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Everything posted by CoolB

  1. Cant type....too busy picking up chin off floor. :o
  2. Believe it or not MMA has removed violence from many of the fighters lives. This is an organized and governed sport. Many fighters find an outlet in MMA that takes them away from the streets and away from opportunity to use their art for true violent and criminal means. Before the onset of the UFC 1 in the early 90's it would have been hard to find a person who really had something bad to say about martial arts. Why would they, martial arts trained in the right way teaches not only self defense but honor, respect and disipline. The problem is people never saw the reality of what martial arts is for, and that is to learn to fight and defend. These athletes you see are trained professionals and are in their because they want to be.....well and for the money. They have trained their whole lives in many cases to get to the skill level they are at. With the time, effort and money they have put into this why hold them back from showing the world the skills they have accumulated and making some money from it. The promoters and fight companies is where the problem lies. Dana White may have put MMA on the map in America but he also through his actions and words helped to continue promoting a stigma that MMA is full of brutes and heathens. I just wish the guy acted a bit more professional in front of the camera.....but that's another story for another day.
  3. LOL quality!!
  4. So unbelievable that people can not understand the idea of supporting our troops. You can hate war and government all you want, I wont argue that with you........but don't confuse the subject. The troops are over there doing a job ordered to them by their country (well it's leaders). When you join the army you don't get to pick and choose what wars you want to partake in. What would have happened if Canadian soldiers just up and choose not to fight and defend freedom in WW1 or 2? Where would this world possibly be. Please don't be ignorant, support our troops. I wear my red ribbon dog tag every day and I am proud of it!!
  5. that was a great event
  6. here's a great pic I found on a old thread from Sunday, March 17, 2002.
  7. I cant believe these upsets this year.
  8. I'll keep some smallmouth occasionally if they are caught up north. Smallmouth I have had from the French River and actually pretty tasty.
  9. CoolB

    Hey TJ!

    Hey that's not right!! What did Don Rickles do to deserve this?
  10. What Was The Battle Of Vimy Ridge? The Battle of Vimy Ridge is widely considered to be a defining moment in Canadian history, a point when our nation ceased to be merely a fragment of the British Empire, instead emerging as an independent nation capable of international greatness. Vimy Ridge also earned the Canadian military and its soldiers great respect around the world, though it came at a considerable cost of human life with more than 10,000 killed and wounded. Vimy Ridge itself is an elevated seven-kilometre stretch in the north of France that offered the German forces a brilliant view of the allied forces as a strategic stronghold during the late stages of the First World War. French and British forces tried for years to push the Germans back, and the French lost 150,000 men in attempts to claim the Ridge during 1915 alone though it was only defended by a few thousand Germans. In April of 1917 fresh but well-proven Canadian troops were handed the unenviable task, and the offensive marked the first time that all four Canadian Corps were brought together. The Canadian forces had prepared diligently, training in mock trenches in the weeks leading up to the planned attack, one that was scheduled to the second and executed brilliantly behind a massive week-long wall of artillery fire, the largest in history to that point featuring more than one million artillery shells. The bombardment took a physical, but more importantly mental, toll on the German forces, and they came to know it as "The Week of Suffering." The attack was so loud it could be heard in England. And then came that fateful day. On April 9, Easter Monday 1917, Canada went over, storming the front with more than 15,000 men around 5:30am just as the dawn broke. Against unprecedented amounts of enemy fire, the infantry bravely pressed on even as its officers fell. The result was that even as Canadian troops were slaughtered, others pushed on through the barbed wire and eventually forced the surrender of German troops in protective dugouts. Eventually, the Ridge's most important spot, Hill 145, was seized by the Canadians in a frontal bayonet charge. Three days later the victory was final. It was the first Allied victory in more than a year and a half. It's on Hill 145 where the famous Vimy Monument now stands and the Ridge, as well as the surrounding area was ceded to Canada in perpetuity in 1936 and since it now stands on Canadian soil, the monument is tended to by Veterans Affairs Canada. In total, 3,598 Canadians were killed and over 7,000 injured. link: citynews This is why no matter who is in govt I will always support our canadian troops.
  11. Hmm is that a good or bad thing. Oh well I know it's one of my favorite forums.
  12. The Ferrita brothers bought Pride but it's not being amalgamated into the UFC. Pride will still be Pride but now it will be called Pride Worldwide. It is going to take on the unified US MMA rules but they will still be run as 2 separate entities with with superbowl type events a few times a year. What I really hope for is the fighters to fight for both orgs. I can't wait too see what the Gp's will be like now.
  13. Gary Goodridge still fights for K1. In fact he just fought and won within the last month or 2. Gary is always a fun fighter to watch and very strong but is just a bit below the talent level of the elite fighters. gary goodridge
  14. Hi Gerritt, things are good thanks. Life is busy though. As far as Lakair, I would love too but I doubt it. It hard to get time off work in the summer for me.
  15. it's too late....the Illuminati already scooped up Roy to use him as the ultimate weapon against the Vatican. I've been reading too much Dan Brown.
  16. Sylvia has shown a great chin. The shot he took from Arlovski in the second fight was one of the hardest punches I've seen anyone take. Not to mention he got right back up and proved that AA's chin is much worse. The only choice of yours I completly disagree with is McFedries over Kampmann. I think it will be completely reversed. I'd also like to see JMac take it farther then the 1st.
  17. wow that was nuts. Really shakes up the mma rankings and fantasy fights.
  18. Chances are that franklin will bounce back, it's just too bad it has to be against Jason Macdonald.
  19. Best part of the show was Crocop coming out to the PRIDEFC theme music. All in all a boring show unfortunately. Can't wait for PRIDE 32 The Real Deal.....then the next show....then the next show....hehehe. Oh and yes.....LONG LIVE MMA!!!!!
  20. roy is missing
  21. Before you choose any satelight ISP make sure that a point to point wisp (wireless internet service provider) has not opened in the area. I moved to a rural area just outside of Port Colborne with no dsl or cable but there are a few companies in the area that offer wireless. Some use motorola's canopy technology and some use microwave transmissions. Basically a network of towers are set up in the area with a transmitter on each. The main tower has a hook up to a high speed connection land connection. You recieve the connection by having a small reciever/radio installed to your house and the signals bounce from transmitter/s to your reciever. To give you a better idea of what I am talking about follow the links below. These companies are popping up all over the place in rural areas now and I wouldn't be surprised if one might be near where you are moving. lastmile <--------- the one I use or neighbourhoodwireless I cant speak for neighbourhood wireless but last mile net is great. I get downloads that go as high as 500/600 kb/s and uploads at 200 or more, no caps, ect. The only downfall I experience sometimes (not too often) is latency or high ping times.....but I think that has to do more with my provider then the technology. Where are you moving too? I have a lot of experience helping to find these companies for other friends of mine that have moved rural. I'd be happy to take a look for you and see if I can find anything. Just be patient, I don't get on the board as much as I used too so it may be a day or 2 before I get back to check this thread out. Cheers, Aaron
  22. Here's another game parody that makes me laugh a lot. It has a little monty in it too.
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