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About mattyk

  • Birthday 09/15/1975

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  • Location
    Southeast PA (Formerly Newmarket, ON)
  • Interests
    Fishing, Fishing and More Fishing!

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Some really nice fish!
  2. Ironmak peolpe always ask me about all our Canadian stuff. I’m proud of my Canadian roots and miss it lots. Phil good to hear from you. How you doing?
  3. Bobowski we are required to keep and kill them. I called the fisheries biologist and she instructed me on what do with it. ( checked for eggs).
  4. Howdy All Its been a while since I’ve posted anything. I’m still fishing as much as I can with three kids but busy with life. This past spring I’ve got into fly fishing for trout and really enjoy it. The kids really enjoy trout fishing. The state does a really nice job stocking trout here in the creeks. My son won a trout derby in the spring and he was so happy and got s big trophy. We did our annual two week trip to Nippissing and the fishing was a little slower then last year but we still caught a lot. We did really well on top water lures. We did a trip to the ocean and caught some flounder which was fun. We also fish one of the big east coast rivers for Shad and that was a lot of fun. Caught some interesting fish. Including some big flathead catfish and Asian snakeheads that are invasive species here.
  5. Lew I enjoyed our time on the water together! I learned a lot from you my friend! Hope al is well!
  6. Beautiful fish! Restoule is a great place!
  7. Nice looking fish!
  8. Thanks Phil! They are growing up too fast!
  9. Very cool! I was at the French River with a couple of guys when my buddy catches a small walleye. He brings it up and as he's lifting it out of the water this musky grabs the walleye (while about 6" in the air) and takes the fish and snaps the 6lb line. We were all in shock!
  10. Thanks guys! Cast-away yes I moved to the US 13 years ago. I still miss Canada every day!
  11. It was too hot for us. It was 28-31 degrees most days sunny and humid. Water was 77 degrees on the fish finder.
  12. I was lucky to get a chance to fish a lot this summer. We spent two week on lake nipissing in ontario at Callender Bay. We stayed at Glen Echo Cottages and had a lovely time. They have great fishing boats with brand new 30hp 4 stroke engines with new fish finders. The fishing was pretty good despite the very hot temperatures. We caught lots of walleye and smallmouth bass and some sheephead and pike too. I fished a few times for muskies and had a fish follow my bucktail twice, with no luck. Most of our fish were caught in the 20-25 ft range. We fished for about 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours at sunset. It was too hot to fish during the day. Most of our fish were on live bait and the kids caught a lot of fish and had a good time. We did catch a s few on lures too. We also spent a week in vermont on Lake Champlain about 40 minutes south of montreal. We fished for about an hour in the mornings off the dock and at sunset. We caught a lot of bass both largemouth and smallmouth. We also caught a lot of perch which kept the kids happy. We also caught some bowfin and a pike too which was a nice surprise. We also spent a week at the ocean in Delaware. We caught floudner, weakfish and striped bass. All the fish were caught on berkley gulp on jig heads. This one day we caught about 20 flounder in about 1 hours of fishing and the action was non stop. Kids had a lot of fun. I'll let the pictures do the talking. Nipissing Walleye Nipissing Bass Nipissing Sheephead Lake Champlain Fish Atlantic Ocean Fish Floudner Flounder Striped Bass Weekfish Other Summer Fish Delaware River - Flathead Catfish Delaware River Largemouth Bass Susquehanna River - First American Walleye Local Ponds/Lakes/Rivers Wackey Rigged Senko Topwater Popper Topwater Popper
  13. Awesome fish! Beautiful color on that one golden one.
  14. Flatheads. We have channel cats and blues too.
  15. I let them go. The waters here are pretty contaminated with heavy metals.
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