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Everything posted by Norpiker

  1. http://www.muskokawaterweb.ca/images/mnr/Jacks_Lake.pdf
  2. You can have all of the free speech you want as long as they do not break the rules of this forum. This is a private club that you have asked to join with that in mind we ask that you follow our rules. if you can't follow them then you may go elsewere where the rules do not apply. Art Since I never made any political comment here, not sure what rules I broke.
  3. Isn't it ironic that I am probably going to get banned for making a observation in a thread about free speech Apparently i'm wrong for expressing free speech and can get fired too That's exactly the point I was trying to make with the Don Cherry comparison All clued in now
  4. I guess it's ok if an administrator makes a political comment here though😉
  5. Don Cherry was fired for using the word "You" and somebody is surprised the anti-lockdown crap that guy spewed is fired??
  6. Interesting that the same guy identified for reckless boating is also mentioned many times in the article below http://todaysnorthumberland.ca/2020/10/19/ministry-of-natural-resources-and-forestry-lay-numerous-charges-on-rice-lake-over-weekend/?fbclid=IwAR3L76oGmIKzqSss635RrPqj69RHM2xHzUExnQLY8ZpS6hrFBe6s2HpAx2E
  7. My parents live in Gooderham, and there is one small store, Lucky Dollar, in the entire town. Every summer, when I'm up there to visit, the store is absolutely crammed with people who are visitors to the area. It will be very interesting to see how smalltown variety/grocery stores handle the influx of people.. The same way they handle the influx every summer I would think. I haven't gotten this line of thinking from the folks up north since this debate began.
  8. how you going to get there with no non-essential driving ? The same way Trudeau did on the Easter weekend
  9. Hey Antonio, Expect more of the same. I can't answer all your questions but still legal to fish.
  10. hardly any snow there yet
  11. Drove by on Saturday and was covered under the snow
  12. Hi, I have fished the lake once a few years ago I remember catching a pile of small bass the day we spent there That bodes well for a few biguns in there too Good luck and let us know how you made out Cheers P.
  13. I can see Dans point of view. But I cant wait to get back to the cottage at any opportunity to get at the next project or to sit on a deck chair and watch the scenery. My place is on an island and would not want it any other way. But having access all the time may be better for some. My place is old (built in the late 1920's) and lacked maintainence for many years before I inherited it. So its a labor of love. I know some of my neighbor's who have much nicer places than mine have rented for over 3 grand a week in peak time in summer. That was done through rental agency. I believe insurance rates may be different when you rent out but not 100% sure. You may want to check on that. If you buy one be prepared for doing some repairs or upgrades to the building and don't forget about water and septic. Good luck in your venture. I thought about writing the exact same story. The only thing i would add is that all that extra work & maintenance around the place pays off in spades. I can safely say the price i paid and what i could have sold it for 3 years later would have been close to double the original price. Enjoy the 3 years with a cottage and when or if things change you can just look at it as a great investment with lots of great memories Cheers, P.
  14. Typical treatment of the newbies I see GCD was quick to throw his one cent in too I have been to Axe Lake about 2 years ago The fishing was a little slow the day i went but by the number of boats i'm sure the fish are in there. The reason i went in the first place is because of a tip i received about it being a hot spot for Largemouth bass. The lake is shallow with lots of good weed structure. We also had no problems driving right up to the lake in a Van. cheers, P.
  15. Why is a person's post count such a big deal on this board? Because someone has a low post count does that mean their opinion shouldn't be considered as important as say someone with lots more posts? It's always been a pet peeve of mine on this board when someone questions your post counts as if that reflects on your intelligence. Personally i think that reflects poorly on those folks questioning the counts. I'm sure this will ruffle a few feathers amongst the Regulars but i could care less cheers, P.
  16. Thanks Audrey I hope you had a great ice fishing season I doubt i'll be fishing in open waters in haliburton on the Easter Weekend I'll be sure to keep those posted on Ice-out conditions when i get back from the cottage Happy Easter!!
  17. I would love to hear an ice update & fishing report when you get back I'm planning on heading to the cottage near Haliburton on the Long weekend thanks
  18. Ice is still plentiful on Head Lake in the town of Haliburton Are you hoping it's still there or all gone? Cheers P.
  19. I second the opinion of Walleyejigger All the folks who wanted to do something to the dog should be ashamed. I'm surprised nobody wanted to shoot the dog..it seems like that is the answer to most situtaitons here
  20. lebarons is great on boxing day especially if you're looking to get a big ticket item or 3. Cheers
  21. welcome just in time for all the spiffy new features
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