department. "He can't stand by and not try to react to a fire or rescue. They are trained to take care of people." Not all fire-fighting agencies in East Tennessee sell subscriptions for their services, but some that do are adamant that they would never let a structure burn depending on whether the fee had been paid or not. Among such agencies is Rural/Metro, which handles fire-fighting duties for Knox County under the direction of Chief Jerry Harnish. The chief said the South Fulton case is a "major topic of discussion" among those in his profession, and he finds it "kind of hard to relate to. People don't join fire departments to not respond to emergencies." Wheeler's five paid and 15 volunteer firefighters, he said, are driven by the same sense of wanting to help people that causes most to get involved in such potentially dangerous work. "It's in your blood," he said. "You love it. It's about helping people." Wheeler said he does not know how the South Fulton team even knew Cranick was not a subscriber. "We don't ask," he said, adding that he believes the firefighters who responded were probably anxious to attack the flames despite their orders. He said his unit would not "let policies and stuff get in the way". Blount County residents who fail to subscribe to fire services for $110 will be presented with a hefty bill after firefighters finish their duties at a house fire. McClanahan said it amounts to $2,200 for the initial call and $1,100 for every hour past the first two that firefighters are on the scene. Wheeler said his department has no set fee but does ask the homeowner to assign to the fire department any insurance money designated for compensating the fire department. If no subscription is paid, he said, the standard rate is $1,200 per hour for each unit dispatched to the scene. "And we never send a single engine to a fire," he said. "We send four engines and a ladder truck," meaning the homeowner is charged the hourly fee for each truck. Knowing that, he said, most people realize it is "more reasonable" to pay the subscription fee. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2010/oct/08/fire-chiefs-we-wont-watch-a-home-burn/
  22. International Association of Fire Fighters General President Harold Schaitberger today issued the following statement on the September 29 fire in Obion County, Tennessee: “The decision by the South Fulton Fire Department to allow a family’s home to burn to the ground was incredibly irresponsible. This tragic loss of property was completely avoidable. Because of South Fulton’s pay-to-play policy, fire fighters were ordered to stand and watch a family lose its home. Everyone deserves fire protection because providing public safety is among a municipality’s highest priorities. Instead, South Fulton wants to charge citizens outside the city for fire protection. We condemn South Fulton’s ill-advised, unsafe policy. Professional, career fire fighters shouldn’t be forced to check a list before running out the door to see which homeowners have paid up. They get in their trucks and go.” Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2010/10/05/2279115/fire-fighters-condemn-south-fultons.html#ixzz11ofai4nf I guess some people see fire fighters as an essential service whose duty is to protect people and property against fire. Fire fighting is not a business like dry cleaning. If you can't pay for your suit the house doesn't burn down. If you can't pay for your shirt three pups belonging to your grandchildren don't die. This fire fighting is a "business" is total thinking of the first order.
  23. Oh...so when you don't by your fishing license someone kills your dog and cat to teach you a lesson? You should actually take a few seconds and think about what happened here. The fire consumed everything. Family pets died and all their possessions were destroyed. That includes every single possession that the wife and children owned. Every family photograph...anything of meaning. Nothing like teaching a lesson to someone by killing the family pets and destroying everything that gives the wife and children's lives meaning. Do you have one single empathetic bone in your body? You completely lack any sense of proportion here. I get allowing natural consequences to happen when you don't buy your fishing license. You took the chance and you pay a big fine if you are caught. This is different, the lesson is taught by making others suffer and by killing animals....and why? A forgotten fee of $75.
  24. I like the report and pic. I had a few years with my daughters when they were young and I enjoyed such memories. Your son looks very happy!
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