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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I know the feeling, Matt. The son has his boat running all over on the weekend looking for bass. Grampa here, on the other hand, has been too busy with his new grandfatherly duties to go fishing.

    Closest I'm getting to fishing is the fresh pot of "fish head" chowder I cooked up tonight.

  2. We have some 2000 indeterminate plants out in the cold frames this year. Each type of tomato has different methods for best results.

    With cherry/grape types, keep all the limbs that you can tie up off ground. Do not cut off flowers, but cut off up to half of the leafy stems.

    Plum tomatoes follow the same rules except you should not keep more than 4/5 secondary limbs tied and staked.

    Large tomatoes, whether beefsteak or heritage are a completely different game. It depends on what you want. We grow indeterminates that grow upwards of 8ft. Generally you have a main stem and keep 2/3 secondaries from the base of the plant. Suckers need to be aggressively cut back. Cut back 50% of the leafy stems. As far as flowers go, if you want volume do not prune off flowers. For tomatoes ranging 8oz to 1 lb prune the cluster down to 4 flowers. For whoppers ranging upwards of 2 lbs you prune back to 1 or 2 flowers. Some of the ugliest looking tomatoes, like Sicilian Saucer, are the tastiest. You get a 2lb tomato by pruning the cluster to a single fruit.


    These are only guidelines. Every farmer has his/her own methodology. The avg. yield at the farm is appx. 2000lb a week in full production from some 25 varieties of tomato. We are only just starting to pick

  3. During the shipping season, fishing is out of the question in the canal. You could be floating a bomb inside your bobber. Could be worse. After 911, American Homeland Security wanted the entire canal lined with razor wire and armed guards.

    There are lots of quiet little holes and corners to tackle in the region, with a wide range of species. All within 20 minutes of St Catharines. Hopefully we can find some time to connect.

  4. I still miss my girls, Matt. Find a special place where you know you can visit her often. I get to visit with Lucky and Peanut every week, or any time I'm missing them. They have a special place in a corner of the farm. My buddy"s Bouviers are there a well.

    After the past couple of dog threads, I'll be sure to visit them tomorrow.

  5. You're typing a post. Like others have said, "that's good"!

    When you get home take it real easy. 6 months to a year to fully recover. Had an M.I. at 40. Was told to "ditch the smokes or see you back on the slab in a month's time." It will make a huge difference as you recover. A neighbour my age had the stroke and was given the same advice. He didn't take heed and was gone 5 months later.

  6. Chin up Brian. Detached retinas are more common than you would think. I've known a few folks have similar problems, and all were scared. All have undergone successsful corrective procedures of one type or another, and have been fine since. I'm sure you will be able to enjoy the same level of successful treatment.

  7. Hey Old Ironmaker, nothing wrong with sugo di Abruzzi. I sweeten my sugo with shredded carrot. I like sweet red peppers for taking the bite out of the sauce. I never add any meat until I'm going to serve the sugo. Yes I produce 25-30 lbs of tomato sauce at a time and freeze it. Great meat alternative is shrimp and scallops in the sauce with a cup of Vecchia Romagna.


    My go to quick fixes are al olio et fungi or or al carbonare with raw eggs stirred into piping hot spaghetti, chopped bacon and diced garlic

  8. Started trying out my father's day cookbook that the grandkids gave me. Tonight I served up some creole jambalaya. Toss in some perch, some shrimp, and a good helping of andouille sausage. Had to dumb down the heat a little for the rest of the family, but some good, ah garontie!!


    Definitely a recipe I will repeat.

  9. Just went out for an afternoon picnic on the banks of the Grand. In tow were the children and grandchildren. Ran out some lines just in case the fish were biting. Had a bucket fight with the 2 pre-school aged grandkids.

    The son-in-law was the only one to catch a fish. Despite being a new dad, father's day, and all that, we had to revoke Andrew's man card. Apparently he won't take the hook off or touch the fish. That boy needs some working on methinks.

  10. Have to admit, I never had a dad. I certainly had a lot of uncles who filled the slot just fine.


    I've taken the best I learnt from them and applied it all when it was my turn to be a Dad, and now as a Grampa. It sure was a great feeling of pride when my son ran us up to Biscotasi for a week with his grandmother. No better feeling than knowing my son is my best fishing partner.

  11. Bought some pork kabobs on sale from the store the other day were amazing went back the next day but the kid behind the counter wasn't sure what the marinate was. There was a hint of Rosemary

    Want to do some boneless pork chops on bbq tonite but would like to marinate them first

    With all the expertise on this thread anyone have a simple not spicy marinate




    Apple juice, tsp worcestershire sauce, tbsp soy sauce, tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper, 2 diced cloves garlic.

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