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About ctdd2006

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    Algoma Region

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Guide (6/10)



  1. where ya staying? What lakes are you wanting to hit? I live here in Elake and wont be fishing this weekend...you can pm me I've got a lead core and a steel line and tackle box you can borrow.
  2. I've been offered 2k many times for mine. I paid 5hundred for a cosmetic wreck but engine strong LT trapper and put a new track on it .... grinded/sanded and painted tunnel and skiis and recovered seat. I turn down 2k often.
  3. Wow. Unreal ice report and awesome fishing report...around here for the first time I can remember there are no trucks on any lakes and the most ever sled/atv recoveries ever. Awesome for you guys.
  4. you wouldn't get my 95 with 2500 kms for 750. Never. Great lil sled. I often leave my "big sled" behind on bushwhacking back woods trips behind and take my 10 y/o's 95 Bravo instead. If you have kids and like punching into backwoods lakes....that's a steal. I bought my boy one of those three years ago instead of the "kitty kat" and it's my fave. Obviously we ain't the trail ridin types.
  5. eeesh. Tough one. She'll be back...and keep you coming too. It's kiddo hockey time here...boat goes into hibernation this weekend...unfortunately she's been sunbathing in the driveway for weeks...I'm sure you have a few more hours out there yet though! Good luck and all the best...glad to here you are coping well and hanging in! Cheers!
  6. good on you wayne for getting out! I'm sure "boat time" is great for you. Look forward to your temagami reports this winter. I hope you're doing well...Cheers.
  7. Awesome. you should try to get the subscriptions out before xmas....if possible. I'm in and would definately buy a few extras as gifts too. Good luck...doubt you need it. K
  8. It's a shame chris that we even have to ask such a question???? We should all be allowed to disagree politically...without truly disagreeing...but not this time!!! I'd rather discuss the catholic church these days....
  9. How's Alberta loving their socialistic 360o flip flop! Think about it....Utopia really doesnt exist Mr Mulcair...
  10. ....but I agree..this is the toughest choice I've ever had.
  11. ....but remember...if you vote in lame duck back bench reps....like we do in the north....is your vote/voice actually heard with your single digit seats??? I don't think it is that simple.
  12. take a look at the broil king crown 40. Same price range too. Same service too I think...both Onward MC outta waterloo. Great service. Good look choosing. I've had a Crown 90 with rotisserie and rear burner for 8 years problem free. It gets used lots. I paid 600 I think
  13. Sad way to live....though. Shouldn't have to and I refuse to.
  14. Wow. Couldn't have said it any better. I will now quote you! lol. Don't do the game cam...It'll cost you more when YOU catch them. My cached boat fleet is cut in half due to Aholes. I now run and gun with a ten foot inflatable and 4hp that way my 2 hour atv back breaker ain't just a trail ride!
  15. I got really pissed off today at work! Got home...logged on OFC...and realized I got pissed off over nothing! Thoughts and prayers to Irishfield and family

    1. irishfield


      Thanks for your help along the way as well fella, it was all much appreciated


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