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About mikemcmillan

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  1. Congrats Steve, that's a nice deal. Now all you need is some hot weather to put it to good use. Enjoy Mike
  2. Steve, you are right about hvac scams, but is there any industry that doesn't have people like that. Car repairs, home reno's, take your boat in and see what happens, lots of places do great work and some not so much. Just like Lucas said about Goodman, he's not a fan but we haven't had any problems with them so who knows. There are many good brands out there with problems but the trick is to try and find someone who will stand behind there product. Yes the price might be a little high but you have to think what goes into it running a business like this, lots of expenses when you have trucks, sales people, a shop, advertising, insurance and the liability that goes along with it. No that doesn't make it right that they are pricey but there is a reason and that's to make a profit. I personally think that price is very high but have not had a close up look at the job so it's pretty easy to criticize from the computer. Sounds like they are going to put in a chimney liner so the water heater is safe and that's important. From my perspective your furnace, a/c unit & condenser, programmable thermostat, lines and materials to install will be under 3 grand or there abouts, so anything over is labor. Again this is from my desk in front of my computer so take it as just my 2 cents. Good luck in your search. Mike
  3. We have been installing Goodman for a few years with no problems. Are your prices taxes in? I would think we could do this for $6000.00 all in maybe less but would have to see it to be exact. We do 6 or 8 a year just to pay for our atv & snowmobile trips. Yes it's a sideline, guy I work with with is a licensed industrial electrician with his gas license. we have been doing this for 6 or 7 years. Just putting it out there, if your interested. And yes we have all heard the stories of using a friend of a friend or guy who works on the side but we have all been burned some way or another. thanks Mike
  4. Our family ( brother & sister) bought our place in 2007 near Magnetawan. a little different though as we were not retired at the time and sold our family cottage to get started. My brother has since retired but I am a full time shift worker, 3 on 3 off with 12 weeks of holidays so pretty easy to be at the resort. I call it the cottage though as that is what I consider it. Brother & I do all the work and my sister & her husband just helps out with what they can do. We are handy guys and for the most part do everything ourselves. we are social people and that is a key thing as guests love to chat you up and offer a drink. I enjoy this part as much as they do. Yes it is a lot of work but if you are prepared, keep on top off things and offer a clean place people for the most part are happy. Our cottages are older fishing resort type places that we try to keep spotless for when people arrive. We do have cleaners that are great and take pride in what they do. We are lucky as we have a good clean well that we don't have to filter or treat, water gets tested all the time and always comes back pure. One thing that made all our guests happy was new beds, all the beds were garbage when we got the place, after the first year we replaced them all and this put such a good spin on the new owners that we new we had won them over. We aren't breaking the bank but make enough to pay the bills, mortgage and put any profit back into the place. Cottages were run down a little when we took over but we have slowly fixed things up. Every year there is things that you have to do to be success full and make your time more enjoyable and allows you to relax some and do some fishing. Now that being said during the summer, July & August we each look after the place for 3 weeks and help out when needed. we have 9 cottages so that gives us 81 weeks to fill, this year we have 4 weeks left open and I think only 4 renters who are first time guests. Some people have be coming for 30 years or more. And god forbid if you give their week away to someone else. They treat it just like their own cottage. In 8 years we have only had 4 renters that we would not welcome back and only 1 person that we kicked out. We warn new people that drunks or rowdies get kicked out, no second chance, no questions asked just pack your bags. We have very few rules, respect the other people who are here, pick up after you dogs, keep the place clean and have a good time. We do rent boats & motors, have a boat launch on site so this is a bonus. We have 3 canoes & 3 paddle boats that are there to use. I can't and don't want to worry about who is using them, the few bucks you make from renting them is not worth the time or trouble to manage them. those 2 months are busy but May, June, Sept & October are not busy at all and for the most part it's just like being at home. This is one thing we would like to see is more business in the shoulder season, most weeks we only have a few guests but it gives you time to do repairs and relax, oh and some fishing. Most guests understand that after dinner we go fishing unless there is something major that needs taking care of and they respect that. Most nights we get invited to a camp fire, offered a drink or 2 and enjoy listening to stories about their lives back in the city. Yes there are headaches but I love it and would do it again. Oh and by the way when the season is over I love to snowmobile so we get to use the place when no one is there. Although it does seem lonely at times. It's a fantastic place to be in the winter. One thing you have to decide is, is it retirement/hobby or a business, there is a difference and you have to be careful what you buy. Do you want a place with a marina, restaurant and all that comes with that type of place or just a few cottages to take care of. Either way spend a few years looking around before you buy to see whats out there and what works best for you and your family. All the best either way you go. Ok, I think you can tell what side I am on as I love the place. Mike
  5. I have a place on Lake Cecebe, which is part of the Magnetawan River, the Distress flows into the lake east of Magnetawan, Like Nipfisher say it's good for walleye, I have seen them just under 10 pounds, some large pike and a lot of bass. Haven't fished the river since I was a kid back in the 70's and we would catch a ton of catfish in there, plus it was fun to run up the river in the boat. Lots of fish but the walleye can be hard to find. It's a nice area to visit and a lot of lakes close by to explore. Many of the lakes have public launches as well. Mike
  6. Looking for a good position, good pay, good benefits, pension & steady full time work, never laid off in 22 years even with some slow downs. they are looking for full time permenant employees as a type this. we do have a mix as well, a fair amount of temp workers on call depending on our production schedule. YOU WILL HAVE TO JUMP THROUGH HOOPS TO GET HIRED THOUGH. Irving Tissue in Toronto just thought I would put it out there. Mike
  7. Is it possible that it is air cooled?
  8. I will second the long tracks, I have a 96 ski doo grand touring, geat for all around use and 2006 Yamaha Venture Tf with a 151 long track, this thing will pull a house. I have always been a ski doo fan but you just can't beat the reliability of a 4 stroke Yamaha. Alos I think the ski stance on your new sled is 42 not 32. I don't think you will find any sleds out there with a 32 inch ski stance, maybe the old elans. either way you will love the technology of the new machines. a pic of my Venture, I can't wait for the cold & snow. Have fun with your new ride.
  9. Thanks Guys, I'm heading to the cottage this morning for a few days so I will try and get it fixed. Thanks again, Mike
  10. Hoping for some help with my late 70's Johnson 9.9 motor. Lately it is poping out of gear at high speed, not all the time but enough to know that there is a problem coming my way and I would like to fix if before I am stuck out on the lake. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks for the help in advance. Mike
  11. http://ontario-rentals.rent-cottage-canada.com/cottage-for-rent/small-family-frendly-cottage-resort-on-lake-cecebe-714/ Hope this isn't against any board rules, if it is sorry about that, he asked so I am offering. Check out the link, nice place right on the water with a boat & motor for $625. Under 3 hours from Toronto. If you are interested give us a call. Thanks Mike
  12. multiple Caravan owner and I like them, I have a 2007 and tow a 18 foot aluminum bowrider, power is ok but my big concern is braking. Your newer van has had brake issues from day one, (sorry don't mean to be so blunt) and towing a 3000 pound load is taxing those brakes big time. I also agree with the launching issues, in is no problem but getting out sometimes is. shocks me that that van is 6000 pounds. what ever you decide good luck with the new boat and enjoy the ride. KW Mike
  13. Hey, I have 14 foot fishing boats that I rent out, but would need some details on what and when he is looking to rent. Thanks Mike
  14. We have a place on Cecebe, both lakes have some large walleye, have seen a few close to 10 pounds, some very large pike as well, a few winters ago there was a 30 pound pike pulled throuth the ice on Cecebe. Lots of water to explore and lots of bait fish as well. Like Rodcaster mentioned, rattlers and worm harneses work well. Go deep if you can. Don't think you will find any lakers in either lake. I think the locks will only be open on the weekends in June. Have fun, Woodland Echo is a nice place. Mike
  15. Long shot but you never know, is the furnace fan working properly, dirty filter, air movement is a key.
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